Spur of the moment - Old Postal Route

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Race Dog
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Western Cape
KTM 790 Adventure R Rally
Late Friday afternoon it was decided that two of us would head out to Cederberg Oasis on the Saturday and do the Old Postal Route the Sunday. Me on the 450 RFR and my mate on his WR450F. The route plan would require a 320km
range and I would be the tanker for the WR, where I would just remove one of my tanks and pour it into the WR when needed.

Saturday came and I was hoping that my mate would get to my place early enough for me to change his tyre and for us to get going no later than 15h00. I soon received a call with the question, "Can I replace the fork seals too?"
Hmmm, this would delay us further but I was still hopefull that we could get going early enough to make dinner at Cederberg Oasis. This was not to be. By the time my mate had arrived and the fork seals replaced, tyre changed
and we were all packed up, it was 18h00. Needless to say we arrived in the dark and since Saturday night is buffet night at Cederberg Oasis, we needed it stop on the way to get something for dinner. After what felt like a slow
drive towing a trailer, we eventually arrived at Cederberg Oasis. With noting else to do, we were hoping for a good nights rest and an early start. Some of the guests who partied hard till 02h00 Sunday morning ensured that we did
not sleep well. It also rained the whole night, which made me a little concerned about the level of the rivers.

Sunday morning came and despite not sleeping well we were up early, had breakfast and kitted up for the ride.


While riding through to Eselbank, I went through what I thought was a large swarm of miggies. Only to be stopped by my mate who pointed out it was snowing.


Quick stop at the Wuppertal river.


Once we were well into the Old Postal route, it was clear that there was some snow on the nearby peaks.


Great view of one of the valleys


The valley before the Tra Tra Drift river crossing


Tra Tra Drift river crossing.


The Dooring river crossing. The river was not too deep, but still deep enough in places to drown your bike if you got it wrong. The rock was also rather slippery under water.


Brief stop at the Afrika Burn site.


While we could have completed the route with the fuel we had, we took the time to stop at Stone Hedge to get some fuel for the WR.
By chance, some old friends were there and it was nice to chat and catch up a bit.


On to the pan before heading back towards the Dooring river.


Nice view of the Tankwa. Have always enjoyed the view from this point when going into the Tankwa, as it gives you some perspective of how remote it is.


Arriving at the Dooring river crossing, my mate spotted the cable and decided that he could get across it. Needless to say he did not make it much further than where he is in the picture.


Several wades later...
For those who want to know how deep it currently is, the deepest part is ~0.9m


Quick stop at Wuppertal to raid the cafe and pour some fuel into the WR.


Sunset as we near Cederberg Oasis.


After finally loading up and unkitting, we eventually got home round 23h00.
Nice :thumleft: must do that route when I'm in the WC again :thumleft:
Love it Grazer!

Please tell me more about your RFR - Where did you get it from, when, impressions and suitability as a ds bike?

I recall reading a massive thread about a RFR rebuild, was that yours?
Thanks guys  :thumleft:

Renrew said:
I recall reading a massive thread about a RFR rebuild, was that yours?

Yep, same bike

Renrew said:
Please tell me more about your RFR - Where did you get it from, when, impressions and suitability as a ds bike?

I got it from a friend, but as you already know, did a FULL rebuild after acquiring it. As for suitability as a DS bike, I believe the 690 RFR would be a better choice.
The 450 RFR is great, but the engine is a little highly strung for long trips. The RFR has really hard suspension and the seat is made from recycled wash boards.
On the plus side, they carry an enormous amount of fuel (36liters 450 & 690 RFRs) and are really addictive to ride. The handling is surgical and they take punishment well.

The idea of building a custom bike based on a 690 RFR, with many of the parts from the '15-'17 450RFR, has been eating away at me, as I believe it would be the ultimate DS bike.

Lekker adventure close to home.

Thanks for sharing!

Good sleep or any sleep at Oasis seems to have become a rare novelty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
DesmoDirt said:
Yo Grazer

How was Karretjies Pass on the Postal Route?

Pity I missed you guys at Uitspankraal

Lekker ride..........

The pass was fine, nothing to report.
We did stop at your place for a while to take a tour of the facilities and have a chat with BlackWidow.
GraZer said:
Thanks guys  :thumleft:

Renrew said:
I recall reading a massive thread about a RFR rebuild, was that yours?

Yep, same bike

Renrew said:
Please tell me more about your RFR - Where did you get it from, when, impressions and suitability as a ds bike?

I got it from a friend, but as you already know, did a FULL rebuild after acquiring it. As for suitability as a DS bike, I believe the 690 RFR would be a better choice.
The 450 RFR is great, but the engine is a little highly strung for long trips. The RFR has really hard suspension and the seat is made from recycled wash boards.
On the plus side, they carry an enormous amount of fuel (36liters 450 & 690 RFRs) and are really addictive to ride. The handling is surgical and they take punishment well.

