The perfect way to end a busy week

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subie said:
Lem said:
subie said:
Nice RR Lem  :thumleft:
First time I ever heard a biker calling his own bike boring  ???


haha, dankie Subie. Nee ek beskou die Dakars as die Avis Corollas van die DS bike wereld. Hy lyk nie soos 'n plaas implement nie, klink ook nie soos een nie, maar hy kry die job gedoen. Ek like regtig die bike, want hy doen alles, en hy doen nogals alles oraait ook. Hy stir nie baie emosie nie, maar meeste emosionele bikes op hierdie forum staan meer as wat hulle loop.

Ja mens hoor net nooit dat die goed moeilikheid gee nie. Dink bokveld ry ook so een. Die styling is nie my smaak nie maar n great adventure bike in my opinie.


ja kyk hierdie een is nou 14 jaar oud, en het vrydag oorgeslaan na 85000km. Gebruik nie 'n druppel olie nie. Gee my tussen 350-400 km uit die 17 liter tenkie. Sitplek is baie gemaklik. Ek kan beslis verstaan hoekom soveel van hulle vir die baie lang Afrika trips gebruik word.  
    Dankie Lem vir die RR en wyse woorde.Jy laat dit so lekker klink,dat ek sommer begin planne maak vir volgende naweek.Kom n slag so diekant toe  dat ons die agterpaadjies kan vat.Die Skaap staan nou te lank stil na my sin.
n Dakar bly maar n fotogeniese bike maak nie saak waar hy staan nie. :thumleft:
Lem, I've been wanting to do a ride like this for a while (only starting from Stellenbosch, going through Paarl, then towards Malmesbury). As soon as I'm better I'm going to get this ride done. Now I know who to call for company!  :thumleft:

And that silo is where we often do our forced landing practice (and just south west of it is Diemerskraal, a very nice dirt runway).
Lem jy moet my eendag daai paaie gaan wys lyk na n lekker loop.

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Mooi lem, eks bly die fiets loop nog mooi, hyt my nie een keer gedrop nie, mooi RR
Sardine said:
Lem, I've been wanting to do a ride like this for a while (only starting from Stellenbosch, going through Paarl, then towards Malmesbury). As soon as I'm better I'm going to get this ride done. Now I know who to call for company!  :thumleft:

And that silo is where we often do our forced landing practice (and just south west of it is Diemerskraal, a very nice dirt runway).

Hey Heather. That will be a pleasure. This bit between Wellington & Riebeeck is a perfect start to a day. From there on North is some awesome riding country. In a few weeks from now, this countryside will be bathed in wheat & yellow canola fields.  Give me a shout once your shoulder is healed up.
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
n Dakar bly maar n fotogeniese bike maak nie saak waar hy staan nie. :thumleft:

ja kyk, jyt mos darem self goeie herrinneringe van hulle. As ek een maand bietjie geld oorhet gaan ek by jou aanklop vir n stel van daai Kenda Big blocks, dan gaan hy nog meer fotogenies word.
Bokveld said:
     Dankie Lem vir die RR en wyse woorde.Jy laat dit so lekker klink,dat ek sommer begin planne maak vir volgende naweek.Kom n slag so diekant toe  dat ons die agterpaadjies kan vat.Die Skaap staan nou te lank stil na my sin.

ja, ek wou se dat die verhale van Kulula.skaap dan nou so skielik opgedroog het.

In die komende skoolvakansie gaan ek beslis in die Montagu rigting uitry. Sal vir Oom Kallie 'n shout gee  :thumleft:
So yesterday was my month end, and as we say in Afrikaans.." die Kalf was in die put"

It was time to go and finish the ride I started a week before.

Not gonna say much this time around. All has been said in first few posts. Just another relaxing solo ride in a very beautiful part of our country.

The basic route was from Durbanville out Vissershok way. Turned right on Adderley towards Fair Cape Dairies. Left on Philadelphia, right on Occultdale again, and onwards to Slent road (which was in rideable condition for the first time in ages, not shaking my eyeballs around)

About 5km after the wind turbines & turned right at Leewendans, and went on towards Boland Landbouskool, close to Windmeul Cellar. The plan was to go and ride Jan Phillips Road in Paarl Mountain reserve. When I got there it was closed. But I saw a gap and thought...I'm on a scrambler, how hard can it be?

it was fantastic. I had the mountain to myself as a serenity spot. I rode sitting down in 2nd gear, just cruising @ 30kph, and stopped three times.


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From Paarl I took the road past Fairview & turned left on the R44 for a few clicks, turned right on Protea Road.

The plan was to ride my favourite mountain bike road, Eenzaamheid.

All the pics below were taken on Eenzaamheid road.

I waved two big KTM 950's down that came from the front, and had a chat to the guys. Non Wilddogs, the one guy's name was Allan. I could have sworn he's riding Freak's old 950, although there are still a few unbent, clean examples left of those blue KTM's with the orange seats. He also mentioned that his other bike is a BMW 1200 GSA, which he uses on all his long touring rides. The KTM is to play with, and that was what they were doing on Eenzaamheid road. 

Once again a blessed & superb day out. I think I did about 85kms in three hours



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Very good RR Lem, exploiting the purity that is to be found in our favourite pastime.

You do not have to cross a continent to have a good ride. OK, crossing a continent can certainly help to make a good ride last longer.
2StrokeDan said:
Very good RR Lem, exploiting the purity that is to be found in our favourite pastime.

You do not have to cross a continent to have a good ride. OK, crossing a continent can certainly help to make a good ride last longer.

Nou pra' jy  :thumleft:

maar daarvoor moet ek nog baie spaar. Ek beoog om in hierdie Junie skoolvakansie darem heelwat verder te ry
Dankie vir die deel. Het vanmiddag  net na donker by die huis gestop van so skielike trip Polekwane toe en terug vir die naweek. Maandag geskimp en teen Donderag was ons reg om Vrydag te laat wiel.
That is what it is all about. Long tips are lekker but time is scarce. Most of our trips are impromptu trips of +- 250 km no real role or plan but just sneak a few hours of work and mission.  Those trips make life the adventure it is.  :ricky: