Day 9 – Noneking Day Ride 1
After a great evening and meeting Chopperpilot and Noneking, we would now finally get to experience their backyard. Noneking met us at Chopperpilot’s house and we headed around the corner to the petrol station. Here we got to meet Martin ([member=23937]Foxi[/member]) on his 790 and Saai on a 690.
It feels like I’m repeating myself but, again, super nice guys. The seven of us headed out of town to the rendezvous point. Here our group doubled in size when we met: Rex Benson ([member=283]Rexc-w[/member] ) on an 1190, Stephan Reyneke on an HP2, Ingo de Jager on another 1190, Ivan Gibbons on a GS1200 and, the most chill giant I have ever met, Jan Venter ([member=9540]BikerJan[/member]) on his Africa Twin.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur, with awesome riding and the people we were with, making it even better. A pine forest was our first destination after leaving the rendezvous point. The pace was good as we flew through forest sections, zigzagging our way to our first stop high up in the hills.
Next would be breakfast at a place called the Bohemian Groove Café (or I think that was its name). Anyway, the food was great, and the banter was off and running. The day was heating up, so the outside area under the umbrellas was ideal.
If you look at the photo above, you will notice everyone except old Dries in the shade which reminds me of our third day in Lesotho. We were on our way to Katse dam and it was also rather hot. Whenever we stopped for a quick drink, 2StrokeDan and I would always seek out a shady area where we could take a break and this time was no different. As we disembarked and settled under some trees we noticed that Dries was not joining us but rather lying flat on his back in the middle of the road enjoying the sun. When commentating that he was crazy, he replied; “Come on man, I’m from Germany!”
After breakfast, the ride continued and I honestly had no idea where we were. I actually did not care, as Noneking had the perfect day’s riding planned. From forests to plateaus, down valleys and up tarred passes; the riding never stopped and it just got better and better. We would take the occasional break here and there, but we kept on going.
The above photos are from one of our stops overlooking some part of their backyard. Again no idea where we were… ;D
Here we also took a group photo.
The following pics are from another lookout…still lost.
Martin([member=23937]Foxi[/member]) and his spiffy 790.
[member=5599]chopperpilot[/member] admiring the place he calls home.
Stephan here accompanied by hundreds of flying insects. Actually never noticed them on the ride, but from the picture they were clearly there.
Soon we found ourselves at a shebeen for a nice cold one. The banter continued and everyone was just in an all-round good mood.
The guys all filing into the shebeen.
The next part of the ride was my absolute favourite of the day. It was a section of roughly 40 km and it was next to the Kruger fence. It was so good that I unfortunately forgot to switch on the GoPro. The road had these great little humps which were a lot of fun while going at speed. Actually that is an understatement, they were the shit!!! We stopped for a quick break under a railway bridge.
Dries trying to spot wildlife, because while on the bike there was no time to look around.
The second part of that road had our group split in two, as someone had gotten a puncture. Noneking, chopperpilot, 2StrokeDan, Dries and I chilled at the turnoff while waiting for the others. The sun was hot, but at least the bikes offered some shade.
When we were joined by the other guys, Noneking was back on his bike and we were off again for the last bit of sand. Now sand is something I like very much, in fact, I love sand, so this last section was good fun for me and seeing that I was on the 701, I was in 7th heaven.
The day was coming to an end as we climbed one of the final hills and reached the tar road again. It was getting rather late and we still needed to get home, shower and go to the shop before heading to Noneking for another braai. But the okes would have non of that and insisted on one last beer.
Rex, Ingo, Ivan and Jan. Rex looking angry that the ride was over.
That evening we were hosted by Noneking again for another great braai and was joined by Jan and Saai. We chatted about the day’s ride and I must have mentioned to Noneking about two or three times what a great route it was and how it could not have been any better.
I was wrong again…