The long awaited African adventure

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Intetesting..keep it coming

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From Murphy via sms at 4pm today
" Sitting in Zambia at our camp site on the Marampa river sipping cold Mosi beers watching elephant and crocs on the opposit river bank , just another day in Africa"
Howzit Souties? Lekker to check your progress on this forum, i joined and really like this site. Being back at work i struggle to start the day without fist checking on the happenings of the wild dog adventures. We went to the Koes rally and JJ ( Jannie,s son ) won the quads division obviously due to the great Pitt cru.
I drove back to Cape Town on Saturday from Seheim and still gooi "grootoog" when i see a patch of sand.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and when in CT we will have a cold one

Jeez Murph and Daskop, we're getting the DT's here...... we need our fix of how life should really be lived!!!
Hope your recent lack of creative writing (or any other updates come to think of it) is because youre spending all your time having a JOL, and not because you've been arrested and are sitting in some dank cell with Bubba or his sub-saharan African equivalent  ;D

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