The fishing trip that became a Canal ride 2008-06-29

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
Since the ride organizer, StaalBurger, had his plans change and left us after breakfast, Malgat asked if I could kick of the report and pic placeholder - happy to.

Riding DS bikes is strange.

Wonder if you folks feel this way? I get back an hour after dark last night. My hands were frozen. My butt and back ached, and my shoulders felt like I had swum a few KMs. My eyes were burning from the dust of over 120Kms of gravel, but I lay like a hippo in the bath thinking "Man, that was another great ride in Africa!"

What started as a proposal for a gentle ride and a bit of fishing by StaalBurger, and a request for a GPS track of the canal road by GSAsterix ended up getting sidetracked, hijacked and rebranded as a full-blooded Sunday group ride, with the Mugabe-style vote going for a ride on the North Canal route as a majority who had not ridden it. Malgat and I, who had both done it a few times, were very happy to do again.

I never expected to be appointed ride-reporter, so I never noted the riders names and bikes, but I think there were eleven bikes and twelve people that met at the Sasol Delite at Broederstroom for a gentle tar ride to the Brekkie spot at the Emu restaurant (S25 43 13.4 E27 49 06.6) for breakfast. Good choice from my viewpoint. Not as hectic as Umfula, and they have a good breakfast menu and the coffee was good - I'll certainly visit again. The do actually have some emus there - funny little Aussie ostrichs with feathery necks and serious attitude.

Picked up another bike somewhere and twelve bikes (I think, we lost Staal to other commitments) headed out. Brands were the usual suspects - AT, Beemers (1200 & 650) KLRs, KLE, 690, 640. Nothing unusual.

Was was nice was some new faces, and a special welcome to (oro?)Nick on his 640, as it was his first ride in Africa - Hope you all join us on many more, and may the big bad bike bug bite all of you !

The riding was easy. Malgat up front, me at the back and three or four stops along the way. Unhectic. No rush. Just the way I like it.

I think it was Jules who said that it is not an adventure if no k@k hits the fan. Well there was no serious k@k, just two small dried cow-turds and no fan. First was a back-wheel flat on the JustBiking's 990 near BakGat store and the second was a nail in the same wheel - discovered after we left Beestekraal. Both were strange. First one was a piece of glass that somehow got itself between tyre and heavy-duty tube and had cut through in two places. The nail was strange 'cos it hit the same tyre we fixed earlier in the day, and the tyre is a very respectable Pirelli in good condition.

We chose right not to use that foamy s#@t. I dont think it would have worked in either case - the glass-cuts were too big, and the nail was 15mm right through the tube. 

Puncture tally on rides I have been on is now.

640 rear - 2
690 rear - 3
KLR rear - 1
AT rear - 1

Lets hear it for KTM !!!

Strange, but I actually enjoyed the punctures. A chance to chat and joke, especially with the two lovely ladies who were in good spirit, and no-one seemed to wish they were somewhere else. Suspect the non-puncture group enjoyed themselves as well as they were zamalekking up ahead at Bakgat and consulting by phone.   

As for the rest of the ride it was a pretty standard canal run except we did a 60Km detour through the game farms North of the canals and did our statutory stop at the Stasie approaching on rhe R511 from the north. I must admit at one stage I was expecting to see the red hills of Thabazimbi, but we did not go quite that far.

Thanks to all - hope to see you all again on the road.

Pics to follow:-



Some pics - kids having fun !!  ;D

Fist pic was crocodile river at dawn on the way


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Sláinte said:
Hey Gunda

It seems where we turned left to go through a section of Brits, you can turn right and join up with the canal again avoiding the town. Is this road open?

Nope - some sod had thrown a gate over the road there  :mad: Pity - cos it's pretty.
brrrrrrrrrrr,,,this is not a coke ad,,,,it was cold

i learnt that leaving home at 7 on a minus 1 morning isnt all that fun,,,,,but boy is it beautifull,,,with the harrop balloons hanging low above us i rode over the  road that crosses the back end of the dam,,,now there was a photo to win kappa products with,,,the water was covered with the haze and mist ,,,looked like it was on fire,,,at the sasol garage  i managed to get some coffee while waiting for the crowd,,,,

what a lekker bunch,,,,beemer mike brought his mistress and two other newbies as well,,,,complete newbies,,,the one didnt even have gloves,,,,we met the whippet couple fresh from namibia , a regte egte soutie on the 640 KTM, the staal burger and a mix match array of kawas and ktm's,,,,,forgive me i still get confused with names,,,,must be the age,,,naaah its the cold

anyway while going to the breakfast place we picked up a stray wd at the harties engen and lost staal burger after bfast ending up with 10 bikes,,,,we hit the north canal and ran into a crowd of katooms doing canals and going for Jericho afterwards,,,,not one was a wd,,,dunno why??? i asked....

