The sh**iest riding weather I have ever encountered this weekend!!

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Beemer man

Race Dog
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
This weekend has to be the foulest kakest weather I have ever ridden in, on the ride Pom organized to Bergville Underberg and surrounds awesome scenery made most foul by the wind, resulting in Pom being blown off his line and resulting in a nasty off,( I will let him tell you of it, he's ok though, Hildago also had an off not due to wind though) going back to Bergville via Kamburg, (this route has to be the best kept secret of the decade) at one stage the wind was so strong I did not think I could hold on, I stopped and told Pistol I had no clue how to ride this, any way got back.
However coming back Yesterday was just Fekking murder,My head was blown around so much my neck is stiff, at one point the wind was so strong, you could not get the bike up to 140 to overtake.
What other Dogs got caught in this.?? :(


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