Vleisfees and beyond.

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Lekker een Chris , ek raak altyd lus om pad te vat as ek jou RR's lees .  :thumleft:
Mooi ene Chris  ;)

Dis DIEP wêreld waar jy gery het.

Daar is die mense nog mens!

Dankie vir die geestelike "escape" hier uit die beton wêreld.

Bevange  :thumleft:
Tuesdaymorning I was a bit slow in getting up. Had a great big breakfast that included geese scrambled eggs.
Said goodbye to my friends and rode west.


Of course I had to say a special goodbye to the real boss on the farm in his own bakkie!!

One kilo later the first gate of the day!!

Through the Kammiesberge towards Kammieskroon.

Kammiesbergpas. Got signal for my cell in Kammieskroon. Made a call home and turned around and went back
the way I came for 10kms. Turned left on a road that would take me to Springbok.

Great road with only a few farms but the ever present gates!






It seems this oke waited just a bit too long for the bus!!!

Love the food in this place!! Had to eat a burger at Oom Jopie Kotzes restuarant. Bought a present for missesL.
Everytime I go away I buy her something somewhere on the trip. Had a wooden giraffe once on the back of the
bike all the way from Namibia!!


Rode out to Nababeep to have a look at this monster in the museum. A compressor used in the early days to power
the drills. Standing next to the flywheels the top is still 40cm above my head. Im 1.82m.




A drill.



The waterpipeline that DE Beers built to supply water to Kleinzee,Koiingnaas and surounding towns. It runs all
the way from Cookhouse.
I took a dirt shortcut to the Springbok-Kleinzee tarroad. Turned towards Kleinzee. Rode down Spiktakelbergpas and
back to Springbok. It was getting late. Took the N7 for 10kms South and turned right on the Wildeperdehoekpasroad.




The pass is build by stacked rock.


Plan was to sleep down at the old jail where they kept the prisoners who build the pass.

I walked the road down and decided against it. Ive done it before and I do not feel like picking my bike up after a
long day. The road gets worse from here. The down was not the problem but the up the next morning.

Pitched tent just were the road starts below the mainroad. Chicken Breyani was on the menu and water was the drink!!!

First night camping and I slept like a log.

To be continued.

baie nice my ou maat,my hart trek met 'n punt
daar na Gamoep se kant toe  :thumleft:
Dit raak net al hoe beter!En 'n ander ding,jy't groot balle om alleen daar in die middel van nerens alleen te gaan kamp nie!
The next morning I was up early. Must have been cold looking at the ice on the seat. I slept warm though.


I left at eight. The air crisp but not cold.

After Wildeperdehoekpas is Messelaarspas. One long twisty curvy road thats heaven for any DS rider.
If you do not enjoy this you belong on tar!!
At this junction at the bottom of Messelaarspas I said " Eenie Meenie Mynie Mo watter kant toe nou"?!
I had no idea if my friend is in Hondeklipbaai and no cellreception to phone him.
The whole day was lying ahead so a detour to Hondeklipbay was not too far.

First sight of the diamondmining at Koiingnaas.

At 9:15 am I stopped in Hklipbay.

As I rode into town down towards the harbour I could see my friend standing next to his bakkie. Lucky dog!!
They are checking the sea to see if they are diving today.

Divers going in to see if the visibility is good. They have a big problem with fine kelp in the bay.

The "face" where they are pumping the diamondgravel from is just infront of the boats.

The beachunit which they use if the seas are to rough for the boats.

The pipecar they use to transport the suckingpipes on the beaches. Serious tyres!!!

My friends other boat that got washed ashore with high seas. No damage but they still have to pull it back to
the water. We had a big brunch at 11am. No diving today.
At 12:00 I said maybe I should start moving as to which my friends wife said " jy kan nie net my kos opeet en nie kuier nie"!!!
So I had to stay the night. :thumleft: Spend the rest of the day driving to Koiingnaas and around Hondeklipbaai.
Big kerriepot in the evening.

Their woodhouse overlooking the harbour.


The Aristea that sank here in 1945. Crew 24. One life lost.

Hondeklipbay or "Dogstonebay" as it was named first.

The new lighthouse.
Sad story this. When it was finished like it is here on the photo the contracter said it would be nice if they would pay
him for a change. Oeps sorry we spent the money on something else!!! :biggrin:
The light was then fitted fenceheight by someone else(seen left on pic) So the whole tower was built for nothing!!! :biggrin:

And I had to earn my keep!!! Im not very comfortable with babies. Scared they might break, but this little one
is one of those easy ones!! Sweat!! :thumleft:

One thing that the Westcoast has is stunning sunsets!! :thumleft:

The next morning on the way out I stopped at the "klip" of Hondeklipbay.

The ear was "borrowed" and the snout was chopped off by lightning.
Took the road towards Garies. A lekker road. Never boring.

This is Wallekraal 40km before Garies. Used to be a school with hostel in the old days.
The whole place with land is for sale.

The hostel.

Took this road towards the Garies-Groenriviermondroad.

Gates again!! :biggrin: Turned left at the Tjunction towards Garies and then right towards Kotzesrust.

Left to Bitterfontein and Slaapstad. Joined the N7 after the most corrugated road of the whole trip.
Turned off the N7 at Nuwerus. Went to my friend at Landplaas to drop something off.

Slept close to Lutzville on a another friends farm.
Fridaymorning the Easterlywind woke me up. Not my favourite wind. :biggrin:
Kept on tar most of the day. It is about 600kms home.


Took the old pass at Piekenierskloof. Have not ridden this before.
The Swartland is beautiful this time of year.

Stopped at Oom Foe-ries place of work for a quick chat. His office is so close to the road he would have heard me go by!! ;)

When I saw this I knew I was close to home!!
I thought I new Namaqaland. Surprice surprice I have to go back again.....again!!! :mwink:

Thanks for reading.

Thanx Chris what a lovely report to read!
You don't on an off have that route as it is something similar I have been threatening to do the last few months?

Daai pic van die bike wat staan en idle op Wildeperdehoek is bitter cool.
Stofdonkie said:

Daai pic van die bike wat staan en idle op Wildeperdehoek is bitter cool.
Dit was koel!! :thumleft:
Myne stoom maar so soggens. Weet nie of ander 1150s dit doen nie.
n Ride report met slegs die nodige woorde en waar die fotos die verhaal vertel ........ Netjies gedoen Chris  :thumleft:

Oja, voor ek vergeet ...................... Chris jy lyk darem handig met n baba op jou skoot.  8) >:D
TornadoF5 said:
Thanx Chris what a lovely report to read!
You don't on an off have that route as it is something similar I have been threatening to do the last few months?
Sorry youre the 5th person asking!!
If Id know how to do the mapsourcething I would have added my whole trip.
Hope to learn oneday :biggrin:
Most is in my head and a map I use.
Nice one Chris, that Wildeperdehoekpas has rated as one of my all time fav's! And i saw the wildeperde.....
Dankie Chris - Jy maak my LUSLUSLUS om te ryryry  :biggrin: