To Hogsback via Katberg.FIXED!

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As my quads were not sold nor used for a while, I felt an irresistable itch to go for a ride.I phoned my buddy Wayne and proposed a ride to Hogsback via all the neglected backroads from Queenstown.Needless to say it didn't take much convincing him.


We were packed with extra fuel and full hydro packs.The 4 kays of tar went fast but bitterly cold and then the gravel welcomed us.The first stop was Kamastone.



The first 40 kays made for top gear riding and high speed power slides, with the odd rut and eroded water crossing to keep you on your toes.Then it was a junction and we decided on the road less traveled.


With the mountains looming close we set off.

At the back of the first mountain we discovered this dam, and I vowed to return with my fly rod to see if any scaly characters call this pond home.


The mountain pass started in earnest, and the narrow, muddy trail demanded full attention.I braved my vertigo at the top for a look back at the way we came.





At last we were over the top and the scenery changed from barren, rocky outcrops to thickly wooded forests.



Now it was the last 20 clicks to Hogsback, climbing up Mitchell's pass and taking a break near the top to have a look back.

We rode the last five kays in a thick fog and stopped of at the Saw Romm for coffee and steak rolls, before heading back.

Some more pics to follow later.
J R R Tolkien claimed that visiting Hogsback inspired his famous tales of Hobbits and such.We never found any trace of the shire folk, but whilst filling up with fuel in the village a high as a kite local offered to show me some magic.What first seemed to be weed turned out to be dried hallucigenic fungus, which he called "magic mushrooms".It immediately became apparent to me just exactly how Tolkien was able to conjure up Hobbits and Dwarfs while ingesting some "good stuff".Obviously I declined to sample his goods, as the road back had many nasty twists, turns and plenty of junctions and crossings.I could just picture myself ending up in Grahamstown, high as a kite on some forest delicacy.
Disselboom said:
.What first seemed to be weed turned out to be dried hallucigenic fungus, which he called "magic mushrooms".It immediately became apparent to me just exactly how Tolkien was able to conjure up Hobbits and Dwarfs while ingesting some "good stuff".

Phew, was wondering why the bikes in this thread look like they have four wheels. Bloody amanita muscaria shit again :evil: :twisted:
Seriously now, Disselboom: Thanks for the pics. I love that part of the world (went to school in Cala and Queenstown can you believe). Do you ever get out to the Cala, Elliot area?

If you do, what's the riding there like? Would love to see that area again on the back of a bike.
luverly! will all the ec postings our april trip is being cemented. hope to meet up with you guys somewhere!
Nice pics, our first Kwat report if I'm not mistaken,
Captain's log stardate ....: Add hogsback to the list of must sees on the April EC trip.

Any more?


Ps what will the temps be in late April - I guess it can get cold in the higher areas, even in April??
The road from Lady Frere to Cala is now a tarred high-way, but still there are a seemingly endless amount of tracks and trails that go from anywhere to everywhere.I would probably not be able to explore them all in my lifetime.
Thank you that the "Kwats" are welcome here.Over at the Kwat forum there are no adventure riders, and trailering your bikes seem to be the order of the day.Maybe some Kwats = Harleys :?: :twisted:
I love Hogbsback. I have done most of the hiking there, almost completing the full 7 days, I opted out for the full one due to work committments - I worked on the Maden Dam for 6 months, which is as you know, the beginning of the Amatola Trail.

Those white huts up at the top where you park you car, were my abode for 6 months. Didya know that one of my staff drove a tractor through the big one? Those huts are around 100 years old - but thats another story.

That part of the world is so magnificent, I always said I would like to get married there. My donder, dis mooi.

Now show us your bikes mister! Disselboom, do you have the 2 wheel variety? Sweet stuff....

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