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Ek kan ñ 2013 KTM 300 met slegs 48 ure vir R 40k kry. Ongelukkig nog op ñ dooie man se naam, so in my oë, so goed as gesteel.

'Die een sy dood is die ander sy brood'....
Perfek, jy's bikewise gesort - maar mind you, jy mag natuurlik enige tyd jou PW50 bring.... dit sal noals nice fotos maak! :ROFLMAO:
Ek neem eenvoudig aan jy gaan IN wees as ons reelings gaan maak (y)

Who else wants to do this ❓
Weeg glo 118kg, sonder brandstof.

130 internet kilo's, sonder liquids... so my 145kg is seker reg: n 9L tenk, olie, battery-water, shock oils, brake fluid ens.
Ek wil net seker maak jy het ja, nee, Ja, wag, JA, oepsie, JA gese vir daai 300?
Dis n steal vir daai ure, selfs as die ding nooit skoongemaak is nie!
As jy vervoer soek weet jy ken iemand wat dit vir jou sal doen, kos net diesel ;)
Dan prep jy hom tot jy happy is, and next we'll be showing Canz the way (I'll bring my 300 then also) over that Sabie-snot we still have an appointment with - this all to show Canz he also needs to get a plastic, there's nothing wrong with a dirty threesome!

@2StrokeDan & @Beserker , not so quiet here please?
Dave's got a KDX available.... so if he doesn't wanna join then bring that thing?
It's been there before and wants to come back, trust me I know this for a fact..... :cool:
If it's the two of you coming (best yes!) then yeah, go steal a plastic somewhere.... (y)

And @Amsterdam kerel, I just want to mention that doing this takes zero high speeds, my precious willy on a block, there's zero racing!
Here and there hard work yeah but always remember 'the group', here to help anyone else at all times: not up to it anymore? Then 'Help!' and the choms are there, this joint-effort thing making these trips!
The scenery and banter once at our evening stop will make up for it all, trust me at least for this bit!
Oh, reel in Marc to join then too please?

Plus, and this goes for everyone reading here, with a dude like Hawkesy leading this, a genuine local there, there's a guarantee that another plan can be made if shit hits the fan or the heavens open up or something like that!
If it was me leading I'd have to look on a GPS or start fiddling with Google Maps if any reception at all, and then still I'd know zilch of what we would encounter..... HKGK!

Come guys, who's IN for a Transkei ride ? ? ?
I would be very interested in joining your ride when this happens again. KTM 300 XCW
Love the Transkei, grew up near there, surfed the cost for 6 weeks at a time x 3 years.

Bart, you're putting a lot of pressure on me to join this Hooligan group, but admittedly I did put my hand up for it!

Transkei is a Bucket List ride for sure!

It will be special if the WD Pensioners can get together again for this ride, with any aspiring pensioners, more than welcome to join! The more the merrier!

I'll put my asbestos gloves on tomorrow, and approach the available 3 honey, aka "Hot Property" with caution!

Bart, so confirm, somewhere in September, we all have a date?
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Bart, you're putting a lot of pressure on me to join this Hooligan group, but admittedly I did put my hand up for it!

Transkei is a Bucket List ride for sure!

It will be special if the WD Pensioners can get together again for this ride, with any aspiring pensioners, more than welcome to join! The more the merrier!

I'll put my asbestos gloves on tomorrow, and approach the available 3 honey, aka "Hot Property" with caution!

Bart, so confirm, somewhere in September, we all have a date?
Include me please
Bart, you're putting a lot of pressure on me

ZERO boeta, either you want or you don't!
But, you literally asked for it on another thread, so I am just nice to remind you - and besides, with an opportunity to legally steal a 300 this must be a no-brainer.
And also no, I won't confirm we have a date - I'm a guy bro, what gives you that idea? :oops:
But there's a likelyhood we'll ride the Transkei! (y)

Include me please

Ah, no-brainer #2, great (y)
Etsie jong ons gaan kak en enjoy, bly jy join hierdie motley crew!

