Spot the Canola..

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Yes, you are right, Fender Bender and the Joubert bros doing what they do so very well.

I had a great time, took me about 30km to get to grips with the high beast, but from there on, things were going oh so very well.  Almost fell over a couple of times, damn, that bike is high for my shorter than short legs!

The braaiers did a fine job, giving us a lekker mouth watering meal.  One local farmer, who rode the Canola Run for the first time, said afterwards that never again will chicken be served to visitors to the Overberg.  He will make sure that from next year, proper lamb chops will be served, with compliments from himself!  Look out for posts from a new Wilddog, "MJR".  That will be just great, thanks MJR!

Thanx to Gideon Joubert for opening all the gates for me,  as he saw me struggling getting on and off the SE!

That SE is an awesome bike, albeit a bit nervous at speed, but once you take the Marc Coma stance, and hang over the handlebars, she can shake any way she likes, just keep her pinned.....  Had her at 190 at one stage, running like a charm.  Thanx to the owner for lending me the beast for the day.  One day, I will own a KTM again......
Nothing like for lunch bro.. ;D Stick to worx! :drif: Ons kry genoeg vleis hoor!
Glad you enjoyed leading the ride and the pace was appropriate for all.....two Husky's on your ass + the rest was a heads up ne! :biggrin:
Thanks for a lekker outride :thumleft: I look forward to my next Canola Run 8)
jeeez you capies looks like you know how to have fun, thanks for sharing.  :thumleft:
Lekke 1 Kat, nice piccies, glad you guys had such a good time!

I like....Piston Pete, perpetual Casanova........with a bottle of Lappies.....Mhuhahahahaha! :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
mrhyde said:
Highlander said:
Thanks oupa uil, die dag was nommers gewees...

As ek na die foto kyk, dan kom die woorde boyband 101 in my kop op, haha

Lol, en die nuwe agter tire wat oppad is.

Hy's al by die huis, net nog nie tyd gehad om hom op te sit nie...

Archangel said:
mrhyde said:
Highlander said:
Thanks oupa uil, die dag was nommers gewees...

As ek na die foto kyk, dan kom die woorde boyband 101 in my kop op, haha

Lol, en die nuwe agter tire wat oppad is.

Hy's al by die huis, net nog nie tyd gehad om hom op te sit nie...

Lekker man, ek hoor net goeie dinge van daai band.
Jy was dalk Grrrrr, ons het gaan vashak toe by Doodles  :ricky:
mrhyde said:
KLR said:
I am so sorry i missed this one,my Volvo dumped its turbo on the way back from kakamas and left me high and dry in Vredendal. :' :'((waited two days for a new one and guess what it was not the correct unit.Eventually got home via tow truck with the car.Missed the EC re group bash. :-[ :-[.

petrol or diesel?
petrol xc70 cross country,sourced a company today to rebuild
My trip to the Canola run started in PE with the 1150 GS, up the Langkloof, down into George, and through to Mosslebay, then on to Witsand where I slept over with old friends.
Witsand, topping up de juice. I had to piss on this pump. ;D

From Witsand I headed to Malgas and the Pont. Just outside Witsand, I cam across this congregation of Blue Crane birds. Never seen so many together, and they say they are becoming endangered.

Doing the pont thing at Malgas. Just had to mark my territory here.


Mooi Canola, just what I came to experience.


Compulsory local stop / go - Local traffic

From the pont I took as much dirt, as possible to Cape Aghalas and the southern most point of Africa.

From there, on and through Elim. This is their main drag.

From Elim I headed to Gansbaai. Here I checked out the Great White Shark diving set-up. You have to book, and the cost is R 1300 – R1350, depending on the operator (three of them) Even if you just go to look see these sharks, and not actually dive, the costs remain the same. They leave 8tish in the morning, to view the sharks etc.

ONRUS . Kitting up to go do the Canola Run ;D ;D

Registration next to the church. (86 registered)


On the move, wheat lands galore.



N( )vA arriving at the first rest.

Rest Place No 1 Drinks most welcome!! :thumleft:



Rest No 2 – Lekker place for a weekend get away.

N( )vA arriving after he stayed up at the main road to direct the stragglers, to this oasis.
Final Stop – Most fun and games over ( I thought)


This couple really enjoyed getting down to earth.

1Kat & isiTutut

Piston Pete & Diesel & Dust (Dubble “D”) taking it rustig.

Andy 660 (This on the mend) talking to buddies.

After our lunch, and with everyone going their own way again, we were headed back to Onrus, when the guy with the little 4x4, invited us to ride a little loop, through plantations and over a mountain. NO PROBLEM he said, its just a 2-spoor paaitjie.
OooKKKaaaayyyyyyyy. Off we go. This road became really K*K big time, so much so that I decided to back track t the slab. My 1150 is too heavy and not having knobbies, I decided against trying to go where the other go. (I did not want to break my wheels 800km from “home-PE”)
Here is Rynet taking on the challenge. ( You look real “kool” with those darkies)


Me back tracking.

Other side the mountain, I met some of those that had got through so long. (Still waiting for more to come down off the mountain)

Down comes N( )vA on Rynet’s 1200 ????

The Andy660
NICE NICE ONE ANDY. (Look after that shoulder now!!)

Here Rynet rests a bit, while here helmet tumbles down the parth.She had a tough time on this mountain.

Rynet getting a lift with Dunce, down the mountain.

What an enjoyable weekend.
On Sunday I headed back to PE, and on passing through Plett, I picked up the scent of two other dogs. Hang a sharp right into the Shell and find Captain Slow and Snake (Formally SomeMambaBirthDate)
So we then all rode on back to PE together.
Thanks to everyone, it was a great ride. Catch Ye All at Vanderkloof Dam End October. :thumleft: :thumleft: 
Tweets, jy is verseker die ou wat die verste gekom het vir die Run. Baie dankie.

Great foto's!
Johnnie Bok said:
Tweets, jy is verseker die ou wat die verste gekom het vir die Run. Baie dankie.

Great foto's!
You beat me to it...there has to be an award sooner or later for the most consistant long distance attendee....
The Unemployed Award? ;D
Awesome RR and some stunning pics. 

I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…
I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…
Leftless said:
Awesome RR and some stunning pics. 

I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…
I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…
You need to get back on your bike...
Leftless said:
Awesome RR and some stunning pics.  

I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…
I need to get back on my bike… I need to get back on my bike…

Hi Leftless. I did ask about you this weekend, and was told that you have to wait a few more months before you can use your hand again. Then I also heard that you are possibly looking at a bike that has these new geaboxes that dont need the clutch action. Let us know what you're up to. Missed you. But I'm sure you'll make it to Vanderkloof Dam, even if you do the Back up vehicle.
Pistonpete said:
Johnnie Bok said:
Tweets, jy is verseker die ou wat die verste gekom het vir die Run. Baie dankie.

Great foto's!
You beat me to it...there has to be an award sooner or later for the most consistant long distance attendee....
The Unemployed Award? ;D
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: