A couple of pictures from our trip... not enough to make a proper Ride Report.
Couple of months ago I decided it was time to get the kids together and the KZN Bash was the ideal time to do it.
So my REAL daughter and boyfriend came from Kathu and joined us for the ride. Jakkals could not make it... thank goodness.
Francois (Sweisie) and his new wife and her parents Gerrie Chinaconnection and his wife Johanna also joined us.
We left Friday morning at 08h00 towards Standerton. Found a few Stop and Go's, but not too bad.
Had a gentle ride down Majuba Pass... one of my favorite tar passes.
Took our time kuiering along the road.
Bought some lekker cheese at the Marakesh Cheese farm outside Rosetta.... the one Tommy have not visited yet.... Suppose they don't serve beer

So I was leading on the FAST White one. I did my homework by checking Google Maps and found Sakabula close to Camperdown. So I got it all set in my mind to find the place without the GPS.
When we got to THAT spot indicated by Google maps there was no Sakabula Lodge to be found.
So I phoned Tommy...but at that time it was a lost case and we set off to find the real place.
After a few de-tours and asking people we were on the way to Sakabula.
Riding on this road for a while and not finding the place we started to think that this is not right.
As we stopped to haul out GPS units, Miekie and his friend stopped next to us. He was clever enough to use the coordinates and told us that we were 400 meters from the place.
Thank goodness for that. So we were booked in by a very capable and helpful Terence and settled in to enjoy the weekend.