The pink tutu ride

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Well here goes my side of the story.
This if the way I deal with our situation.

I woke up at about 4 30 am as usual but I was itchy to ride! In my haste I rode into a tree in my own yard, Yep thats right, I hadn’t even  left home and I had broken my rhs mirror.
Got to the meeting place around an hour before the time so All I did was wait and irritate the other two on Watsapp.
Eventually Jman got there but no sign of Manic.
Later he got hold of us and recons he was running late and would meet us in Steytlerville.

He would take the Tar road. But we should hurry he recons cause he is HUNGRY!!  Ja right!!.
Leaving Manic to his own devices and company the two of us headed off to Steylerville along the Cockscomb road. Great piece of Dirt and after a lekker leisurely ride we arrived.
No sign of manic but we had Dakarfan drive past us a couple of times checking us out. Dont know if it was my face or my TUTU that scared him or his pillion but they took a while to warm up.  :imaposer:

Then there was a moerse noise and Manic arrived pulling on his little Stoompypie!

Breakfast was breakvis as there were eggs and bacon involved and we hit the Road to Klipplaat!
If you ever wonder what goes on in Klipplaat, wonder no more. Fokkol!!!  
Even the old Steam loco has run out of tracks.
After hearing a commotion at the hotel and being told that the “Boere kyk Stadium, toe skeer ek amper my hol,
we left the thriving metropolis of Klipplaat and headed for Aberdene.
Not a bad little town and the Farmstall has great coffee.

Four lasses met there for coffee and one turned to me and said” Will you do a pirouette  for us??
Is an elephant a dainty bird I asked but that gave me an opportunity to tell them my story.

I got a firm promise from them, and a little bit of bribery that I wouldn’t carry out the exam myself, to go for the mammogram. Hope you stayed true to your promise ladies.

After Jman vreeted his pie stomp op, I rolled a twakkie or 3 and Manic sucked his stoompypie then we hit the road to Murraysburg.
What a really lekker little place and a place I will go and visit again!

With huge thanks to Hein and Erika Grebe for sponsoring the accommodation food and wine and a great bed to sleep in. Her contact details are 074 five five two 8994. Great hosts.

Manic and I shared a room and the threats started. As jy snork kak jy!!  Ja right. We didn’t even hear each other. Slept like a baby.
WARNING......DO NOT WAKE MANIC UP WITHOUT 6 ROMANY CREAMS. Yes 6, not 5, not 7 but SIX??????

Day 2 coming soon to a computer near you

1 and 2 Waiting for the boys
2 For Glen and Smuggy
3 and 4 Karoo Roads
5. Klipplaat stadium city


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Jy skryf mooi man,  vertel nog :thumleft:
Hiers Dag een se roete:



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Jis CFT, I am sorry I had to miss this ride.  Looks like a lot of fun was had. You must hold the record for the most damage to a bike in the shortest distance. And that nogal in your own back yard  :imaposer:
Dorsland said:
Jis CFT, I am sorry I had to miss this ride.  Looks like a lot of fun was had. You must hold the record for the most damage to a bike in the shortest distance. And that nogal in your own back yard  :imaposer:

We were going to come past your nec of the woods but moer swaer, its cold there man!! I swear I saw a blerry polar bear cross the road!  :ricky:
Ja winter is on its way now, temps around 5ºC in the mornings.  Poplar trees looking so pretty, I really like this time of year. 

So did you feel anyone's leg  :peepwall:
Dorsland said:
Ja winter is on its way now, temps around 5ºC in the mornings.  Poplar trees looking so pretty, I really like this time of year.  

