The perfect way to end a busy week

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Grey Hound
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
Bellville, Cape Town
When was the last time you got home on a Friday, checked the clock & weather and thought of sneaking a good bike ride in before nightfall?

There is so much excitement in not really having any fixed plan, but non the less putting on your favourite set of riding jeans, checking the bike's oil, fuel & tyres & go have a blast through the countryside, armed with a fully charged cell phone camera.

The last few weeks was very boring on this forum. Amidst all the opinions of what adventure riding really is, what an adventure bike really is it was one or two ride reports that kept everything alive. We will always differ in opinion about bikes, routes & riding style, but we must never lose sight of, or disrespect each other's views because of the one thing that we all have in common. Regardless of our biking background ... we all crave the sensation of riding our bikes. Where we go, or how technical the routes are, is irrelevant. The passion for getting out from behind our safe computer screen egos & actually going riding, this is what keeps us all here.

What does adventure mean to you? To me, it's any opportunity I get to experience something new. Or even to rediscover or rekindle something I've previously known or loved. To me, adventure is also the telling of the story. And those who know me well, will know that I am very fortunate to share the stories. In referring to adventure riding, I believe you get the stories of long tours, through many provinces & countries, and you get the spontaneous short rides, like the one I did on Friday afternoon.

Last week we all enjoyed reading Mother's ride report on his Namibia solo. I hope that I can capture the same sensations with the reader in what I felt on Friday as he might have felt on one of his days in Nam.

So here goes...

The work week that ended Friday the 13th of June was a long & tough one. I needed to get out for a battery recharge & we were blessed with three days of sunshine. A cold front was predicted for Saturday, so I thought the best chance for a nice ride would be for Friday afternoon. My wife would be busy marking exam papers & there is no use for me being home for that stint before dark. So I told her I'd be out for two hours, direction Riebeeck, promising regular Whatsapps on my progress. So I kissed the wife & went for it  :ricky:

I went for a quick fuel top-up & deflated my tyres for a bit of gravel at the garage. Only 6km from home here in Durbanville, I turned left on my regular mountain bike training road, Spes Bona. I turned right towards Philadelphia & turned right again at Occultdale. I made two stops on this road for some pics. The air, the road, the spots of snow left on the distant mountains, I just had to stop & breathe it all in.  



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Now at this point I must say that I tend to lose my gravel confidence if I don't get regular practice. The last bit of gravel I rode was on the 14th of February.

It was good to be alone, however. I had nothing to prove to anyone, nobody to push me & I wouldn't hold up anyone. I had the chance to concentrate on smoothing up my riding style, picking lines far ahead & doing the basics right again. I didn't want to miss anything pretty next to the road either & I was in no rush. I kept to around 60kph on the gravel & 100kph on the tar bits. I was using something I love doing, as relaxation.

Around 10kms before Malmesbury I turned right on the Joubertskloof Road. This used to be my favourite spot of gravel in the Cape, but since myself & Hayleyscomet rode it in's been resurfaced....with what seems to be a 10cm topdressing of sand  :dousing:

I had to work hard not to get into a little snake, but once again just focussed on the basics of not getting into a death grip & looking 5m in front of me. I leant back a bit & used the torquey 650 single to plough myself out of the softer bits.

I did get the photo opportunity to capture some horses.

After this road I turned left on the Wellington - Malmesbury road for about 3kms. On the left there is a little bridge towards some of the farms. I've always wanted to stop on that bridge, now was my brief chance. The farmer approached & warned me that his milk truck was on the way, so had to better get off the bridge. I said I would take one more pic & will be outta there.  


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From here I turned right towards Riebeeck. I needed a place to turn homeward again, as it was already around 5pm.

On top of Bothmaskloof Pass there is a little viewpoint. I've never stopped here, so this was my chance.

I planned on riding the Porseleinberg Road on the way back. This road was a revelation. Straight, hard packed & fast with beautiful scenery. Just like riding through the Karoo, just very lush & green all over.

