Two TAs take to the road

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
Although I had told KiethK that I would meet him at the 1stop at 8, I was there by 7:15 and just hung around after filling the TA tank.

Table mountain had not yet shrugged the wooly blanket for the new day.


In the restaurant I met this chap who had recently acquired the Dakar and was on his way to a BIG DOG â?? groot brak via about ten passes. At least he was dressed properly.


KiethK and I were rather windblown as we rode over the DuToitskloof pass and took a breather at the Slangkop low water bridge.



From there we went over the Mitchells pass and filled up at Ceres, then over the Gydo pass where we stopped for a bit.



Then we took the first right turn off the R303 and headed for Touwsriver. Although this road is initially tar it soon became much more enjoyable but all too soon we joined the R46 just at the beginning of the Theronsberg pass â?? there by the sign that says Droehoek. After the pass we turned right to Bo-Swaarmoed and soon we were on the R355 turning to Patatsgat? Um, Patatsrivier, berg, hoogteâ?¦â?¦ Oh patats-wossname.





I had wondered whether the water feature was still there and as luck would have it I was able to stop and gather evidence that Kieth does indeed do water features.




The road condition was quite different to the last time I had ridden there, with numerous washaways and minor sandy spots as a result. Every once in a while these were announced by a telltale road sign displaying a dip with water followed by the road making an S, with the washaway in the middle of it all.

Soon we joined the R354 at Matjiesfontein and headed for Sutherland as far as Kruispad. On my map this name is quite prominent but in real life there is bugger nuthing  there, just a road sign announcing a fork up.

This road later joins with the N1 just before Laingsburg, where we Steered our way to lunch.


After Shelling out some money we refilled our tanks and made for Touwsriver on the N1. The idea was that we would tar it all the way home but on approaching the Touwsriver turnoff I was hit in the head by a stray thought, so I suggested suggestively to my riding partner that we could take the long way round. He liked the idea so I set off in search of that exit which we found after making use of a rather potholed footpath.

This road had a few potholes of its own which were skulking sulkily in the roadway.


We then turned off and soon joined the R318 which in turn joins the N1 and we went over the Hex pass and the Du Toitskloof pass again and made for home.

So, no-one fell, and no-one had a puncture - poor no-one had all the bad luck.

Thanks Kieth, for the company, I hope you enjoyed the trip to some newly explored roads and I trust that you found it relaxing just to get out there and explore the roads without having to conquer them.

I was actually waiting with baited breath to hear your comments about the footpath in Touwsriver, but you said nothing â?? you obviously found it unremarkable â?? a seasoned traveler.

It is ....  Net time take the road going from Laingsburg to Seweweekspoort .... Tar road for about 23/30 km  Gravel the rest !  At the 45 km mark from Laingsburg there is  Fuel available at a Farmshop ...... gravel road all the way to Seweweekspoort ... Then through the Poort turn right to Ladysmith .... or left to Calitzdorp / Oudtshoorn !!!

Thats was my Valley ...  LOL !
Walked the pooch at 5 am and the wind was already "flexing" its muscle and I thought this was going to be "stiff' neck ride today?Arrived at the N1 Stop 10 minutes early thinking I would catch out Drof but he was there before me.After a brief of the ride we were on our way.
When we crested Du Toits Pass the clouds were heavy and looked really threatening. Our first stop in Slanghoek a road I have not ridden for a long time,


The bridge we stopped at :



Next stop after topping up in Ceres was on the road somewhere around Patatshoek?:




Drof was riding with his "camelpak" and immediately noticed he is an old "diver" the way he takes it off overhead ;D


Please note respect  how my TA was always parked behind the silver one  ;D


Drof after nibbles:


At last on the way back after Touwsriver I managed to "sneak" my TA in front of the silver one  :D


I must admit that between Touwsriver and Worcester we got a bit of a "klap" from the headwind and used a fair amount of juice.
Thanks Drof for a super ride we covered about 630-650 km's. I managed to see some new roads and enjoy the scenery.
Interesting route; will check it out on a map.
That guy with the oldish second hand Dakkie must have spent more on 'Lifestyle' clothes than the bike.
Glad you enjoyed the ride Kieth, we should do it again soon.

Ok - for those who like maps - this is more or less the route: ;D


  • KarooDogleg@@KKActual.JPG
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Ah, now I see where you went.
That brown road just south of the N1 from Lainsberg towards Touws River is a really nice road to ride should you be in those parts again.
Hi Dorffarc,

Nice report, but please show some respect to my home town - it is Groot Brak (capital G, capital B) or more correctly Groot-Brakrivier  :).  Some years ago, after a rugby match against Albertinia (I think), when the Groot Brak supporters "donnerd" the ref, it was known as Groot Varkrivier.

Nice long ride Drof.I see we`ve done away with the water bottle in the bag and got a camelpack.So does that mean no more Naartjies either ?
nice to see the TA has found some company.
Nice pics,Drof and Keith.