The three dams alternative route

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Jan 30, 2006
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It's Saturday and what a better way to spend it than take the bikes for some bundu bashing. Three riders signed up : Redrider, Dirtwarp and Sidetrack. Kykdaar came to say hello but could not join us on the ride. It turned out to be quite a ride from a road side subframe repair and flat tyres and then a grand finale busted wrist ! The tracks were very interesting, in some areas we had to make our own.

The bikes were ready and able




The ride would run close to three dams namely Rust De Winter, Rhenosterkop and Loskop dam. First to get to Cullinan we took the service roads. Redrider discovered his subrame hitting on the exhaust. Turns out three of the four bolts holding it on snapped off. Luckily we found a shop and got an emergency repair done, cable ties what a wonderfull invention.



Then we sho left of the main dirt and found ourselves on a small dirt track running across the fields. Had to stop and open some gates but it was worth it as we made our way down into the valley.



The XR posing in it's natural enviroment


And the TE working good so far, notice no hand guards yet .....


We started picking our way through the field as we followed the GPS directions. No real track just patches of sand and rocky outcrops to negotiate. What better way to spend a Saturday morning !


Back onto the main dirt section


It was flippen hot, Redrider heading for a tree


More to follow including the valley of a gazillion rocks ....

Down towards a little river we went, it had two cement drainage pipes that we used to cross. It was nice to find some shade even for a couple of minutes. We would have never found this little detour if not for Google Earth


One more detour past some old farm houses, no one home thta's for sure


It was now onto Moloto for a refuel for the body. We stocked up on some beer and slaptjips. Dirtwarp got an earfull for invading the local ladies kitchen, seems he was a bit too eager to get hold of the cling wrap. She was obviously on Africa time :)

On towards Rhenosterkop dam, we had recent rains but looks like it missed this part. It was dry and fairly dusty, only one small water crossing to contend with



Time to stop and have lunch, found a dry riverbed and parked off. Ah the great outdoors, we chatted about many a topic ....... mainly involving bikes



Many more roads to tackle, let's go !


Rare sight, a husky in the bushveld !

Puncture on the Husaberg's front, out with the tools. Luckily we parked at a garage and patched the tube in no time. We were heading for the village of Moteti


The route we followed consisted of some single track overgrown by thorn bushes in most places. Without handguards this sucked big time ! Note get handguards and fold away mirrors. Still great riding to be had, we had to cross two little rocky valleys. At one I made the mistake off starting at the bottom and with not enough momentum ended up stalling half way up. Good tug on the front forks by Dirwarp and Redrider saw the TE making it to the top. The GPS indicated a temperature of 44 degrees !



By now my fan was coming on alot and the Husaberg made some weird gurgling sounds, Dirtwarp reckoned it too be fuel cooking in the tank and when he mentioned the likelyhood of an exploding bike I took a good step back !


Eventually things opened up a bit and we enjoyed some great views over the surrounding countryside


Redrider had to take the tar home from Moteti as he had to be home at five, we had some time left and took to the dirt heading towards the R25 and man was this a fun little section. Past Mabusa game reserve the road snaked it's way along side a river untill we got to the R25.




The last bit of dirt towards Loskop involved crossing some grasslands and a total change of scenery


Towards the end of the ride Dirtwarp had an off hitting some submerged rocks in the tall grass and in the process injured his wrist, some painfull riding back home. Hope you heal up soon ! From Verena onwards we had no choice but to go via tar as it was getting dark and neither one of the bikes had a good headlight. Got home at about 7 and noticed I had a flat as I pulled into the garage :(

Thanks for reading !
Thanks Okes great ride ,and RR some realy nice photos ,dirtwarp hope the arm heals without complications so we can do it again .  :thumleft:
Well done! It looks like an awesome day's riding! :thumleft:
got some bad news.
Having an op on Thursday and no riding for at least 3 months
oh en sorry dat ek julle laat afkak het daar innie klippe en son.

volgende keer wil ek daardie paadjie wat teen die berg uit gaan, gaan saag


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