Southern Cape Trail Ride 2008

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Bachelor Dog
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Honda TransAlp XL700V
I just got back from on of the best rides of my life!


We have just spent 4 days crossing mountains, riding through the most beautiful scenery and conquering some of the toughest territory the Southern Cape has to offer. It was tough. It was great! And I am knackeredâ?¦

We were a great group that got along so well. We cemented friendships and I want to thank you guys for your great company. It was a honour and absolute pleasure riding with you. We will do this again.

The full report of our ride will unfold over the next couple of days, but before I give my tired body a well deserved rest I leave you with this appetizerâ?¦

We were 6 riders all on different small bikes:

Myself on the trusty Honda CTX200


Rooipoot â?? Suzuki DR200


EttienneNXR â?? Honda NXR125


Letsgofishing â?? Suzuki DRZ400


Operator â?? Suzuki 250 XC Djebel


Tok-tokkie â?? Yamaha TW200


And joining us on Day 3:

Asterix â?? Honda CRF70


We crossed rivers, mountains and marshes, we rode over mud, sand and stones. We slept under the stars.

Day 1 of this Ride Report to follow tomorrow.


Vir ingeval jy wonder - dit is al 'môre' !

;D ;D ;D
Laat kom hom! Ek's so "exited" soos n hoender wat n eier vir die eerste keer le. Maag in,bors uit,nek teen die kraag, poepol op n knop :-[ :biggrin:
Day 1

Before this trip started absolutely everything went wrong. Difficult clients, things in and around the house breaking or going missing, my cameraâ??s charger malfunctioning, laptop getting blue screens â?? man I needed to get away!

The weather forecast for the next couple of days did not seem too bad.


Sure enough, the morning of the trip it was raining intermittently.

Packed and ready to roll!


The group would meet up at the campsite on Bonniedale adventure farm in Attakwas kloof which is only a 80km ride from my house, so LGF and I only left around lunchtime. The rest of the group who had to ride from Cape Town started the previous day already with EttienneNXR staying over in Ladysmith and Operator, Rooipoot and Tok-tokkie overnighting at Witsand.

The rain was clearing as we left and we had a lovely ride, trying to switch off and forget about the stresses of daily life.


We took our favourite route through Botlierskop Game Farm where we were lucky enough to see a lot of game including Rhino close up.


These things are HUGE!



I must admit I was more than just a little uneasy when I got this closeâ?¦



We arrived at our campsite to find EttienneNXR waiting already. Itâ??s a great spot with no other campsites nearby.


We spent the afternoon relaxing and cooling off as it was much hotter this side of the mountain.


Rooipoot and his group arrived in the late afternoon and festivities commenced.


The next morning we would tackle the historic Attakwaskloof Pass.

[size=12pt]History of the Attaquas Ox Wagon Trail

The Attaquas Pass was the â??N1â? for ox wagons traveling north and east and was used by thousands of ox wagons from 1689 until 1869 when the nearby Robinson Pass was completed.

The first ox wagons to use this route was an expedition of 21 men and 2 ox wagons sent out by Simon van der Stel, under the leadership of Ensign Isaac Schrijwer in January 1689. Gouriqua Khoi-Khoi pointed out the old elephant route to them. It took Schrijwer 7 days to cross over the Attaquas mountains from the southern side to the northern side.

The establishment of George in the early 19th century, the Cradock (1812) and Montagu (1847) Passes, brought about the beginning of the end for Attaquas Pass. The Robinson Pass finally ended the 180-year reign of what must be one of the most attractive passes over either the Langeberg or Outeniqua mountains.[/size]
Yeah - this isn't TR's usual style - sometimes before he leaves the ride report is already on page 3.

Now on this epic one he's making us wait...

I have a feeling its going to be worth it though.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Trail is still so tired from this trip............he is still trying to regain mental capacity to write something that will make sense 8)

Hang in there............this will be good ;) ( Trust me, I was there.........I know!!)
Correct! I am still recovering. However the RR will pick up speed from tomorrow.
Seeing clients, house full of guests, Wild Dog's arriving from all over - real busy this side...

I took over 500 photos on this ride so this report will be picture heavy. I will get the next installment done today.
Trailrider said:
Seeing clients, house full of guests, Wild Dog's arriving from all over - real busy this side...

I took over 500 photos on this ride so this report will be picture heavy. I will get the next installment done today.

Seeing clients = kan nie wees nie, ons is op die forum.
House full of guests = is dit wat jy jou skoonma noem?
Wild Dog's arriving = gaan Andrew nooit weer huis toe nie?

;D ;D ;D
Day 2

I was very excited about today. Iâ??ve only crossed Attakwas Pass once before 2 years ago. Itâ??s a Nature conservancy and National monument and as is normal in such areas motorbikes are frowned apon.

