Sunday came around, and Sack came all the way from Durbanville for a technical joy ride. The usual suspects werent keen to ride whatsoever. However, up and coming suspect Nivea was keen for a bit of speel on the 690 as was Newguy.
The four of us left the rest of the babelas/ tender liverered participants and we popped down to a farm that Johan from Eendekuil Hotel had organised for us. As he had explained, we had 150 hectares of playground to go bos on. Sounds fabulous! :thumleft:
After making respectful introductions to the farmer in question (Isak), he led us down the garden path to our playground. This whole experience was going to be short on photos and long on riding so I'll detail what happened
a) Sack got stuck on his 1200GS within the first 10metres :biggrin: - as he crossed the river portion, he kicked it into neutral and the bike sat. Newguy ran to help him, and he was out in a jiffy.
b) We rode the length and breadth of the area on sand, through one small wet area, and lots of wattle like trees
c) We then started doing figure of 8's on the bikes
d) More riding in rivers and then off to the "obstacle course" area close to the farm house.
Then... disaster. Nivea says lets go through here (on the 690) pointing to a river. Cool beans! He goes through and I note he hits a hole of sorts with the rear wheel but hes through. Lekker. I follow... and hit the hole a bit heavier.
Suffice to say, it aint going nowhere!
After trying for well over an hour with all manners of cantilevered branches and logs, Sack goes to call Isak. Isak promptly says "ek weet dis skade vir jou, maar vir my is dit f*#(kken pret!"
:imaposer: - at least he wasnt pissed with the callout.
After snapping a 2,5 ton towrope (I researched the breaking strain), we managed to pull the bike out with double the towstraps - bit skeery. 4x4 low range, attached to rear wheel. Anything else would have well... snapped.
Isak was so cool - reminiscent of the people of the area :thumleft: - he brought me to the hotel in the bakkie, and when I got there, my lady had packed up our entire camping shizzle and was ready to roll :mwink: :thumleft: :thumleft:
We said our goodbyes and the two of us jumped on the 690 with Sprocketbek as wingman on his 640.
Up the PiekenierskloofPas again
You know you have a good woman when she's ok to sit on THAT seat for a few hours to get home... :thumleft:
Our destination was just to see flowers..... and we found a few in short order. Heres SB in action with that magic camera of his
:mwink: :thumleft:
sorry I was outta focus..
Route planning on the GPS for the way home
We stopped off in Citrusdal for a drink and an eat - something really hard to get at 1pm on a Sunday - and promptly sat down. I started to leak..
and then the floodgates opened................
SB's eyes were hurting so he promptly bought the coolest pair of newwave RayBan sunglasses he could find. After much fashion consulting, he decided on these
Cant you see this shop fitting in with the best of them in Sandton City/ Gateway/ Canal Walk? Fashionista baby!
The end: The 690 demo lent to us from KTM Cape Town was an absolute godsend and allowed us to finish our trip on a bike and see the flowers still :thumleft: Brilliant All Around... 8)