XLADV Viaje Por Agua

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Baja done.  Time for Death Valley!



This guy [emoji115] is a douchebag

This guy was cool

Nothing like Death Valley



This is James doing it right.  I met him five years ago on a super tough trail and told him “don’t ride here alone” which he put into practice.  He remembered this and reminded me [emoji23]


This is Willy.  66 years old.  Irish/Chilean living in Alaska and has already ridden south and back.  Super nice guy.


Chicas from Colombia asking when I’m back [emoji23]

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Back in Colombia after a crap-ton of covid vax documentation travel nonsense I’d rather not get into.

An admission… those Death Valley pics in my previous post were from me car camping and not on the moto, lol.

But!!!  I did return a week later on the 990 and had some epic rips in the dirt I can now share.

It was basically too cold/wet to ride and the snow level was down very low which blocked a lot of great trails.  I could bring a lot of firewood and my ice chest so that made sense to drive.

Went back though and brought a 17” rear tube to that guy on the KLR, Willy, but he texted me right before I got to camp saying he had a cough and went to get it checked out.

So I was there with no one to ride with and threw in the towel and headed home the next day.  But I did take some dirt (Indian Ranch Road) to Ballarat and looked around a bit.  Great story of the “Ballarat Bandit” as well as Rocky, the former proprietor you can research.  He’s retired now in Trona and makes moonshine.

Not sure what it was that changed my mind but I sacked up and decided I’d ride back over Emigrant pass and maybe camp at Furnace Creek.  Maybe I’d meet some other riders.

Sure enough, I ran into 4 other adv riders on the side of the road relieving themselves and asked if I could join them.

We did Agueberry Point and then I stopped for lunch and they went on to see Dante’s view which I’d seen before.  We went back to Panamint Springs where I’d been and then rode To Beatty and Rhyolite and Titus Canyon the next day.

People were saying the road was closed but for us motos that just means “more fun.”  Turns out it was open and had just been graded so no drama.  Starbucks run. 

I saw these noobs on street bikes on the Titus approach at a cattle guard as I launched over it at about 60 mph and caught air.  That’s always fun.












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Met a video journalist here in Colombia doing a story on the problem of people (men and women; tourists and locals) being drugged and robbed.

I know there’s a protocol for embedding a YouTube video but I’m on my phone now and using TapaTalk.  I’ll try and edit later when on my laptop.

Part 1:


Part 2:


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Some good news out of these videos...  a guy on FB saw it and is familiar with this type of problem.  He recommended I report my bank's denial of my claim to the US "Comptroller of the Currency."  I did that two weeks ago and this morning I saw my bank balance $6800 (99,340 zar) bigger!  Drinks on me!
Glad you came right with the banks.....Now you can focus on supplying us with copius amounts of photos of your latest adventures. Dont leave us hanging here.
Got my visa, have an apartment here and recently started a new remote gig so all is well.

Flying to CA Sunday for a charity event (moto rally) I host annually. Should be fun. Sponsored by Harley Davidson Pan America again (second time).

There was this “Dusty Wheels” event I went to recently here that was fun. Kind of a hipster dirt thing but they had many types of riders on an east course. Highlight was seeing the new Ducati Desert X ripping it up!


Lots of nice friends

Had to go to Miami for a drug test and to pick up a new laptop and my hotel has this awesome pool that was packed for Independence Day then another day they had a model audition day
Want to do a fly and ride? Selling the 900 now and may get the new Ducati Desert X.

New rotors, pads, chain, sprockets and a gear change arm.

Flew home for my mom’s funeral and my rally. HD sponsored again. Less people this year most likely due to higher gas prices but we raised a record $61/rider! Charity is Motorrad Angels.




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