The idea of building a custom bike based on a 690 RFR, with many of the parts from the '15-'17 450RFR, has been eating away at me, as I believe it would be the ultimate DS bike.

Very interesting - In my mind I figured that if you take a 450RFR and put a Seat Concepts seat on it, work the harshness out the suspension with some oil/valving trickery and get slim luggage racks, that it would be an amazing adv/ds bike?

Regarding the highly strung engine, do you mean it has low torque at the bottom so you have to rev it, or that it's gearing is short and is in high revs often when cruising? Is there no way around this? It would be a shame not to use the engine as it is "said" that it's a gem.

So the 690RFR scheme (and I've also thoight about this) - Buy an old 690RFR (and know that you are going to get a mess of a bike) or convert a 690 - The following comes to mind when converting vs the 701/690 Omega rally conversions:

1. The 690 rfr and 690 engines are quite different and would be swopping many parts, if even possible
2. You'll need new suspension, especially in the case of a KTM 690
3. As you know there are many things that differ between the 690 and RFR which are important/expensive little things
4. Let's not forget Fibreglass/Carbon tanks vs Plastic - Probably the biggest reason for getting a RFR. The glass tanks just isn't practical if you're really going to use the bike (although the glass can be repaired).

So might be easier just to adapt a 450RFR.
Renrew said:
Very interesting - In my mind I figured that if you take a 450RFR and put a Seat Concepts seat on it, work the harshness out the suspension with some oil/valving trickery and get slim luggage racks, that it would be an amazing adv/ds bike?
You are right here. I fully understand why we often see rally bikes with odd looking seats and the suspension can be easily changed.

Renrew said:
Regarding the highly strung engine, do you mean it has low torque at the bottom so you have to rev it, or that it's gearing is short and is in high revs often when cruising? Is there no way around this? It would be a shame not to use the engine as it is "said" that it's a gem.

The engine overall is very torquey, but has a very tall first gear and a short 5th gear (5 speed box). The tall first gear makes technical riding a pain and the short 5th gear is offset by the high revving nature of the engine.
This also results in the engine revving a bit higher than you would want if you are crusing aroud 120km/h. Comparing the 690 Enduro and 690RFR gearboxes, and if memory serves, the first 3 gears are the same and the last 3 are shorter on the RFR.

Renrew said:
So the 690RFR scheme (and I've also thoight about this) - Buy an old 690RFR (and know that you are going to get a mess of a bike) or convert a 690 - The following comes to mind when converting vs the 701/690 Omega rally conversions:

1. The 690 rfr and 690 engines are quite different and would be swopping many parts, if even possible
2. You'll need new suspension, especially in the case of a KTM 690
3. As you know there are many things that differ between the 690 and RFR which are important/expensive little things
4. Let's not forget Fibreglass/Carbon tanks vs Plastic - Probably the biggest reason for getting a RFR. The glass tanks just isn't practical if you're really going to use the bike (although the glass can be repaired).

1. The RFR and Enduro engines are not that different and it would be possible to convert an Enduro engine to an RFR engine.
The 690 RFR did not use exotic Pankl pistons and conrod. The main differences are, clutch, CAM, gearbox, needle bearings in the gearbox where the Enduro uses bushes, clutch cover (2 part) and a few other things I can't remember.
All the holes for the oil cooler lines are still there on the Enduro engine, but are just plugged with bolts.

2. This is where the RFR and the Enduro differ significantly. The forks would obviously be interchangeable, but the shock is very different. The RFR shock has a larger diameter and is longer. The mount points are also very different.

3. This is very true. The frames, swingarm and linkage are very different.

4. I hear you.

Renrew said:
So might be easier just to adapt a 450RFR.

The '12-'14 450RFR and the '07-'10 690RFR are very similar and have almost identical frames. They both use the same front tanks, swing arm, linkage and rear shock (There were internal changes over the years).
I would say a 690RFR with an Enduro gear box and possibly the Enduro CAM would be the way to go.

Renrew said:
Would love to come look at your bike when I'm that side again - Pity, I was in WC Last week.

Sure, you are welcome anytime.
DesmoDirt is the camp at uitspan on the river banks.We plan to camp there on the 5/6 aug ,sorry for the hijack
BossPierreLombard said:
Lekker adventure close to home.

Thanks for sharing!

Good sleep or any sleep at Oasis seems to have become a rare novelty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Gerhard and Chantel also don't care at all.
Last time I was there, after being kept awake till 2:30am by stoned teenagers, when I complained Chantel asked what do I expect from a backpackers?
I really don't want to stay there anymore.

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