woody cape ride

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so captain slow and i decide to take a ride out to cannon rocks through the woody cape area.  it is a perfect day, especially after the last two days of wind and rain.

we left port elizabeth and headed straight to colchester for fuel and to draw money at the atm. 

the dirt road riding started at kinkelbos.  the roads were very dry considering it had been raining on and off for two days, only a slippery patch here and there, but i took it slow with my smooth tyres while captain slow and his fancy gs1200 raced off out of sight  -  AGAIN  8)


here are a few pics of the surrounds.  it is a pretty dairy farming area mainly.  there are a few crops growing here and there, don't know what they are growing but they sure know how to plough straight round these parts.  :mwink:






that's what you'll see if you take this road  ;D to the left we have some trees, and to the right we have some grass ... ....  and some more trees and grass ... ...

and a cow or two of course.

we stopped at cannon rocks for some lunch.  very nice little place, unfortunately they do not have a liquor license so hot chocolate had to do.
a quaint and arty little coffee shop.  the only thing that was worrying was the male mannequin they used to show the way to the toilet  :eek:
quite homo in a disturbing way, the kind of thing george michael would get excited about  :p




the offending/moffie toilet mannequin  :biggrin:


the shipwreck at cannon rocks is now completely gone.  someone, somehow got it cut up and removed. 
all that remains is this large pulley.  rusted to hell and gone, it still has it's gearing intact.


the cable is still there, thought that should have rusted away by now.


we then decided to head to grahamstown by dirt road.  i kitted up and rode out to wait for captain slow to catch up.  after waiting for about five minutes i thought cappie's bike may have not started or something.  so i turned around and rode back into the car park to see what was up.
according to cappie he moered over on right hand side in front of everyone at the restuarant.   :D  and got caught under his bike   :biggrin:
the customers at the restaurant came to his rescue and no harm came to either bike nor rider  :D 

if only i had been more patient, i missed a good photo opportunity there.  :mwink:

so headed to alexandria, took a right on the coastal road to port alfred then hooked a left on the southwells dirt road to grahamstown.

the southwells road was easy, even for a strom with smooth tyres.  hard, dry and in very good condition, i was able to do 120 kph without much drama, but stuck to about 100kph.  as usual captain slow was 'vikkeling' ahead.  cappie the point of dualsport riding is to smell the roses along the way  8)

southwells road - easy dirt road


obligatory pic of me scoot.


the captain at the helm


we then pulled into grahamstown for gas and road home on tar.   the ride was good, the weather was brilliant but would like to have planned better, instead of a last minute, where are we riding today scenario.

no more pics, and not a real ride report, more of a day ride with pics, but good to try my hand at doing a report, and hopefully a proper one in time to come!



it's right there at the car park where the wreck used to be.  it's not obvious at first that there is a coffee shop there, almost hidden.

Picked up a few nice steenbras and Baardman fish ,in the past by the wreck.
Nice ride out.
I like riding with Mr GroenMamba because we ride so far apart its like riding alone....  ;) (which is a good thing to me)  :thumleft:

I love this pic.....  :biggrin:

I'll send it to my mother....  :biggrin:

Jman do you remember this corner..?

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


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Taking a break.... its hard work riding the big bike hard....  >:D >:D


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This man said he passed a man on a shiny blue bike.... he was smelling the roses....  :imaposer: :imaposer:


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Resting again :biggrin:


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This is paradise.....

I did not take many pics as i was in a racing mood again....  :laughing4:

Thanks for the pics Mamba.


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that last pic i was giving you an official wilddog salute, try and zoom in on the gesture and post again  ;D
Captain Slow said:
This man said he passed a man on a shiny blue bike.... he was smelling the roses....  :imaposer: :imaposer:
Hope he wasnt the 1 that asked to buy my yammi!
nice report guys....

imagine if there was noone to help the skipper..... then there would be to shipwrecks in the sand  :p