throttle jockey
Race Dog
Tiger8 said:Thanks FC, great RR, you understate you capabilities :ricky: :thumleft:
PS: Didn't think Father Chrismis is such a grumpy old fart, usually he is portrayed as a jolly fellow................. eepwall: ot: :lol8:
T8 thanks for the compliment and yes I can be grumpy at times :biggrin:
Putting my biggest pet hate (people not listening to instructions or conversation) aside. I think you might appreciate where my rant come from, I had last seen FC +/- 25km before the turn in question and that traversed two passes with drop offs on the side. Besides for two hours having to endure the constant vomiting of brand bashing from a fellow rider (that he finds immensely funny), I was acutely aware that FC was on her own, I know this because the 3 riders that eventually met up with her where originally with me as they where fixing a puncture. I had no contact with her (voice mail) as she had zero reception. She could have gone over the side of the road anywhere from my last sighting till the turn off and I had not noticed or a better scenario she was just lost after that turn. Lost on a satellite road in the Transkei with no way of contact or of finding her is something had in fact gone wrong. Please understand the best case scenario played out with fate playing its hand when first one rider joined her and then later the another two. This was at least a hour and a half later. A time when many scenarios where playing out in my head. I am a very calm person under pressure normally and get what has to be done, done but I challenge any WD here to put themselves in a situation like this with their wife or girlfriend MIA with no way of finding or going to her for a considerable amount of time. Trust me it was not easy.
Looking back I BLAME MYSELF for breaking one of my golden rules, I let the riding pack break up and fragment. This and a few other reasons is why I dont and will not organize trips for groups anymore. This incident casts my decision in stone. My reasoning known to a few is why I have, and will only, selfishly be solo riding or ride with one partner. I will no longer be responsible for other peoples lives, I am sorry but actions of others has caused this decision. I will still hook up at overnight stops and go to bashes but if I ride with the group it will be at the back, obviously if I am welcome. It was/is a hard decision as I really loved the planning and logistic stage coupled with the culmination of seeing it take shape in the actual ride. My greatest pleasure was seeing a rider conquer obstacles and rides that they thought impossible for them and as a result I have seen a few riders go from battling to pull off on their first ride to becoming very capable DS riders. Pushing their and my boundaries has been a pleasure over the years. See you in the dust!