So did you feel anyone's leg  :peepwall:

I was so blerry cold I couldnt even feel my own leg.
legs had nothing to do with the ride boet!!  Lees en presteer!!  :lol8: :snorting:
And by the way Have you seen Manics legs???  Damn NO!!! :eek7:
So day 2 Started with everyone commenting on the others sleeping disorders, snoring etc etc. But I had a awesome sleep, probably the best I had on a bike ride as of yet, cause I normally sleep on a blow up mattress and in a tent.
After some morning banter we had an awesome breakfast alla Erika, and Greeted Hein as he had to stand in for the "kerk koster" who was on holiday.  Made me feel like I was in a small town...  Anyway our cosy room:

There was a reporter coming to take some foto's and take John's story, which was cool so Knucklehead and Elandsrider stayed for the foto's and then hit the tar back, as Elandsrider forgot to ask his wife to go on a bike ride. Foto of the bikes in front of Kerk straat and the kerk:

So we set off, and filled up in Murraysburg, yes they have petrol, and diesel:

We klapped the tar to Graaf reinette as it was COLD and was little bit of rain in the air, and it was almost time for the second breakfeast at Wimpy. We stopped en route to put on some warm clothes, and then at the lake in front of graaf Reinette.

After Maniac sorted his emplyees out on the phone, we head to the Wimpy and had a lekker second breakfast.  Looks like CFT was a local here as he knew the car guard by name:

After hanna hennaing around we head on gravel to Jansenville.  Now this was a lekker piece of road, and some lekker water crossings.  This is some photo's of the road:

haha, ok that is Murraysburg's tar road.

CFT taking a water crossing:

Another one:

Manic takeing some shots of CFT:

CFT pirouetting:

The deep watercrossing where my bike died in the middle, and I had to push it out, it was quite deep! I think Manic has some pics of this, as he was encouraging us from dry land:

We stopped at a place in Jansenville, cant remember the name, but it was nice, where we had a beer, and coke, and where I said my goodbyes and headed home just before dark.

Thanks CFT and Manic, for the awesome ride, I realy enjoyed riding with you two, even though we only saw Manic everytime he stopped.  
CFT and Manic still did a ride the next day so they can tell that side, I'll look for some more foto's that did not load on photobucket

Resting after some water crossings, you can see the one in the back, we could not see where the bridge was (under water), and it was a curving bridge, so you had to guess where it was going, quite scary, but lekker.


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awsome turd  daai rr was die moeite werd om te wag voor.

volgende keer dros ek by die werk om saam te ry.

jman n kollega van my het n freewind wat hy wil verkoop(ekhet aln paar keer saam hom gery daai fiets loop nog mooi) plus nog een wat hy as spares het(al wat kort is 2 rims) vir R10000

by lesotho army op n veiling gekoop maar die bikes is in sa op die plaas

pm my as jy belangstel

dis n moerse bargain
Day 2 broke nice and early for me as usual. Went outside for my normal nicotine and caffeine sandwich for breakfast and all that came from both rooms was a low rumble. I thought they were transporting the propellers for the new windfarm but alas it was Knucklehead, Elandsrider, Jman and Manic snoring away blissfully in the nice warm beds.

After counting the beer and wine [  or should that read] whine bottles I could understand the deep reverberating rumblings.
Anyhow eventually they surfaced to a magic breakvis of bacon and eggs and coffee.
We decided to take tar to Graaff Reinette as the Richmond road had had a hell of a lot of rain the past few days. Good choice I must say.
As we were riding out of town the cold started hitting us, Manic recons 2 deg. Even my snowboarding gloves didn’t help.

On the horizon were a couple of dark clouds that looked like rain. “Ag nee man, daars fokkal reen nie” Manics famous last words.
Wasn’t rain true enough but SLEET.

Well the ride into Graaff Reinette was boring and long and with the cravings of a Wimpy coffee and breakfast it drove me on.
At last we were in GR. There we met Aubrey the, the car guard, who promised to keep our bikes safe and entered the Wimpy.
Now GR being the little hub of the Karoo and being a little conservative, the sight of me in my Pink Tutu turned many a head. Most of them away from me and shielding their little childrens eyes from this “mal moer oomie”.
Eventually, I think it was cause I was sitting down, this granny came to talk to the “bikers”. Sweet old lady.
Toe begin die KAK.
Me in my infinite wisdom decided to take the Ardendorp turn off to Kendrew. Lovely piece of road I must say. Got to Kendrew and then decided to do the rear entry into Jansenville.

