Taking my dad on his last ride

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What a nice "send-off" for  a Dad that was obviously loved.

Tomorrow is the same date my father passed and the other odd thing is that I was born in Burgersdorp and my Dad was the " distriks geneesheer" - local GP in town.  I lived near the hospital and have similar pictures of the blockhouses etc from a previous visit.  My old man died in PE when I was 11 but I think that given the choice.. I would have loved to send him off in this way.
I hope my son will also do this at the end...

Very nice last trip.
Fok, hoe pik ek nou 'n traan - nice one Len :thumleft:
Mooi storie Briv - dankie dat jy dit gedeel het.  Ek is seker julle het 'n baie spesiale verhouding gehad.
Weereens thanks vir die lees.. dit was, n memorable trip,  :thumleft:


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Mooi gedaan ou grote. Mens mis darem jou ouers ne.
En die lewe gaan so vrek vinnig verby ook.
Nice one Briv!

Im sorry to hear about your Dad, but Im sure he enjoyed his last spiritual journey with you.
I cant tell you how much you made me want to go riding right now when I saw your photos.

Nice pics.

Cheers. May your father rest in peace.

Dankie Briv - dis `n inspirasie om iets so opreg te lees.

Lyk na `n awesome trip! Ons het darem maar `n pragtige land . . . mooi vasgevang in jou nice fodies

Hoe klink daai Katoem se exhaust brake - baie na aan een van daai lekker Amerikaanse trokke of bietjie meer bedeesd, meer soos `n Europese lorrie?

Wow, very nice trip. Bit of tear in my eye as well. What a great place to rest.

Thanks for putting this together, really interesting reading about that massacre too. I never knew any of that.