Wild Dogs Babes Bash - Heidelberg 2011

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Thanks for the GREAT weekend ladies ! Was fantastic to meet all the ladies!! And what an amazing bunch they are - all so sweet and ladylike and proper -like ;-)
On a serious note - a more organised helpful friendly bunch of bikers you would look very hard to find !! Thanks for the hardwork , laughs and friendliness:) it was a great weekend of good riding , far too much good food , far too little sleep and far too much laughter !! Waiting in anticipaaaaaaation to ride together again soon!
J-dog have a good look at who for 1 started those threads and who for 2 replied and if you're really this bored go hi-jack your own threads - they need some reviving to make them a little interesting  >:D
ag Misty. They boys are getting impatient for the pics. We have the attention span of dogs.  :thumleft:
yes we know that already,,, btw the pics are on page 3, 4 & 5...
The Babes Bash – Heidelberg 2011-07-18

It was that time again, the yearly bonding session of the ‘Ladies who rides”

I suspect the thread was shorter this year, but the arrangements went smoothly and behind the scenes….

Klipkraal was chosen 38 km outside Heidelberg in the Gauteng.  We liked the fact that their logo was also ours….

Celest , the owner arranged a plaastannie to cook for us, and Grunt agreed to take the ride as leader on the Saturday, for safety  reasons…for us, not him….

Some ladies left on Friday, mostly in cars…Chrissie B lead a possy from Baberton to Bethlehem..and collected Tulie and B3 on the way, and shed her exhaustpipe at the same time…

I solo-d to there, Misty and Sunflower carried luggage which eventually arrived…..erm..due to technical reasons…..
Enduro did a Stoetie…and arrived with her bike (nice job Diligaff) on a trailer, but well ready to ride….

Li lead the ride from Joburg of the ladies who only wanted to brave one night at the freezing Klipkraal…






Friday night…potjie, potbrood etc….loads of wood to burn…loads of catching up ….Carene(tulie) explained  to us the perils of pigfarming…..

balancing the camera on a sack of wood...trying 4 times..we finally got everyone in on the pic....









After a amazingly warm sleep (electric blankets) in the morning , everything was covered in frost…I took a early walkabout….
The bikes, the taps…even the lake…all of it freezing….










After a bracing breakfast,



fuel stop in villiers....the ladies who ride caused quite a stirr amongs the farmers...Grunt just hid away in the back....


the pig farmers wife....she rides like the wind.....


….loads of dust, very little technical stuff, but nice to see the area in winter….
We crossed the bridge to Lekoa….

i stopped to take a pic of a low water crossing ive been wanting to photograph forever...Chrissie came rushing back to see if they had lost the "sweeper"..it was worth it, sorry chrissie....




And met the other ladies there for lunch…..someone….(could it be Tulie?) instructed the staff to carry tables into the sun…where we stayed for quite some time…..


Dakota - Li and Chrissie


Tulie, Carla and Sand angel..


A group of hunters arrived, who simply could not believe that so many wimmen can ride bikes……
It was like icecream time in the diet house…..

After an extended lunch, we tackled the rest of the road home…very dusty, good sturdy pace….sun in the eyes…..

Enduro met some sand…but recalls nothing…bike and rider – all good…thanks to Mal who kept a beady eye out for riders hitting the unexpected sand in bad viz….

Party time….

Oom plaasomie was busy braaiing, the pyromaniac Malibu and B3 made a fire that would make hades look cool….and we opened our refreshments ….

Also had a draw….everyone got something……..what fun….thanks to Blazes: 3 pairs of gloves, Bike accessories via Mal and Deanne..for the jacket….BMW night glasses I got at the freestate bash, I put up for the draw as well, mugs from Hentie…sox from mal, stickers from Jules…and various buffs etc from Xkulture….and a One day training voucher from ADA….

Dinner was amazing..so much fantastic food, large portions…tables laid, fireplace blazing…Misty handing out liberal amounts of sours….. some good stories….

and Travel gravel tells the story in the back...

yip...still telling the story.....

Tank girl is not sure the story is true.....

it was getting a tad late...

A respectfull glance at my bottle of bourbon…..a spiritual moment really….


The party went on till 3 am? In suspect? The wood was gone in the morning….12 bags of braaiwood, and 6 large streepsakke large wood ….not bad going girls….

After another large breakfast ..most girl prepared to leave….



I stayed on, soaked up the quiet….had a savannah…a good weekend…new friends made, old friends loved even more…. 2 secretary birds landed in the grass where I sat…and started hunting for snakes…
It was time to leave….


A final look, a sticker on the signpoast….


And took the long way home…
Yes, Thanks all the peeps that put time and effort into making it a wonderful weekend... I had lots of fun... even getting dusted taking some of the pics..


Those pictures of the frost on the saddles caused severe Sympathetic Cryo-Testicular Discomfort Syndrome my side.

Some really spectacular shots.

Girls with cameras see things far better than boys with cameras - in general.
Hey Wild Bitches... I am finally home as well... unfortunately without the broom... decided to leave it in Bethlehem to get some tender loving repairs... hehehe....

Thanks to B3 for putting up with me Thur - Mon... you are a star ;D  thanks to all the Babes for being an amazing bunch, it was so nice to see old friends and make new ones, and Carene, thanx for fetching the Lion farmer to repair my exhaust pipe  :biggrin: and also thanx to Hermit for sorting out my broom on Thursday before the ride...  :D I didn't even realise there was so much wrong with it... but at least it made it through the weekend  :thumleft:

And thanks all for the lovely pics... will see if any of mine are worth posting!

I had a great weekend, and hope to see some of you again soon!



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