So I’ve had this bike for a grand total of 3 months and I’ve now broken the second mudguard. Both broke in exactly the same place, the two top bolt holes. When installing the last one I made sure the bolts are secured and lock tight. On both occasions it happened whilst riding a (very decent) dirt road.
I’m not replacing it again because R1700 a month isn’t cool on a piece of BMW plastic.
I’m merely checking if this is common or is it something in my riding style (unlikely) or ****** design or an installation error?
I like/d the look of it on the bike but life is tough for everyone.
I’m not replacing it again because R1700 a month isn’t cool on a piece of BMW plastic.
I’m merely checking if this is common or is it something in my riding style (unlikely) or ****** design or an installation error?
I like/d the look of it on the bike but life is tough for everyone.