It took a lot of negotiating, begging, pleading and favours, but I got 6 permits (guide plus 5) in the end for a once-off ride. I would be â??group leaderâ? and responsible for anything and everything that might happen.

It is a difficult route, but I could see some of the group thought I was exaggerating about what lay ahead. We decided to start early to get over the pass before the midday heat.

I was up with the sun at 5 am.


We did the formalities for the permits â?? all names, contact numbers, registration numbers etc. were taken down and had the pre-route briefing. LGF smiled disbelievingly when we were told the 20km would take us 3.5 hours. Surely bikes should be able to cover the distance quicker than that?

By 8 am we were ready to roll.


We could see the hill climb from where we started (I later took the reverse picture from the top). As is usual you cannot see the true gradient on a photo (something I am going to say a lot in this Ride Report).


The fun starts right at the beginning of the route: Some stones


a ride up the riverbed


a sharp left turn and up the riverbank (the turn meant that you would lack momentumâ?¦)


and then some nice thick sand before the hill climb starts.


We scouted the section, decided on lines and LGF went 1st.



EttienneNXR (this laaiâ??tie can ride!)



That bank is steeper than it seems on the photo ;)

Are we having fun yet?


Next up the hill climb. This is a long steep climb which we would tackle in sections. Believe me when I say the angle of attack is very steep.

Luckily the first bit had no loose stones, but you basically ride up a rock. LGF was the first casualty of the day.


The problem was the luggage on the back of the bikes. With all the weight on the rear the front wheel lifts over every rock on the steep incline. With the front wheel in the air you cannot steer the bike as you get thrown off-lineâ?¦


Operator doing it in style.


Looking back down the drop is almost vertical. Rooipootâ??s DR200 in the background also gives an idea of how high the climb is.


The second drop of the day: Tok-tokkie on the TW200


The next section is covered in loose rocks and the DRZ went down again.



By now we realized that it was highly likely that everybody would go down sometime during the day.

The 3rd section:


The 4th sectionâ?¦
(check out the incline)


and the last section.

(In the background you can see the house from where I took the first photo of the route).


Rooipoot also dropped the DR200 on this section (sorry â?? no pic)

Wrestling the bikes up here is hard work!


By now we have been on the road for an hour. In that hour weâ??ve had 4 falls and weâ??ve covered all of 2km. By now the guys realized I was not exaggerating.

Broken screens, scratches and bent levers. :-\


The jeep track on top felt like a highway and the airflow was a welcome relief. Now we could start appreciating the scenery.



Every so often there would be an interesting section to keep us on our toes ;D



(did I mention that photos donâ??t show the true incline?)


The road ahead:


The â??roadâ? varies with uphills, downhills, water crossings, sand, stones and thick vegetation.


Going was slow. This is thirsty work.


The Attakwas hut. Hikers sleep here when they walk the 3 day route.


Close to this hut is the unmarked grave of â??Bloubaardâ? Swanepoel. His claim to fame is the fact that he was the last person to be publicly hanged in South Africa (on the town square in George).

He was convicted on numerous counts of murder of persons who had bought cattle from him. After the sale he would ride over the Attaquas Mountains and ambush them on their way out with cattle, kill them and take the cattle back. He did this on four occasions but on the fifth occasion he did not see one of his potential victims who had gone to the bush to relieve himself.

He is also believed to have killed numerous labourers who took out honey for him on the cliff faces of the upper Gouritz River. After having retrieved the honey from them he would push them off the cliff into a maalgat whirlpool in the Gouritz. As their bodies could never be recovered he could not be convicted on these charges.


After a brief rest at the hut we continued. We have been riding for 2 hours and we had covered 7km.

Water / mud / marsh section disappearing around a corner.




When will I be here again?





More hill climbs.


Oh fun!



On top of the world! We could see all the way to the coast.



This small block house was built by the English during the Anglo-Boer War.




Struggling along through the thick vegetation.


Exiting the reserve. There are 3 locked gates along the route and you get the keys along with the permits.


The last section from the reserve back to the road you have to cross a farm. Roads full of marbles end an entertaining route.



We finished the 20km stretch after 3.5 hours. We were tired and out of water so lunch and a cold one was well appreciated.


Temperatures topped out at 35 degrees. We took the Kammanassie road to Eagle Falls where weâ??d camp for the 2nd night.



Nice campsite with good facilities. Once again we were the only campers here. Eagle Falls also has a restaurant and pub. Cold beer after a hard day - what more could one want?


This spot could work well for a South Cape Bashâ?¦




What a day. We were tired but content. We had a nice braai and that night I slept like a log.

Early on day 3 weâ??d tackle the (rated 5/5) 4x4 route on Eagle Falls, before crossing the mountain again to the forests of the Garden Route.
Now THAT is what i call nice :thumleft: Honda Country. I love Cool RR TR ;) Pity no rain---would of made things VERY interesting ::)