Southern Cape Trail Ride 2008

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Thanks TT, I enjoy your photoraphy.  :thumleft:

This RR is getting better with each post.

More please.  :biggrin:
Met up with TR and left George around 12:30 and rode the "usual" roads to Attakwas.


One of the streams on the way to  Bonniedale farm where we spent the first night


TokTokkie explaining the perils of tomorow's ride ;) Operator is already nervous - he needs another beer. Ettienne NXR thinking are these old farts crazy or what!


a swinging TR!


the start of the trail...


...Toktokkie climbing out of the river...


...and TR engages low-range!


One of the few pics I've taken that does show the steepness of the climb. Definitely the worst bit of "road" I have ridden! This is where I went over some loose rocks, lost my balance and went down. Smashed screen, slightly bent handguards and some minor scratched plastics - DRZ's donner over well :D


Little and large enjoying a break - one of my favourite pics!


a beautiful area to ride through


The bikes enjoying a break. This must be the first ride where Suzukis out-numbered the other brands - 3 Zooks, 2 Honners, 1 Yam :D


TR forging ahead




Operator on his way up a gentle climb..

Ouens, die kan uitdraai op een van die beste RR's die jaar.

Great, kannie wag vi die res nie.

Well done :ricky:
Guys this is absolutely fantastic - wonder if the KLR will be light enough?

Great stuff, keep it up after packing our bikes in the mid-morning heat we left Eagle Falls and set of on the Kammanassie road towards George.


We rode through Paardepoort and Herold towards the green forests of the Southern Cape. The rest of the day would be a scenic ride (well, except maybe for the last bit


I was riding behind EttienneNXR and as we approached the top of Montagu Pass from the Herold side we went around a corner... well, I did. Ettienne made a dust explosion and I had the fright of my life! He went down at what must have been close to 60km/h. As I approached he was already up and picking up his bike. Phew!
Luckily young bodies don't break so easily.

Of course we had to record the event


We regrouped at Amanda's Grave overlooking the Southern Cape on a perfect day.


Photo's at all the usual spots before riding into George for supplies for Night 3.



For the 3rd night I had something special planned. We would camp out in the wild in an indigenous forest. Our farm is right up against the mountain and has a section of indigenous forest, as do most neighboring farms. These farms border onto the forestry area where I sometimes ride (permits needed). I much prefer indigenous forest to plantations though (obviously). I found the perfect spot on a neighboring farm and arranged that we could take a short ride from our farm, through the plantation, to that farm and camp for the night.

On our farm we met up with Asterix (my son) on a CRF70 who would join us for the last section of our ride.


Leading the group through these magical places I took it slowly with lots of photo stops. Who know when / if we would be allowed here again.





While in town I told everybody to have at least one cold beer handy (cooldrinks for Asterix and EttienneNXR). This was why. In my travels searching for the perfect camping spot I happened on this waterfall and pool. It's a little off the road and secluded and I dubbed it "Sit and be Lazy".
This is a magical spot. A perfect spot to stop, relax and just take in your surroundings.



Relaxed and rested we continued to our spot for the night. In keeping with the theme of the weekend there was a steep rocky decent to get there


Asterix went first and negotiated the downhill successfully.
Some other's fell over, but by now we had stopped counting the falls.



And when everybody were down at the spot for the night we could start relaxing

I made it!


While preparing for this trip I brought a braai and some braai wood to this spot so we were sorted. The braai and wood were the only luxuries at this spot. We literally camped out in the open (or in the river as it turned out).


Asterix and I decided not to pitch our tent and just sleep under the stars, as did Operator and EttienneNXR.



Well, he didn't sleep on that high rock. He slept on the level rock where we sat when we braai'd.

After the last braai and discussion about all the amazing places we've been we turned in. We went to sleep under the stars with the fireflies playing all around us. What could be better than this?
The next morning LGF and Operator had to leave early because they still had to get to Cape Town that day. LGF even set an alarm, but I was up before that. I got up with the sun at approx. 4:30 am. I walked through a quiet camp and got the fire going. Then I got back in my bed and just listened.

The view from my bed:


My roof:


The camp, with Asterix still sleeping on the right.


Soon after the camp started moving. Some coffee and LGF and Operator said their goodbyes. Operator did not have the perfect start to his ride today


But once he was up on his pegs the uphill was easy.


We also packed. I still had some places to show the group before they left. EttienneNXR riding out.


Asterix dropped it on some big stones.


He made the uphill look easy though!


I picked a scenic route to get us to the top of the mountain for some spectacular views. This route included more uphills though.





The view from the top:


What an unbelievable ride we had! I did not want it to be over.

Tok-tokkie, Rooipoot and EttienneNXR rode back to George with me to refuel etc. This is where I hatched a plan to ride with them for a bit, showing them the roads that hug the mountain (that doesn't show on the maps). I also wanted to take them through the Game reserve where LGF and I saw the Rhinos on the first day.



Unfortunately the Rhinos were shy today. We did see some other wildlife though.


And the the final goodbye.


Thanks for a great ride guys. I could not have asked for a better group to share this experience with.

We continued through the pass and over this rocky section before another ascent...


