So the new Journey begins, Me and my new baby!!! - This will be a report as I go!!!

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Hi all I am at Storms at the moment will finish report later... Getting dark and the last strech ahead...

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So where were I....

After Barrydale I just had to stop at the Pomp Stasie, Ronnies sex Shop...



Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Congrats on the new steed, Hotwire!

Sure we will ride together one day!

Winterberg club ride in October????
After Ronnie's I decided to ride towards Oudtshoorn where
my baby said she needs someting to drink... so I filled her up and off to George it was...


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Then at the T junction from Oudtshoorn to go either George or Uniondale, I had to pull over and had a big decision... Do I go through to George and dp the Seven Passes or do I go straight back back home via Uniondale, so I phoned my other half and asked what she would have done and her reply do the scenic route... so I did...

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So after phoning Uncle Jupiter to find out how to get to the entrance of Seven Passes I pointed the 1200 in the gravel direction...




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Unfortunately I could not finish all 7 of the passes because I saw that I would be doing the rest in the dark and had to cut it short to get back onto the N2 and I took the exit at Sedgefield... from there on it was just myself and this beauty... we both just wanted to get back, it was getting very dark suddenly and very cold...

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Nice bike and ride report, enjoy the bike, looks first class
Nice ride. congrats on the bike  :ricky:
Geluk. Ek sou sê geniet hom, maar dit gebeur duidelik al reeds.

Die week doen ek daardie trip in die ander rigting wanneer ek my bike in PE gaan optel en terug ry Kaap toe.
Geluk ou maater!! ;D

Daai nuwe ponie van jou lyk great!! Wens jou baie veilige kilometers toe!!

Laat weet wanneer daai eerste trippie is!

Moet net nie jou avatar nou al verander nie -wag tot volgende jaar se EC Bash ! :D

Sent from my GT-I9295 using Tapatalk
Hallo All!

Thanx for all comments, yes the bike is very neat and rides lekka!!! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Unfortunately I could not finish the Ride Report as I would have liked to, as the sun did not allow me to do it...

All that I could say that all the excitement of the Wednesday and Thursday left me sleeping like a baby Thursday night...

@ Martina ek dink nie sommer dar sal gou weer so n Avatar van my kant af kom nie... Daai 1200 is n bietjie swaerder
as daai 650 jong, maar on kyk maar wat gebeur teen daai tyd!!! ;)

Hotwire said:
Hallo All!

Thanx for all comments, yes the bike is very neat and rides lekka!!! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Unfortunately I could not finish the Ride Report as I would have liked to, as the sun did not allow me to do it...

All that I could say that all the excitement of the Wednesday and Thursday left me sleeping like a baby Thursday night...

@ Martina ek dink nie sommer dar sal gou weer so n Avatar van my kant af kom nie... Daai 1200 is n bietjie swaerder
as daai 650 jong, maar on kyk maar wat gebeur teen daai tyd!!! ;)

Ag toe nou, oor n jaar ry jy daai perdjie asof dit n 650 is!  :ricky: :lol8: