Started at Harties following the Kanaalpad.
Here & there there's some deviation required due to blockages of various kinds but these make it a bit more exciting as the road itself is easy.
Worth noting is that I saw the volume of the water-intake.... which was surprisingly little, only some 20cm deep, slowly flowing, and the width was approx 2.5m's.
We followed the water until a gamefence eventually stopped us - however this was only some 3 to 5 km's before the kanaal itself would stop, according to the GPS used.
Via tar we headed to Beestekraal for lunch, some 44 km's still.
On our return we headed directly on dirtroads to the alleged 'last bit' of the Kanaalroad, only some 3km form Beestekraal, and we followed this for quite some time, close to De Wildt in fact.
Everywhere here on this stretch the canal has loads of water flowing, way more that the volume I saw at the intake: so this Kanaal must be fed from another dam ie not Harties, and I didn't know this.
If someone knows the correct info on this pls let us know?
Was a lekker day's ride! :thumleft: