WC-DS Festival Leaders / Sweepers

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Those are girls feet ;D Whats with the stockings CU? Last time i wore those it was Army! :p
H, sorry to hear about the bike, hope you get well soon. Nice riding area that, looks like the outride is going to be a good one, but the reccie was a big ride in itself.
Pistonpete said:
Those are girls feet ;D Whats with the stockings CU? Last time i wore those it was Army! :p

my feminine side!  :biggrin:

Na man. It cooler than socks!  ::)
Boys Boys Boys tch tch what a ride by the looks of it,glad you ok Henk hope to see you soon ,come and sweep in a vechile for the bash,good to have you along ,hope you kept your spots he he he.
A peak into the beauty of the Cederberg
The road into Eiselbank

First off is Rony , then DanTheMan , Leftless, AntonW, Crossed-up , The Vara is Generaal and Camelman
Well after Generaals friend called his Dad in Ceres to collect 'H's bike and took them both back to Ceres . Many thanks , sorry I didnt catch your name ! age I guess.

The rest of headed to the Oasis where we were welcomed by Chantal and later Gert.
Most of us headed for the pool , some went straight for the fridge.

Pic comming

Chantal ,our Host and cheff , cooked those amazing 800g T-bones , I have never had such a tender T-Bone , well done Chantal.


We sat up late and finally turned in.

Up at 05h30 Camelman and I , packed up , saddled up and were ready for the road.

Riaanrw was having prblems with a leaking RH front shock and decided it might be dangerous going through Eiselbank and down that bloody steep mountain into Wuperthal , So we bid him farewell and he headed home.

After b/fast we headed  down the 4 x 4 track towards Eiselbank.

Not very far into the ride , Generaal hit a rock and holed his sump.

Crossed -up used his petrol bottle to catch  a litre of oil that ran out and we laid the Vara on its side to repair the hole.



Field Fix (Its amazing what Fynbos can cure.Just joking !)

I cut a piece of fynbos , sharpend it and knocked it into the hole , leaving about 10mm protruding,Rony had some of that fast drying putty , and AntonW had a drop of Taquella left in his flask , which we used as a degreaser , putty on and 10 Minutes later and Gereraal was off back to Hermanus.

Lekker roads, my faithful XT and Camelmans KTM 950


We marked our territory ,like all dogs do


He headed for a lekker ride through all the rocks , stones and sand to Wuperthal ,and back to Clanwilliiam.

Can you believe that they even have political posters down the 4x4 track in the middle of no where


After refueling and getting ice and a snack , we decided head back into the mountains.

We went past the Oasis again and headed back toward Ceres en-route home.
We had been riding for 20 minutes or so and reallised we were heading straight for a huge electic thunder storm , first big drops , then it pissed down.
A 4x4 waved us down and said the road was flooded and was washing away fast.We went on with our leader , Leftless up ahead.

When we got there , It was true , not even the 4x4`s dared crossing.
So back to the Oasis , " Hello Gert , we back".
Anyway he informed us that we could get fuel between 4 and 6 at Dwarsrivier , which we did.
Then headed back toward Citrusdal and the N7 and Home.I got there at 20h30

Distance travelled , 986km , according to my odo trip reading .

pic tomorrow

Many thanks to all who came with us , I am glad that our friends from the BMW Club , " Die Maletjie" and DanTheMan and now also Wilddog members .
Thanks to Leftless who lead us most of the way.
Glad you are OK "H". Wat a nice bunch of guys to ride with. Thanks for having me. Hope to ride with all of you again soon.
:ricky: :thumleft:
Hey guys looks like you had a great week-end recce'ing 8)

H ,glad you all rite mate :) good luck with sorting out the bike  :-\

I can't WAIT for the DS festival month end. Your fotos have just reminded me how much I LOVE riding in the Cederberg,  the three time that I have been there..... thanks for all your effort guys  ...see you all soon  :thumleft:
Hi guys, some news on the bike, the mach. at BMW said he is not even going to waist his time on a quote to repair the GSA. Wright-off for sure, but the shocking thing is it is the first one they have seen with not a single straight pipe on it, all parts on the bike has been damaged acording to them.

They fly good, but will have to work on the landing part in Germany.
Damn sorry to miss this ride and the Festival, ride safe guys and enjoy.

H glad to hear that you are ok, bikes can be replaced.

H, Jammer om te hoor.

As wil parte verkoop, PM vliegvark. Hy koop die motors op om in vliegtuie te sit. Hy het die agentskap in die land vir die gearboxes om dit oor te skakel in 'n vlieg-motor.... ens.
Hy betaal gewoonlik so 25-40K vir 'n motor.
Kyk wat se die versekering, dalk kan jy nog n' paar los sente maak vir die nuwe een.
Howzit H... Glad to hear your okay... Sad to see the GSA is not.
Those Cederberg gravel roads have a way of lulling you into a relax stupor, just before grabbing you by the short & curlys and injecting a shot of adrenaline right into your scull.  >:D  ;D  ;D  ;D

...Please guys. Ya gotta post more pics... 

Hey, Wayne, we're gonna miss you in Clanwilliam. :(  We'll definitely raise a glass/can northwards.  Last weekend was the most amazing fun I've ever had on a bike.  :ricky: :ricky: You can be sure there will be lots of cameras snapping away at the "Festival" and the RR is going to break all records.  Watch this space!  :deal:
Howzit Wayne , that route was too long , so we have adjusted it slightly.We popped in at Mertenshof , but Barry was out.
Missed you on the ride though .
How about you plan a ride for us in Nam Wayne?  That will be a good excuse to travel North for a long weekend or more!
Camelman said:
How about you plan a ride for us in Nam Wayne?  That will be a good excuse to travel North for a long weekend or more!

;D  ;D  ;D  ...Hmmmmmm, well you know... I've found is kewl trail...  >:D


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