Did a fun tour with some friends recently. First stop was a hot springs hotel about 4.5 hours ride south to Manizales called Hotel del Otoño. Ride notes for the group said “11 hours” and since the group was already nearly two hours behind and I had a friend on a rented Kawasaki 300X I decided to just take the highway, arrive early and enjoy the hotel and hot springs.
Group showed up at 8:30 but after they showered, changed clothes and had dinner, none of them had energy to soak in the pools.
Next day we headed up Nevado del Ruiz, a volcano up to about 4,300 meters. Cold, wet, muddy but beautiful. Got some great video of some water crossings.
Made it down to lower altitude and a hotel that was without heat but we made it work.
Next day out a BMW had a throttle issue but we eventually made it to an eco-hotel on Rio la Miel. They said they hadn’t had power in 3 days so there was no cold beer which didn’t make me happy but that’s how it is some days. They had a choice of fish or fish and I chose neither. Good thing as half the group got sick the next day. But the river tour was truly amazing!
Like nothing I’d ever seen. Really amazing group of people too.
Got back in time to go to a friend’s birthday party too [emoji6][emoji106]
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