Spot the Canola..

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Andy660 said:
2 Stroke Dan said:
N[]va, build an RZ350 engine into the DRZ.
I heard that a Big BMW gave one of our Husqvarna-mounted Wilddogs a BIG fright? What's the story?
The Big Husky rider wasn't the only rider being endangered,the man could hardly keep his bike steady in a corner.BUT the Big Husky Rider read him his rights and gave him a Black flag,which was long over due.
Why so cryptic???

Tell the story!!
KLR said:
I am so sorry i missed this one,my Volvo dumped its turbo on the way back from kakamas and left me high and dry in Vredendal. :' :'((waited two days for a new one and guess what it was not the correct unit.Eventually got home via tow truck with the car.Missed the EC re group bash. :-[ :-[.

petrol or diesel?
KLR said:
I am so sorry i missed this one,my Volvo dumped its turbo on the way back from kakamas and left me high and dry in Vredendal. :' :'((waited two days for a new one and guess what it was not the correct unit.Eventually got home via tow truck with the car.Missed the EC re group bash. :-[ :-[.
After the Canola Run you missed an awesome trail over the mountain to had to 'knuip' as motor, clutch & both brakes were not enough going downhill! ;D :drif:
Missed you to mate! :thumleft:
Ama ride ride said:
Passed you guys early morning (from the front) on Sir Lowreys. The wind n@@i'ed you lekker ne.  :biggrin:
Was that Friday ?
Ama ride ride said:
Passed you guys early morning (from the front) on Sir Lowreys. The wind n@@i'ed you lekker ne.  :biggrin:

Were you on a bike? If so then why did you not greet me back?

Don't come here wiff your BMW mentality hoor!
Lekker lekker lekker, another great Canola Run  :thumleft:, the canolas were pretty , the fields lushishly green (to quote Tweets ), the weather played along , nice riding , good ppl to ride with and the chicken was mouth -wateringly delicious and tender . Thanks to the farmers, the entertainers  >:D, and most of all the organisers, Jonny B and Uiltjie etc

Thanks to the Dominee for praying for us to get home safe ( it worked ). ;)

And thanks WD's you rock  :thumleft: :thumleft:

Am I also the only dog that is a tad stiff this morning (as well as the whole of yesterday....)?  :sad5:
Some pics of the Onrus dogs kuiring..
1. Tweets 1150 had not arrived yet
2. Dogpatch eagerly taking in the view..
3. Nivea can cook & Rynet having a moment with a You magazine...
4. Tweets in the background looking like he's going to attack something....maybe another Gin..


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My first Canola Run, i so enjoyed riding those lands, thanks to the farmers for allowing us to ride through them.  Was a great gathering of bikes, 'bout 86 in total.  we rode a short enduro loop as well(optional) - mmmmmm slippery grass in places but all good fun.  A very tasty lunch awaited us, my energy levels were sapped and was well needed then.

Thank you Uiltjie & Johnny Bok for all the arrangements, i had a great ride :thumleft:

a few pics taken from my mobile, not great quality unfortunately


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1. Dunce the unflappable & sometimes toll boom breaker waiting patiently..
2. 1Kat getting organised
3. Me.. ready to roll
4. Tweets, Diesel & Dust (double D  :)) & Isi having a chat..


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Great days riding, super well organised with drink stops and a great lunch.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Now when ROV RAT's friend shows you a "nice little road over the mountain" on the way homebe prepared to sweat a little. The down hill gave me a good work out.  :biggrin:  
and a huge thank you to Rynet for having us stay in her family's holiday home - what a pleasure, huge amount of space, stunning sea view for us to enjoy, and the best was the company of all the dogs, lots of laughs and sum conversations (hey Rynet!!) that just simply cannot be revealed here :laughing4:

Pic 1:  ready to leave cape town Friday morning meeting Isitututu @ garage
Pic 2:  kuiering @ Rynets spot Friday late afternoon
Pic 3,4 & 5:  the 'easy' mountain trail route - thanks to ROV-Rats mate :ricky:  Andy660 coming down hill, u did good considering ur shoulder not being 100% yet ;D


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was gr8 seeing u Trailrider, long time no see :)  and Tweety for riding down from PE to join us :thumleft:

mmmmmm where is Isitututu & Rynet today :peepwall:
