Southern Cape DS Bikers - 1st ride to Prins Albert

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Bachelor Dog
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Honda TransAlp XL700V
I was lucky enough to be invited on a nice ride to Prince Albert on Sunday. "Just a couple of bikes and a casual ride" I was told.
Asterix would join me again on this ride manning the camera from the pillion seat. We headed to the garage near Montagu Pass at 7am only to find that all & all 15 bikes showed up!
This would turn out to be a very nice day.


Some formalities got everybody on the same page and we were off. Some interesting bikes in the group today.

A Yamaha TDM850 followed by Gryph's Africa Twin


We were heading to Prins Albert for lunch starting our route with the magnificent Montagu Pass:


Cassie approaching on his XTZ125. The bikes in the group today ranged from 125 to 1200cc.



I often stop at Amanda's grave and must have at least 50 photos taken at this spot.

We didn't stop here today, but for completeness sake I include a photo.


The first regroup at Paardepoort:



The pack:


And another regroup in Dyssels Dorp.


The day was heating up already with 34 degrees forecast for the Klein Karoo today.


Another favourite among the Southern Cape Dual Sport bikers:


I have some helmet cam footage that gives an interesting in-ride perspective. Unfortunately I cant embed the video file here, but if you're interested you can read this same Ride Report on my website where the video flies are included:

Hopefully when the WD forum moves to the new format we can embed footage like this

Another shade stop. By now it was hot!


But everybody were in high spirits


Soon after we hit the road again, continuing past the Koos Raubenheimer Dam:


This is a deep, rocky dam well known among fishermen. The dam has a a good population of largemouth bass and is extremely clear with visibility of usually more than 2 metres. Known by insiders as the bass Mecca of the Little Karoo, Raubenheimer regularly delivers bass in the 2 - 3 kilo range, even topping 3 kg, although the average seems to be more in the half to one kilo range.

Next up: Schoeman's Poort towards Swartberg Pass.


Pad on the GS1200 powering past.



And the magnificent Swartberg Pass:


The dry stone packed retaining walls are amazing, in one place on the southern side the wall is 2,4kms long. They range in height from ½ metre to 13 metres. Laws of friction and cohesion govern the pressure on retaining walls. Selected stone was used and laid with grain at right angles to the natural bedding line.



On top of the world.


Going down the Northern Side of the Pass is even more scenic than the Southern side:


This bloke was watching the bikes come by.


I got some cool clips of the ride down Swartberg Pass well 8)

And finally Prins Albert:


And a nice lunch at the Blue Salamander Restaurant.


Over lunch it was decided that this ride will not be a once-off thing. The Dual Sport riders of the Southern Cape will get together for a ride at least once a month. More info about this at the end of the report.

After lunch we headed out towards Meirings Poort, but not before stopping to photograph this 3-wheeled creation. My mom loves things like this. Mom this pic is especially for you.



I specifically wanted to ride through Meirings Poort using the helmet cam. What a magnificent road.


After another refreshment stop in De Rust we started heading back to George.

The road to Dysselsdorp:



Eating dust on the road past the Kamanassie Dam.


And a last regroup and goodbyes at Paardepoort:


This was a full day's ride. By the time we rode over Montagu Pass the sun was setting already.

Thanks guys for a great ride. I cant wait until the next one.
As far as the future South Cape rides go:

This ride was not organized by WD forum members and I myself was only an invitee. As such I could not invite everybody I know on the ride :D

We spoke about doing rides like this on a regular basis. It was decided to have a ride once a month and maybe a sleepover ride once in 3 or 4 months. The organizer of this ride and I will in future put the word out about when and where the next ride will be. The idea is to meet all the Southern Cape Dual Sport Bikers and have them all meet each other.

I have a list of about 30 Dual Sport Riders in the area. I will be the point man letting you guys know what's happening where. If you are in the Garden Route area and not on my list message me and I'll make sure you're added.
Was a lekker ride!! Nice photies as well!! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Sê maar wanneer die volgende ene is! :thumleft:
chrisL will you be the point man for the Stilbaai guys?
Trailrider said:
chrisL will you be the point man for the Stilbaai guys?
Affirmative!! Glo n mooi woord vir JA :thumleft:
Dit moes 'n baie lekker trippie gewees het :ricky: Mooi foto's ook - soos ons jou al ken teen hierdie tyd :thumleft:
Trailrider, ons het verby jou gery en 2 ander bikers wat by jou gestaan het, ons was in 'n groen landrover, ek dink daar was 'n ctx200, african twin en weet nie wat nog nie. Jy het maar moeg gelyk toe ons verby jou gey het  :deal:, ons was oppad na die hel toe. Ek dink ons het julle op 'n hoë deel in die swartbergpas verby gery, haha, wil maar net sê ekt jou gesien... ;D
dink daar was 'n bier in jou hand ook... :patch:  :biggrin:
Great RR, nice selection of pics.  Immediately gives a feel for the ride, you know that feeling that I want to get on my bike and get down there quick!  :thumleft:
MalcolmNXR said:
Trailrider, ons het verby jou gery en 2 ander bikers wat by jou gestaan het, ons was in 'n groen landrover, ek dink daar was 'n ctx200, african twin en weet nie wat nog nie. Jy het maar moeg gelyk toe ons verby jou gey het  :deal:, ons was oppad na die hel toe. Ek dink ons het julle op 'n hoë deel in die swartbergpas verby gery, haha, wil maar net sê ekt jou gesien... ;D
dink daar was 'n bier in jou hand ook... :patch:  :biggrin:

Dit was ons ja :biggrin: En ja daar was bier

Dit was die CTX, TA en Blainec se "Touratech"



RR pending :deal:
Trailrider said:
As far as the future South Cape rides go:

This ride was not organized by WD forum members and I myself was only an invitee. As such I could not invite everybody I know on the ride :D

We spoke about doing rides like this on a regular basis. It was decided to have a ride once a month and maybe a sleepover ride once in 3 or 4 months. The organizer of this ride and I will in future put the word out about when and where the next ride will be. The idea is to meet all the Southern Cape Dual Sport Bikers and have them all meet each other.

I have a list of about 30 Dual Sport Riders in the area. I will be the point man letting you guys know what's happening where. If you are in the Garden Route area and not on my list message me and I'll make sure you're added.

Hey Trailrider glad you enjoyd it, looks like your bum is not sore after the trip?????