THIS was a huge experience. They had recorded around 125mm of rain the night before, as we were to find out later.
If any of you know this road, you will remember  that it criss crosses the Sundays and a number of small rivers in the area.
First river crossing was a breeze and I thought “oh well” how bad can this really be?
Yeah right!

By the time we had gotten to the 15th or so, felt like the hundredth one, my boots were soaked. But wait, there more!!

As we rounded the bend and took a left there was Manic, who by the way, rides like a Mal skrop hoender met n turksvye in sy hol, was waiting on the other bank. Jman decides the best form of defence if ATTACK and guns his Freewind into the water. All was going great until he hit a hole in the bridge and “drowned” his bike. Daai ding se kop raas ook maar effens. After pushing paddling and sukkling he got it out!
Now for my turn. I am not the greatest at crossing rivers and have been known to moer neer every now and then. Pointed the moaning and grumbling Turd towards the water and set off.
“shit, I must remember the hole that Jman moered into” I thought. Just then my front wheel sank and my poepol closed tight! And then Turd died. Hier kom groot kak I thought to myself. Could start, so I hd to get off and push, much to the amusment of the other two that were waiting for me.

Turd didn’t drown but decided it would be moer funny to run out of petrol at that exact time.
Eventually figured out that I should be on reserve and off we went.
Got to Twin Palms and booked in for the night.

Lekker food. I ate a 500g, read 750g steak with the latest gravy train sauce, read monkey gland, and all the trimmings.
By six thirty Manic was in bed snoring but I wasn’t that far behind.

1 Manic dagwood
2 My steak
3 BnB
4 an 5 water crossins
6 Kendrew



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Manic Ride report.

Het die 1190 gestart, pertrol gegooi en die kak uit hom uit gery Steytlerville toe.
Gevreet en weer gery tot aberdene.
Gevreet en toe na Murraysburg.
Gevreet en geslaap.
Gevreet en GR toe.
Gevreet en jansenville toe.
Gvreet en ge slaap.
Gevreet en Addo toe.

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Casting from Turd said:
Manic Ride report.

Het die 1190 gestart, pertrol gegooi en die kak uit hom uit gery Steytlerville toe.
Gevreet en weer gery tot aberdene.
Gevreet en toe na Murraysburg.
Gevreet en geslaap.
Gevreet en GR toe.
Gevreet en jansenville toe.
Gvreet en ge slaap.
Gevreet en Addo toe.

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Jou ou doos jy  :laughing4:
Manic said:
Casting from Turd said:
Manic Ride report.

Het die 1190 gestart, pertrol gegooi en die kak uit hom uit gery Steytlerville toe.
Gevreet en weer gery tot aberdene.
Gevreet en toe na Murraysburg.
Gevreet en geslaap.
Gevreet en GR toe.
Gevreet en jansenville toe.
Gvreet en ge slaap.
Gevreet en Addo toe.

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Jou ou twatwaffle jy  :laughing4:
Jy't vergeet van die Petrol gooi in elke dorp omdat hy daai 1190 so gun,  wit strepie wit strepie draai,  wit strepie wit strepie draai
tiffie said:
awsome turd  daai rr was die moeite werd om te wag voor.

volgende keer dros ek by die werk om saam te ry.

jman n kollega van my het n freewind wat hy wil verkoop(ekhet aln paar keer saam hom gery daai fiets loop nog mooi) plus nog een wat hy as spares het(al wat kort is 2 rims) vir R10000

by lesotho army op n veiling gekoop maar die bikes is in sa op die plaas

pm my as jy belangstel

dis n moerse bargain
Dit is moerse bargain,  en goeie fietse, was mos Lesotho se army en polisie bikes.  Ek ry my freewind maar tot hy breek,  dan gaan ek maar vir my 'n mountain bike of radio control vliegtuigie koop soos die ou mense.  As my kinners groot is sal ek maar weer bike kry.