Fresh, sweet water along the way... it was HOT!



Southern Cape fynbos and a glimpse of the sea...



...continuing on our way...

P1020079_tn.jpg the end of the trail along the Robinson Pass road. I think the trail is about 20km long - it took us about 4 hrs!

Wow! Awesome! Great RR, great photo's. Greater bravery! Well done! :thumleft:

The turn-off to the 4x4 route at Eagle Falls.


View of the Kammanassie mountains along the way


TR tackles the first tricky section which turned out to be quite easy  :D


The next tricky uphill (wasn't that bad) but I went off-line near the top and fell over onto the barbed wire fence! Luckily, the fence was really old and the barbs had lost their bite ;D


Resting at the top


TT, Operator, Ettienne & TR tackling the slippery slope down to the camp site.

After packing up, we made our way back along the Kammanassie road, over the Montague pass, stopped in George to pick up supplies and then onto the forest along the foothills of the Outeniqua mouintains


Coming down the Montague pass


The "ag, it's not serious" trail down to the river ;D


Rooipoot crossing the stream at the bottom


view downstream...


...and of the braai spot


TR chilling

I headed off early Sunday morning as I had to be in Cape town the afternoon.
Thanks Rooipoot, Operator and Toktokkie - it was great riding with you again.
Etienne, well done on handling yourself and your bike really well - dogs, this is a great rider in the making!
TR, thanks for organising the permits and accommodation and a special thanks to you and your familiy for sorting out the "road" down to the river! ;)

Day 3

This is the day we did Atakwaspas which was the highlight of the trip.  Started at 7h48 and ended at 3.20 in the afternoon but only covered 138 km.

Trailrider had managed to arrange permits for us to ride the 4x4 pass route.  It is very unusual for permission to be granted to bikes and it was very nearly withdrawn at the last moment.

My photos are pathetic compared to Trailriders.  My lens was dirty and the sun was flaring on the dirt ruining the pictures taken into the sun.


The sign to the Oxtrail with EtienneXTR.  That is the trail on the hill behind & the terrible flare on my lens from a fingerprint when shooting into the sun


I took this photo of the steep section three days later when we again went through Atakwaskloof on our way home.  The first patch of smooth rock is obscured by the green trees.
It started with a rocky section of river we had to ride up then turn and climb the bank and stop in thick sand.


We had to scout the route between the rocks that are too big to get over.


It goes up the river then turn and climb the wall.


Find your way through this to TR at the top of the picture.


TR starting the river section.


Trailrider coming through the river section.  TR loves watercrossings.  Once while going through baviaans with him we had to wait while he went round & round & round in circles in a watercrossing.


Now to climb out of the river and on into the deep sandy section.


After that we came to a very steep section of rock slab.  Some concrete had been used to smooth it out a little. 


LetsGoFishing on the rock climb.

I tried riding this standing as I had been taught on the Country Trax training course.  That works fine on my Dakar but even though my TW has 25mm bar risers I am still bent over too much.  I struggled on the steep rocky section.  But I had watched how Trailrider kept sitting and went up very smoothly and not fast at all; after this section I then copied him and found it to be far more successful though I still had some capsizes.  I had reduced the air pressure in the tyres but the TW tyres are so big that they fold around the stones and ledges then bounce back and lift the front into the air; then you have no control and sometimes the bounce is not straight up but sideways so you need to do quite a bit of correction.  I must definitely find some good rocky slope to practise on.


We did the climb in 3 stages.  After that it was nice going along the ridge.  I thought the track going up the hill was where we were headed but in fact that is another route & ours went round to the right of this picture.


This is our route.  I love this sort of route where the only sign of mankind is the tweespoor but no buildings, power lines, roads or cultivation to be seen.

Then this pristine shallow valley


But there is a short very steep drop around the corner.


TR has gone down.  You canâ??t see the drop but he is much lower but not very far ahead.


This section looks pretty but actually the track was all loose stones and a significant slope.  TR leading, LGF in the middle & ENXR just starting.  We spaced ourselves out so there was time for any fallers to clear out of the way before the next person came past â?? we needed to keep our momentum up this loose slope.


See the trail going up the slope in the distance.


Now we are over the top and about to drop down into the Little Karoo


During the Boer War the Brits built this little pill box incase any Boers tried to use the pass.  It was very strategically placed.  The track goes along the slope on the right of the picture and you can see it climbing the ridge right in the distance.


Inside of the pill box.


TR unlocking one of the gates.

It was getting hot by this time but I had an evaporative cooling waistcoat which I was using for the first time and I am very happy with what it does.  We could have extended the route through another shortish 4x4 route but decided to take the direct main road to Oudtshoorn and some beer and food.  Then onto Eagle Falls where we camped for the night.  That was a super trail to have ridden; I am most grateful to TR for arranging it.  This is the second extended trip I have dine on my TW and I am most satisfied with it.

That sure was some interesting riding and places visited.

Thanks guys for sharing and the stunning photos.  :thumleft:
Stunnig pics , awsome RR by all , And EttieneNXR , you have my my respect.

Would have loved to have done that ride.
Just love the trail riding.
Beautiful country we live in.