I made two stops, at a nice windpomp  & the silo a bit closer to Wellington.


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This road comes out close to Lady Loch bridge, over the Berg River.

A few weeks ago I saw some writing on the steel bridge & I wanted to check it out this time around. So I rode over the bridge & made a U-turn for a few pics.

From here I let the wife know that I am on my way back. It was starting to get dark so I twisted the little Beemer's ear & straddled the (fake) tank as if I was riding the Isle of Man TT.

Stopped safely home at 6pm. Time for a coffee & chat with wifey before Binnelanders would start.

I did around 170kms of roads I knew well, on a bike that's pretty boring, but oh so comfortable, reliable, versatile & economical.

But most importantly I rediscovered something I love very much in this little ride. A happy place inside my helmet where I can see every colour & smell everything I ride past. A place where there is no money, trade, profit gain, or corrupt politicians & trade unions. No American or British tv personalities using the Lord's name in vain in every sentence they utter.  A grin factor, I can only associate with riding a bike I bought with times of sacrifice & hard earned money. Something that was given back to me. A reward and a blessing from above, and sharing this sensation with people is the biggest kick I can get out of it.

So I ask you again...when was the last time you just went for a ride?

Just do it!    


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Nice little ride thanks for sharing.  :ricky:
In Ingels nogals!  ;)

Friday was such a beautiful day to ride bike.

(Nee man Lem, ek kan nie met jou eng praat nie, dit voel weird!  :lol8: )

Baie ware RR die.  :thumleft:
Really nice RR & very true in what you say. :thumleft:

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Lekke vinnige enetjie :thumleft:
Ek sien jy't tooltube aan die een kant, en standaard can links? Het jy die transfer pyp onder die saal afgeblok?
Nice RR Lem  :thumleft:
First time I ever heard a biker calling his own bike boring  ???

Dusty Rusty said:
In Ingels nogals!  ;)

Friday was such a beautiful day to ride bike.

(Nee man Lem, ek kan nie met jou eng praat nie, dit voel weird!  :lol8: )

Baie ware RR die.  :thumleft:

hehe, Nadia, ek kry soms lus vir Engels skryf, lei dikwels tot groot kontroversie hier in my huis met my Afrikaanse juffrou vroutjie
subie said:
Nice RR Lem  :thumleft:
First time I ever heard a biker calling his own bike boring  ???


haha, dankie Subie. Nee ek beskou die Dakars as die Avis Corollas van die DS bike wereld. Hy lyk nie soos 'n plaas implement nie, klink ook nie soos een nie, maar hy kry die job gedoen. Ek like regtig die bike, want hy doen alles, en hy doen nogals alles oraait ook. Hy stir nie baie emosie nie, maar meeste emosionele bikes op hierdie forum staan meer as wat hulle loop.
Rotax650 said:
Lekke vinnige enetjie :thumleft:
Ek sien jy't tooltube aan die een kant, en standaard can links? Het jy die transfer pyp onder die saal afgeblok?

Thanks Rotax. Ek het die bike soos dit by Knucklehead gekoop. Ek neem aan hyt die verandering aangebring. Dis die standard linker can, maar hys deurgeboor. Die dwarspyp se gat is toegeweld. So hys so half en half 'n freeflow, sal ek se  :snorting: Hy klink net effens harder as standaard.

Lem said:
subie said:
Nice RR Lem  :thumleft:
First time I ever heard a biker calling his own bike boring  ???


haha, dankie Subie. Nee ek beskou die Dakars as die Avis Corollas van die DS bike wereld. Hy lyk nie soos 'n plaas implement nie, klink ook nie soos een nie, maar hy kry die job gedoen. Ek like regtig die bike, want hy doen alles, en hy doen nogals alles oraait ook. Hy stir nie baie emosie nie, maar meeste emosionele bikes op hierdie forum staan meer as wat hulle loop.

Ja mens hoor net nooit dat die goed moeilikheid gee nie. Dink bokveld ry ook so een. Die styling is nie my smaak nie maar n great adventure bike in my opinie.