We are going back to the Transkei on our Dirt Bikes:Come and join us:8-15 Aug

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Pack Dog
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Following on our recent very successful visit to the Transkei Wild Coast on our "Dirt" bikes I have decided to arrange a second one in August staying again at the lovely Kob Inn Hotel.

The dates will be 8th to the 15th August 2015.

Partners are encouraged and it is an ideal idea for them to come and relax, ride horses, walk on the beach, read or even bring their bikes along as there is easy riding available within close proximity of the Hotel

Here are exerts from some of our recent days riding :

Transkei day 5.

The day broke with sunshine and a howling South Wester, the sea was white as the wind whipped it into a froth. It was obvious the threatened storm was not far of. Time for a quick ride before we would be confined to the hotel.
35kms in 4 hours.
We left the Hotel into the howling gale that made staying on the bike quite tricky. Dean, our guide was heading off to a path into one of the gorges that he had only ridden once previously. Getting there however was to be quite an experience. Early on the ride we had to climb a very difficult rock and boulder strewn section that I called Boulder ally. About 400m of hell. Some of us fared better than others. On summiting some of us walked down the hill to help the stragglers.
Dean spent some time criss crossing the hillsides in search of the specific path that would take is down to the river and up the other side.
Finally he found what he thought was the correct path and we descended this little used track down to the river. In the process Dean cut both his arms quite badly when he got caught up in a "hak en steek" bush. This was not the first time this had happened on this trip with Rob A and Chris B also falling into the clutches of these horrible bushes.
On arrival at the river we realised that it was the wrong path that we had followed. The thought of having to now climb back up the path was rather daunting. After much sweating and cursing and helping ride other riders bikes up the really tough stuff we finally reached the summit again
By now we could see the rain coming in the distance so we were forced to cut out our attempt at riding another difficult section by the name of "Coco Pops". This will have to wait for a next visit.
Dean be true to form had more tricks up his sleeve as he put us to the test of riding more incredible sections as we tried to race the rain back to the Hotel. About 500m out the heavens opened up and we rode the short distance to the Hotel in the rain.
We spent the afternoon and evening watching the waves get bigger and bigger and the storm get closer and closer. On waking this morning the hotel was assessing the damage from the storm. They appear to have got off lightly and things could have been much worse.
Another very exciting day on the Transkei Wild Coast.

Day 4 in the Transkei.

Today started wet and miserable and looked like another rainy day but by 10 the weather had turned into a lovely day. We headed north to tackle a very difficult section very aptly named "your mother's cat". On our say one of the bikes had issues so the rider had to return to Kob Inn to try to repair his front brakes. But for the "cat" section the day was going to be spent exploring the area and boy did we explore. 85kms in 6 hours. The riding was brilliant. Again there were loads of spills but no damage or injuries. Loads of river crossings again today and despite it being a so called easy day we still had lots of really challenging riding. We finally arrived at the "cat" and found the going impossible due to the track still being wet from the rain. After lots more exploring we found ourselves being unable to get out of an area that we were in.
Asking the locals is tantamount to disaster as they believe that any track that can be walked can also be ridden. We know this to not be true. Anyway we asked a young man and he assured us that the track Se were on was indeed ride-able on a bike. Well we could have just as well ridden off of a cliff the decent was so steep. This was the "mother" of "your mothers cat". It just kept getting steeper and because it was in the shade the path was still wet from the nights rain. Reminded me of the "slip n slide" we played on as kids. Unbelievably we all got to the bottom unscathed.
On our way back to the hotel an incredible wind sprang up making it difficult to stay on the bike.
What an amazing day.
We are expecting loads of rain and very strong winds tomorrow. The swell in the area is forecast to be 7 meters.
We are battening down the hatches for the expected storm.

You can get more reports and pictures from my "facebook" page.

The plan is as follows :

Transport : Buddy up with a friend/friends to help with the fuel bill. On our recent trip we were 3 up in an Automatic VW Amarok 4x4 with 2 bikes on the Amarok and 3 on the bike trailer. Fuel, toll's etc worked out at R1500.00 PP

Trip : Leave CT in the very early hours of Saturday morning towing our bikes. Drive straight to Kob Inn on the Wild Coast. We did this very easily with only 2 of us needing to drive. Trip took us 14 hours.


Drive up at your own pace and meet us at the Hotel on Saturday 8th August.

Costs : I have arranged very special rates for us of R600.00 per person per night Dinner, Bed, Breakfast & Lunch. Total cost R4200.00 per person.

What to expect on the rides : Some of the best and most exciting riding you will have possibly ever experienced. Scenery to die for. Riding with great people. Help wherever necessary.

Our Guide "Dean" : Dean has been the Chef at Kob Inn for 12 years. He has explored the area in fine detail and will ensure that the rides exceed your expectations.

Guide costs : We all make a donation of a nominal amount of money which goes towards his running costs. There is no guide fee.

What about experience : You need to be an average or above rider. Beginners will not make the grade but they can spend time riding close to the Hotel.

What the Hotel supplies over an above fantastic food, Bar/drinks and accommodation : Workshop facilities, Fuel and bike washing facilities.

Where do I fit in : I am purely the facilitator and I know Dean and the Hotel very well. It is not a commercial venture.

Group size : Preferably not more than 12 riders


Please contact me on [email protected]

Once you have booked I will request a deposit of R2000.00 PP. Once paid it is not refundable unless you are able to replace yourself on the trip.

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