Swartland wine tour overnighter

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Bachelor Dog
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Town
Suzuki DR650
Last week we decided to go for an overnighter on short notice.
Phoned ahead on Friday to make sure a cottage is available for Saturday night.
Saturday morning was spent shopping for bread & cheese for supper, loading the bikes and off we went down Spes Bona which provided an easy warm up for the bikes and our muscles.

Heading further towards Wellington things turned more muddy and sandy very soon

and a farm road on the foot of Perdeberg even threw the first water crossing at us.


Travelling across Perdeberg and into the area between Malmesbury and Riebeeksrivier on more small dirt roads

With the afternoon sun slowly setting

we arrived at out overnight spot. Here's the view from the verandah:

(Yes, that is Table Mountain)

Having parked the bikes for the night we went across the vineyard in front of the chalet to have a look at the wine cellar. The cellar tour turned out to be quite unique and all the wine we tasted was decanted from barrels.

We learned a lot about wine. The same wine from a different barrel can taste quite different.

Mrs. Le Cap enjoys the tasting.

Squeezing through between cases full of bottles and barrels

we find some more to wine taste

and finally discover these bottles, securing our drinks supplies for supper :biggrin:

Fortunately it's a very short walk back to the cottage - even after the wine tasting  ;D - and we washed bread & cheese down with a bottle of the Farm's still unlabeled and soon to be released 2006 Merlot whilst watching the sun set.

Sunday morning found the world turned into a painting of black ink & pink and purple water colour with the rising sun starting to add the greens.


As soon as the sun came around the mountain we had breakfast in front of the cottage

and prepared for the way home, making sure we don't return empty handed.

Mrs. Le Cap crosssing the Riebeeksrivier for the camera...

...stopping for the camera...

...dismounting for the camera ;D

The DR650SE - as usual - didn't take offence  :thumleft:

After some exploring of previously untested farm roads we made our way to Malmesbury to fill up with petrol and took onto dirt towards Darling. It turned out to be quite chilly compared to Saturday and at some point it even looked as if we're going to hit the infamous West Coast fog.
The road was quite good with only a little bit of water

and we greeted this new inhabitant of our planet, only hours old and still a bit shaky on its legs.

The second section of the road to Darling was quite interesting and even had one nice big water crossing.
Mrs. Le Cap:

Le Cap, taken a bit too early:

Going back for another attempt:


Too late.
Do you want to try it again?

My boots are slowly filling with water  :-\

The perfect one.

In Darling we found Simone's packed to its capacity and decided to carry on back towards Malmesbury and through the Darling Hills for some nice views with daisies.



Reaching the West Coast road

marked the end of this trip, from there it was back to Cape Town on tar.
Very nice.... :thumleft:
I want to do that this weekend if ktm can lend me a bike :p
What a lekker on the "spur of the moment" weekend , thanks for sharing  :thumleft:
The farm is called Roundstone. Bernard & Susanne Mc Coy, 022 four eight 2 Thirtytwo fourtyfive
www.roundstone.co.za S33°21'53.6" E018°50'8.5"
For the GPSless like me: From Malmesbury you head for Riebeek Kasteel for some 15km and turn left into Riebeeksrivier Road. Coming from this side Roundstone is well signposted with a B&B sign.
From Riebeek Wes you take the 311 towards Mooreesburg and turn left into the gravel road to Malmesbury. The Riebeeksrivier Road is the first gravel road turning off to the left. Go over the little pass and slow down at the bottom checking for the Roundstone B&B sign facing the other direction.

The chalets are very nice & clean although pricey. You don't really have a choice as you'll be beyond fit to ride after the wine tasting :D
lecap said:
The farm is called Roundstone. Bernard & Susanne Mc Coy, 022 four eight 2 Thirtytwo fourtyfive
www.roundstone.co.za S33°21'53.6" E018°50'8.5"
For the GPSless like me: From Malmesbury you head for Riebeek Kasteel for some 15km and turn left into Riebeeksrivier Road. Coming from this side Roundstone is well signposted with a B&B sign.
From Riebeek Wes you take the 311 towards Mooreesburg and turn left into the gravel road to Malmesbury. The Riebeeksrivier Road is the first gravel road turning off to the left. Go over the little pass and slow down at the bottom checking for the Roundstone B&B sign facing the other direction.

The chalets are very nice & clean although pricey. You don't really have a choice as you'll be beyond fit to ride after the wine tasting :D

Thats a lekker little road behind the mountain... I find myself flying through there...

Glad you enjoyed it!!

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