@Dunce above volunteers for his no-braining participation so he's #3.
What's your age-bracket mate?
Midlifecrisis, Justdiscoveredtestosterone or Mature?
Perhaps Overtehillalready, dunno... let us know please ;)

I'm doftype #4 ................ who else?
I've pinged enough already, so at least tell us here if you're In or Out?
I know you want to but if you've got no suitable bike then OK, understandable!

... Noneking's out this year, next year prolly

Oh, before I send this - @Hawkesy , what is the size of group you would like to lead around Septemberish, minumum & maximum? 😶
This riding looks awesome, and I fit into the targeted demographic :ROFLMAO:

\unfortunately my 500 will be outside it's comfort zone in these conditions
@Hawkesy , sorry, before you answer a bit more info first.

Henk & me chatted on the phone and he asked me 'how long is such a trip, and what shall he carry along luggage-wise'.
On the latter Q I answered 'nada, your camelback with a few goodies like towstrap etc'.
If you carry the bags in your backup van (I assume this, I saw this bakkie in the various clips) then please say so here? This obviously makes the riding easier/est whilst once at camp one has everything you brought.
Also, I think it is nicer to 'trek' along the coast a few days rather than venturing from one location only, meaning we'll sleep at various houses/locations... and that means a trip will/shall be 4 or 5 riding days.
This should fit in best with the various guys as some (ETS for instance, like hopefully some Kapenare) come from afar.

Over to you squire... (y)
unfortunately my 500 will be outside it's comfort zone in these conditions

With standard gearing and an average rider on it yeah, I agree.
Unfortunately you neither qualify for either point Sir! :cool:
Besides that, you'd fit this group like a glove I reckon....

Edited: now wheeeere's the 'twistarubberarm-emoyi'? :p
Update: a riding couple I know are IN if the going will be tough, they're not interested in riding on roads.
Suits me & refer above, we want to do the real Transkei! (y)
I'm longing for some wet boots again ;)
@chopperpilot , got a small-enough bike? A 4/500 won't cut it.....
And some friends willing to travel with you, like uhh, @Noneking - for which the same question?
And the likes of @Renrew , @JonW , @Amsterdam , @2StrokeDan , @sidetrack (?), @Rooies , @edgy , @exkdx , @J3THRO plus some others not on this forum?
Beg, steal or borrow a bike...... but let's put a group together please?

@Hawkesy seems to organize these trips, and with a group anything can be done!
Holler here or via PM, same difference..... (y)
hmmm, net miskien…

Hoe lyk moontlike datums Bart?

Missed this post, lyk genotvol.

Die DR 350 is eintlik ñ versamelaars item, so dit gaan nie deug nie.

Weeg glo 118kg, sonder brandstof.

Ek kan ñ 2013 KTM 300 met slegs 48 ure vir R 40k kry. Ongelukkig nog op ñ dooie man se naam, so in my oë, so goed as gesteel.

PW 50/80? Kan mos deur 1 persoon gedra word?
Henk, stuur daai 300 my kant toe man ;)
ZERO boeta, either you want or you don't!
But, you literally asked for it on another thread, so I am just nice to remind you - and besides, with an opportunity to legally steal a 300 this must be a no-brainer.
And also no, I won't confirm we have a date - I'm a guy bro, what gives you that idea? :oops:
But there's a likelyhood we'll ride the Transkei! (y)

Ah, no-brainer #2, great (y)
Etsie jong ons gaan kak en enjoy, bly jy join hierdie motley crew!

@Dunce above volunteers for his no-braining participation so he's #3.
What's your age-bracket mate?
Midlifecrisis, Justdiscoveredtestosterone or Mature?
Perhaps Overtehillalready, dunno... let us know please ;)

I'm doftype #4 ................ who else?
I've pinged enough already, so at least tell us here if you're In or Out?
I know you want to but if you've got no suitable bike then OK, understandable!

... Noneking's out this year, next year prolly

Oh, before I send this - @Hawkesy , what is the size of group you would like to lead around Septemberish, minumum & maximum? 😶
Apologies for late reply, was away in Transkei on a trip. Usually work on a Min of 6 & Max of 10 riders. Although 8 is a nice size group.
Correct with the Backup vehicle, all extra kit and fuel etc is loaded on here and you just ride with your camelback with water, snacks and spares/tools.
Oh... and of course bucks for the beers on route.


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