riding the canals are always always lekkerrr,,,it changes and its constantly full of suprises,,,its not so dusty and at some stages we actually got some mud puddles,,,the rest was  easy roads, some which were recently scraped making lekker roads for sideways flambouyancy, especialy the bm which really liked it a lot,,,,with my new tyre (sciroh/???sumthing) i also found the happenis of the tyre slipping on the dust which really is quite nice, i really enjoyed it ,,,i took the crowd to the section of the canal where i'm positively under the impression the water is running uphill,,,i thought having a learned geologist/fukking know it all will prove my point,,,but alas my x-files experience lives inside me,,,,i have sleepless nites about that uphill water,,,but ja,,,,maybe one day someone will explain it all to me,,,,

we stayed with the canals as much as to he end ,,,,we also found that with sour there is always sweet as well,,,while waiting for a puncture we found out that the Bakgat cafe also sells beers,,,well only 2 kinds,,,thats zamalek in pints or zamalek in quarts,,,3 bikes went back to johburg and then we were 7,,,,lucky number slevin which made for a lekker crowd ,,,,we were riding 2 or even 3 abreast which minimised the dust and kept the tail short,,,

after running out of canal we did the fast sections past all the game farms which was the cherry on the day,,,after riding wholeday thight corners with "point and squirt" driving it was lekker to committ to 100 kn/h on a straight road with some whoopie suprises when the road surfaces changes,,,everyone did sooooo well on this section,,,i really was amased at the girls,,,,amazing and to beemer mike and his photo snapping pillion

then it was time to try the beestekraal stasie's famous chilly and food,,,,some cold quiet ones and just relaxing after another great day in the africa bush,,,this is what biking is about,,,the escape from the humdrum and the adventure of not knowing whats around the corner,,meeting people and finding out common interests.

so then we all went home,,,,arriving after a whole day in the saddle,,,,what a great sunday

thanx guys,,,,,thanx legend,,,its always a privilige
Well here's some pics taken by TravelGravel and Beemer Mike's photo snapping pillion  :)

To everybody on the ride, thanks it was an awesome ride, also great to finally meet some of the WD's.

Beemer Mike and Gunda thanks for the help with the puncture repairs - many hands made light work. Apparently after 31000km including some 5000 through Namibia without a single flat I've run out of good luck  :)


The culprit for the 2nd puncture





















jeeez guys,,,i messed up......

we should have added names to the wd hall of fame wall at beestekraal stasie...

ag well,,,now we will just have to go again....sorrie
malgat said:
jeeez guys,,,i messed up......

we should have added names to the wd hall of fame wall at beestekraal stasie...

ag well,,,now we will just have to go again....sorrie

Thanks for the report. Sorry I missed it as the Canal Route is always fun.
Also remember next time to take the white paint as well for the wall of fame ;D
malgat said:
jeeez guys,,,i messed up......

we should have added names to the wd hall of fame wall at beestekraal stasie...

ag well,,,now we will just have to go again....sorrie

Cool - I'll come and help you with the spelling, and bring the white paint  ;D
ok,,,,,,lets start finding out if someone wants to do the west canal ,,,lets say in two weeks????

also i did make a mental note of some fishing spots for those "lyn natmakers"
Looks Lekker Malgat did you take them to My Shabeen? ;D, I will join you in two weeks, My truck project finishes this week,  :ricky: :biggrin: ;DHee! Hee!!
Beemer man said:
Looks Lekker Malgat did you take them to My Shabeen? ;D, I will join you in two weeks, My truck project finishes this week,  :ricky: :biggrin: ;DHee! Hee!!

yes,,,,you taught me well,,,,
the farkers closed on sundays but then the  local cafe owner next door runs the faithfull service on his behalf on sundays,,,,,
so all is well

heyta,,,well will have a "welcome back bm" ride just for you,,,,,

u coming malibu????
malgat said:
Beemer man said:
Looks Lekker Malgat did you take them to My Shabeen? ;D, I will join you in two weeks, My truck project finishes this week,  :ricky: :biggrin: ;DHee! Hee!!

yes,,,,you taught me well,,,,
the farkers closed on sundays but then the  local cafe owner next door runs the faithfull service on his behalf on sundays,,,,,
so all is well

heyta,,,well will have a "welcome back bm" ride just for you,,,,,

u coming malibu????

Away in Barberton 2 weekends time, but if you run the weekend of the 19th, I'm there...
Oh my word .... how much fun was this ride. What I really enjoy is that fact that you can't see how worried I am on half the photo's - i actually look as if I know what i am doing  :imaposer:.  Thanks to all.

Now .... Malgat for the West Canal trip, what kinda skill levels you require? Look I had a helluva lot of fun on Sunday, but I'd like to avoid the riding in where the Hell's Angels fear to tread. Also if we can keep it to a Saterday so we can recoup on Sunday .....

PS: Now in true Malgat tradition I going to mix this string up with SilvaLuna's ride to Cullinan, in which Blazes is proposing a ride for the lasses, and see what comes out. ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  :pot:
TravelGravel said:
Malgat for the West Canal trip, what kinda skill levels you require?
I'll intecept this, and Malgat can intercept the interception.
The West canal route is about the same technicality as the North route, except the area is not as pretty - more mining than farming out that way. There are some nice bits though.
Trust me, your skill level s fine - I rode behind you for 80Kms.
Also the bit next to the canal is shorter - about 40Km compared with 80Km, so to make a ride of it you have to do something else at the end. Last time we headed up North to Beestekraal and then played dassie on the rock.

I was eyeballing maps this evening and an option might be to head South after the west route, through Marikana and Mooinooi, over Breedt's nek and baclk to Civilization via Magaliesburg.

But I digress - so many roads to ride.     