That moment....

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Pack Dog
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yamaha XT600
That moment…
Commuting home yesterday evening, I as I am sure allot of other Gauteng dogs, got sopping wet. Leaving a bit early to miss most of the storm seemed like a good idea and I was happy to get out of the office.10 minutes later however I was seated at the traffic light on Samrand waiting for the light to turn green with the distinctive “ting” of heavy drops of rain mixed with hail hitting the top of my helmet. To make matters worse, the soccer mom in her 4X4 next to me would not stop smiling at my discomfort.

So, off I went ice skating my way up the onramp with my old and worn off-road tires, combined with the bikes 30 year old suspension. My ass was clenching so tight every time the wind blows the bike in an unexpected direction that I thought there would be bite marks in the seat. Braving the elements I drive as fast as I dare take the old donkey while rain really starts coming down.

5 Minutes later the one universal truth of riding a motorcycle in the rain hits me. I think you all know the moment I am talking about. The moment when all natures’ forces combine, all of your worst fears are realised and everything conspires against you…
All the freezing water that was once bunched up in your jacket and pants suddenly decides that those locations are no longer good enough and all together rush into your crotch with a force that would make Briareos proud!

Day’s like these define what we are as men I suppose… although I have to confess and say that days like these also make me wish that I wasn’t.