This is how your daily trip to work must be!! (well this is myne)

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR
Full report on

Well This is George....And today is Thursday. No more do I have to wait for weekends to take my Yamahakikki for a spin. I decided take take advise from someone tor ride to work as much as I can. Well this week I went 3 days to work from George to Knysna and today I decided to take the camera along.

Well as I planned my day I've decided to sleep late this morning and will only drive to Knysna at 09h30. Well I am exited to go to Knysna once again with the bike. My first appointment will be at 11 o clock so i can drive slowly and with a smile. I went to the Engen Garage at Heatherlands to full up. R20 petrol to drive to knysna.

I will drive via 7 passes as usual. Starting off at Saasveld Pass.



You can see that today was a bright and clear sunny day with a lot of dust in the air. I crossed the Hoogekraal Pass shooting straight through Karatara and heading towards the tight bended Homtini pass. Never in my life have I seen such Hairpin corners. I took it slow around those corners because oncoming traffic used even my lane to corner and there was a couple of "close call's" to a written off bike

So I went through Rheenendal past Tottie's petrol station and turned left onto the Phantom Pass


Here I am Approaching the white bridge. Just a quick history is that we all feared back in 2005 due to heavy rains and flooding the white bridge started to crack and if this bridge would have been destroyed we all have to take the Prins Alfred Pass via De Vlugt to go back to George. This bridge is the only way out of Knysna going and linking George. On the left is the "gewilde" Lightleys holiday rental boats. So as een van julle op honeymoon gaan you will have a jol of a time because it's so private dat jy enige iets kan aanvang op daai boot


So now 2 hours on the road I am late for my appointment. The delay of the Knysna Lagoon road did not help me at all. When will they be finished?
Off to Thesen Islands where my office is

Arriving at the office i put the Camera down and go to work
Well I work for almost 3 years on Thesen Islands in the IT industry. Everyone knows everyone around the island. As I turned into the gate I saw oom Chris Mulder (developer of the Thesen Island residential development and i went to have a look at his T Rex custom build car
This is how a T rex looks like (half car and half a Can am Spyder)



In the summer we usually go for a swim in the Lagoon for relaxation.
Between the busy IT appointments I buy myself some VIDA-E coffee (R18 X 2 Cups per day X 25 days = R 900.00 is the amount I spend on Take away Coffee
So I took a photograph of the popular people and the atmosphere of Knysna



Well with coffee sipped away I went to my last appointment. This People is one of the most high profile client I can ever have John and Lia Van Seventer So i must give my best for them. Today's mission was only to fix a faulty ADSL router at their house. So I went up towards Eastford Estate and took some pictures while I worked


John and Lia Van Seventer. Unbelievable lovely people and I must count my blessings to have such wonderful clients such as them.


View from Lia and John's house facing the Heads


Another view from their house facing the Simola Golf Course and the mountains in the backround


Now that the ADSL is setup and working and the Laptops is connected via Wifi to the ADSL router it's time to move!!!
Now I must move to get back to George. The time is 16H00 and I need 2 hours drive before sunset back to George. So I left for George.


This is the road leaving Knysna towards the Phantom Pass


a Quick stop at Totti's garage to fill up my bike and the cost was R 25.00
The total trip fuel costs were R 45.00
We had a bike comparison test here. I lost because my bike as passive and he get's at least excersize with his bike.

Now I had to endure the Homtini Pass again. I stopped to take some pictures from the bridge on the Homtini river


Here I had to stop and wait for some Kattle to pass the road.



Sun rays coming through the bushes on my way towards Hoogekraal Pass

Now it's off to George and the camera was put away for the remainder of the trip. I took a very nice photograph as i came into Loerie Park from the Saasveld road towards the mountain


Well this was a very cool day and hopefully most of my days will be like this
Wow - if only we all had such a daily 'grind' to work and back!! 

Jealous! :ricky:
After reading this, the Dogs from the Big Smoke are going to sukkel on their smog-filled, traffic jammed way to work tomorrow!  :mwink:
Man I love that route.
We go and stay on a farm just at the top of of the homtini pass (the george side). There's a sign up saying "Homtini Tactical Shooting Academy"
We were just talking about trailing the bikes there next time we go.
Jitte Cassie, jyt net die manier om mens lekker gevange te hou tot die einde. All in a hard day's work!
Jadon where they have the big smoke i had the big dust.  Dust Dust Dust everywhere

Jadon said:
After reading this, the Dogs from the Big Smoke are going to sukkel on their smog-filled, traffic jammed way to work tomorrow!  :mwink:
I saw the buildings i wonder what it was. I almost stopped to have a peep.  Will stop next week for a quick pepe

Mr. Python said:
Man I love that route.
We go and stay on a farm just at the top of of the homtini pass (the george side). There's a sign up saying "Homtini Tactical Shooting Academy"
We were just talking about trailing the bikes there next time we go.
cassiebotha said:
I saw the buildings i wonder what it was. I almost stopped to have a peep.  Will stop next week for a quick pepe

Mr. Python said:
Man I love that route.
We go and stay on a farm just at the top of of the homtini pass (the george side). There's a sign up saying "Homtini Tactical Shooting Academy"
We were just talking about trailing the bikes there next time we go.

There's about a kilo of dirt road down to the farm can't see it from the road.
Lekker spot though got a shooting range gun shop and cottages - plenty forest for the kids to get lost in.
Watch out for the bush pigs in that area
Grear advertensie vir die Suid-Kaap!!! :thumleft:
Lekke Cassie nou weet ek hoekom jy nie kan still sit nie. Jy drink te veel koffie. :imaposer:
eet jy darem so nou en dan 'n pannekoek by Panekuk daar op die einde van die eiland  :drif: :drif: :drif:
ja dit en ill de pain. panakuk se panakoekke is nogal baie lekker