Watch out for Hyundai Accent DJB060GP!!!

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Race Dog
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Pretoria East
KTM 990 Adventure
Hi Dogs,

Just a heads up, there is, what I suspect to be, a severely disturbed person driving around in a red Hyundai Accent reg DJB060GP. On my commute this morning this guy purposely tried to run me over while shouting all sorts of profanities and shouting that he will kill me and he will run me over.

Yes every story has two sides, I honestly do not believe I did anything wrong as there are two lanes which turn right onto the R21, I was in the left lane and he was in the right as I was about to pass (not lanesplitting as I had a open lane) he swerved into my lane I swerved to avoid him and thought not too much of it. This was when he started shouting and almost ran me over. I shortened my turn so as to avoid him and he passed almost hitting the kerb. From there I decided to stay behind this guy at least until I could find a save place to pass where I wouldn't be in any danger. When I did so passing in the very right lane (he was in the lane second to left, he swerved over and accelerated almost hitting another car, while looking at me and I guess still shouting profanities he almost drove full speed into the truck ahead of him and swerved left to avoid the truck almost hitting another car. I then managed to accelerate and pass and make some distance between myself and him.

I would really like to take some sort of action against this guy as who knows what he is going to do the next motorcyclist he sees, I do not mean anything aggressive but something to make him think about his actions and that he can understand one cannot do this. Or best case would be to get this guy off the road completely.

I am quite sure the traffic cameras would have picked all of this up.

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