Vleisfees and beyond.

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Lekker RR Chris en mooi fotos ........................ :thumleft:

Dankie vir die vinnige "hallo sê" met die terugkom  :thumleft:
Hey Chris, lekker trip wat jy gehad het. Stem saamet Ama, die Karoo bly maar net een van die lekkerste dele in ons land om jou kop skoon en jou bike vuil te maak.

Vertel biki meer oor daai optel-rods - gewoonlik help adrenalien my genoeg maar is nuuskierig oor jou metode.
isiTututu said:
Excellent Chris! virtually all of your photos belong in the "photos that make you want to ride" thread. Dual-sport paradise.  :thumleft:

I know that little pass down onto the Knersvlakte, but I've never succeeded in finding its name or history. Do you know if it has a name, and if it is private or public? I have a feeling it is a private road
Im allways very careful where I ride. This one though I think is public.
Could be wrong but it turns off a public road to join another public one later. This one goes to
the bottom of Van Rhynspass.
Ai, lekker man lekker, ja het daai ou-pas gery so tydjie terug, baie nice... sorry ek was nie tuis nie ou maat, moet darem nou en dan bietjie werk ook nê...
Mondaymorning mist is what I had to ride in!! Hate the Westcoastmist!

Took the turnoff from my friends farm to Komkans direction Kotzesrust.




The whole of Kotzesrust below. Only 8 families live there now. Got all the info from Hennie van Zyl the shopowner.

No this is not the local bikeshop!!

Sorry the pump is empty but Hennie does have fuel in 5 L cans.

Now this is how a shop should look in the inside. I bought " R5.00 se loslekkers" got it in a brown bag!! :thumleft:

Fifty kilos to Garies and only one gate. I opened up a bit.

Did the touristthing in Garies. Went up to the Letterklip.

History behind it is it was used by the Britishsoldiers as a fort. One night they were sitting around the fire with
their weapons on the other side of the fort. One Boersoldier jumped over the stonewall and "hensopped" the

Garies below.



The caretaker said its cool I can have a look around!!



Open area at the back where they did their cooking.

Gravesite nearby.


Even Mr Moffat have been here.

Rode down to Garies and filled up. Turned on the N7 and rode a kilo back south and turned left for Doringkraal.
A friend told me about this place.




Doringkraal below. Only one farmhouse is used. There is even a fully equipped blacksmithshop.

I turned left(north) and followed the Langkloof(the sign said so) Ive ridden a few stunning roads and this one
is new on the list!! Pity about the gates though. Maybe a good thing. Slows me down.






This is Karas. Seven farmhouses together and no one there. These farmers are "trekboere" and move to their
other farms where the grazing is better certain times of the year. If I had not phoned my friend in the Bushmanland
to tell him Id be at his place Mondaynight I would have stayed right here. I will be back!!



And still it goes on and on.  :thumleft:




Sadly this little tortoise did not make it :(
I joined the Garies-Platbakkiesroad and turned onto the Leliefonteinroad. Im in the Kamiesberge now.


On top of the Kammiesberge looking towards the coast.

Mainstreet Leliefontein.



Had a cooldrink on the stoep of the local boozeshop. Life is slow here. Even the dogs walk slowly!!
I had no idea how far I still had to go and it was getting late. The road continued twisty and turny.
Going passed Nourivier, Rooifontein and Kamassies. The people farm here with goat and sheep.




Stopped for a chat with these two gentleman. They are herding their goat and sheep. They have to as there is no
fenceing. We talked about the drought....mainly the drought and the damn jackal and rooikat!!!
The guy on the left did not say a word the whole conversation. Odd I thought. When saying goodbye his mate said
he is deaf and dumb. The two of them have their own way of communicating by their own sighnlanguage.
Left some of my "loslekkers"

Turned off the mainroad at Gamoep. Twentytwo kms to my friends farm. The red sands of the Boesmanland is to be seen.
We had a late night which involved meat,fire and lots of stories.
Today was about -+320kms with 17 gates. I will do it again. Maybe next year if the flowers are good.

To be continued.

Chris L, baie dankie, jy maak my dag met hierdie verslag.ek wil graag kom n draai maak by jou in Stilbaai, ek gaan jou vroegtydig laat weet. jy moet my asseblief wys hoe werk jou D I Y hyskraan konsep om die fiets te help optel. ek kom die einde van die maand af soontoe.

finansieel vat ek tans n knock, en ek loop rond met die hartseer gedagte om dalk my Adventure te moet verkoop, maar na ek jou foto's sien, kan ek dit nie oor my hart kry nie. sal maar moet vasbyt en deur hierdie kak tyd kom en weer later die skuldeisers se bekke toestop.

Dis n briljante verslag sover, en mooi fotos.ek sien uit na nog n episode.

Oja, as jy dan panniers bemark, hoekom het jy besluit om sonder hulle hierdie trip te doen?
Lem said:
Oja, as jy dan panniers bemark, hoekom het jy besluit om sonder hulle hierdie trip te doen?
Ek het geweet ek gaan meeste van die tyd by vriende bly en het dus minimaal gepak.
Klein stofie en net twee blikkieskos met 2 L water saamgery.
Het elke aand klere uitgespoel dus min klere ook saamgevat. Net een aand gekamp.
Dankie chrisL! Pragtige fotos en omgewing - mens VOEL die trip saam met jou!! :ricky:
Mensig maar jy't n talent met die fotonemery en storievertel.  Dis hierdie tipe RR wat my inspireer om die lang kronkelpad te vat.

Dankie vir die moeite ou maat :thumleft:
Really stunning pic's, love the Doringkraal, Kamiesberge, Kamassies area, roads look great also 2 ride!

look forward 2 rest of ur report
laurika said:
That doringkloof road is stunning!!!how many gates ?
To think back I can recall 11 in Doringkloof and Langkloof, but I know it was 17 for the day!
Hel man daai foudies maak my darem nou lus vir ry :drif: