White Biker Trash

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Jan 8, 2016
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BMW R1200GS Adventure
Hi everybody, Jakes from Boksburre, almost Brakpan(yep I'm close to the danger zone) here, while I'm doing this introduction, I might be slightly distracted because I'm also busy negotiating with the Police hostage negotiator...doesn't it piss you off when they announce loudly over those speaker thingy's.."Let the hostages go, you are surrounded"...any way back to the subject. I operate a BMW R1200GS Adventure, my third one in 7 months, because they stole the other two, and hopefully the regime allows me to own this one for a year. Switched over to gravel riding last year May, seeking for adventure, way's to pass Police roadblocks, and easier ways to get away from shotgun weddings. I love the GS, because it comes with a cooler box attached on the back panier, shows ya those Germans knows what they were doing when they build these gravel machines. The other two boxes are good for smuggling product, I hear some people even load clothes into them, but I haven't used them for that purpose yet, because i only own one set of underpants, and a pair of old biker boots anyway. Well that is me for now, I wish to make many friends here, not because I'm gay, but I need numbers to phone for bail money.  :ricky: