Where has your bike taken you today?

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Taken about an hour ago on my way to Ght from Kasouga to the office


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DirtRebell said:
Noneking said:
DirtRebell said:
VaalBaas said:
Nie heeltemaal gepas vir die forum, maar hulle moes ook n slag bene rek vanmiddag.

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

Jy weet wat Vaalbaas, voeg nou nog net 'n K1300s by die twee, dan het jy my offisieel jaloers.

Jou standaarde is baie hoog! Ek is lankal jaloers......


Ja ek weet, voel ook so maar wil dit nou nie so uitspel nie, netnou kry hy grootkop.
Mense wat sy biltong van heinde en verre kom koop help ook nie juis nie.
Julle maak dit moeilik[emoji51]

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

edgy said:
Taken about an hour ago on my way to Ght from Kasouga to the office
Baie mooi.[emoji106][emoji106]
Ons het gisteraand hier een van die mooiste nog sonsondergange gehad.

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

Dorsland said:
Sommer 'n kort ent teerpad ingesluit oppad Nieu-Bethesda toe.  Kompasberg doer in die verte.

Lekker Dorsland,hoe maak die korter of standaard screen? Beter so?

Ja [member=1327]The TRANSPORTER[/member], hy gee wel nie die beskutting van die hoër skerm nie maar ook nie soveel minder nie.  Die feit dat ek baie beter voor my op die grondpad kan sien is die moeite werd dink ek.  Hy lyk ook netjieser.

En ek het 2 spaar skroefies en rubber buste van die langer skerm wat die korte nie nodig het nie. :biggrin:
On my way back from work took a wrong turn and got "Lost" in the Sandveld, stopped at the bergriver bridge for a cooldrink,


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VaalBaas said:
Dorsland said:
Sommer 'n kort ent teerpad ingesluit oppad Nieu-Bethesda toe.  Kompasberg doer in die verte.
Pic that makes you wanna ride[emoji106][emoji106]

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

ja daai is 'n wiele foto!!  :ricky:
the other day i was gatvol and decided to go for a ride all the back roads


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Would muuuch rather get onto the gravel to Sutherland, but at least emergency repairs and related allow me to ride around a bit.
Today included Malmesbury and the V&A Waterfront apartments


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.Game viewing.


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Went to Pick 'n Pay today.....


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The N2 has become a place to go for a run in the mornings, here is my run along it on Monday -day 53


Net gery tot onder in die vallei en toe vrek die dakar, battery kaput!
Niks foto’s, moes maar deur die veld tot by vriend en vrou bel om my klein “jump starter” te bring! :dousing:
Geweet ek moes die SR gevat het! :peepwall:
DavidMorrisXp said:
The N2 has become a place to go for a run in the mornings, here is my run along it on Monday -day 53


Thanks for sharing. 

I must say, seems dangerous to me for humans to be running/walking near automobiles traversing at such a high rate of speed, just a few meters away.  It's unlawful here to do such a thing.
big oil said:
Thanks for sharing. 

I must say, seems dangerous to me for humans to be running/walking near automobiles traversing at such a high rate of speed, just a few meters away.  It's unlawful here to do such a thing.

Illegal here too. But our enforcement sucks, they would rather target public where the possibilty of payment is higher...