BUNGYCOOL's Visit and Our RR of a Thumping Lekker Trip - COMPLETE !

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Jan 16, 2010
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Port Elizabeth
This is an RR in  three parts :

Episode 1 : The Introduction

Episode 2 : Bungycool's Ride

Episode 3 : My ride

Episode 1 is done and you will read about it shortly. As of writing this, episode 2 & 3 is still to happen. As the title indicates, the hero of the story is my 600 Tenere, whom we trust will perform without flaw over the next 10 days or so.
                                                                      Episode 1 - The Introduction

Every story as you know has a beginning. If we were just to do the RR at the end of the ride you will ask yourself  "How the hell did this happen ?" So let me tell you.

I've done a lot of riding this year and was fresh out of excuses, but you mos know, I have to ride. bungycool is on a visit from Scotland and needed a bike for this weekend. He will tell you his story.

And so the plan came together. Lyn and the kids want to go to Cape Town next weekend for a few days. That means I have a lift to CT. So, I lend the XT to bungycool, he flies to PE, rides around and rides the bike back to CT, drops it off with Goose, I make my way to CT next weekend, kuier with Goose, visit a couple of Dogs, ride with 2SD the next day and then ride the bike home. BRILLIANT  :biggrin:

The plan gets discussed, arrangemants made and all is good.  :3some:

Last Sunday I dust the Old Warrior, which has not been taken out since the Old School Bash, off and make sure its good to go. Of course it is... its a Yamaha  :lol8:
Jim(bungycool) flew in this afternoon and was collected by Warren(TornadoF5) at the airport. He will stay with them as one of his reasons for coming this way is to visit with Warren, Amelia and Morgie.

Later in the evening he rocks up at my place to collect the bike and camping gear. As I'm doing the trip back over a few days, I will need my stuff, so no use for him to bring any. He uses mine on his way back and then its there on the bike for my trip. I love it when a plan comes together  :biggrin:

The anticipated meeting. We've never met before and its just amazing when Dogs get together how easy the companionship is.

We sort the bike and pack the gear.


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Oh ! Jim is the good looking oke on the right  :biggrin: He's never ridden a Thumper before, so there's a bit of discussion around the topic. He understands its going to be a gentle ZEN ride and is clearly excited about it. I have the immediate sense that my bike is in good hands.

Of course one has to start the bike before it goes, this is a thumper and the 'dreaded' kicksart is explained. Like I've said elsewhere, I figured it and its now a breeze. You just gotto get the hang of it.

I demonstrate and then Jim goois. After a few tries he gets it sorted. Easy as pie


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Amazing how time flies when you having fun. After a while the ladies join us, there's a bit more kuier before its time for them to leave.


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Now comes the moment of truth... Jim's on his own, everybody is watching in anticipation and he proceeds to kick his moer off... NO GO !

OK, we have been starting the bike on and off, so maybe its just a bit confused where its at. Let me have a look, as we are more intimate with one another.

OH ! Jim... you gotto switch the bike on  :imaposer: Stage fright  :eek7: Sorted, she fires and off he goes.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip Boet.


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And that is how the trip starts. Jim will do his ride and tell us all about it in Episode 2.

To be continued  :thumleft:
I'll do a quick post on behalf of Bungycool aka Jim aka Jimbo....

After we got home from Jupiter's place last night, we sat around discussing Bungycool's trip and the excitement was clearly evident in Jim's sparkling eyes, followed by the usual banter till about 10pm, after which I was concerned he would fall asleep on the road and chased him off to bed. This morning the excitement hit me first and I was awake at 4:30am waaaayyyy before Jim, because I think as a biker I could envisage the trip with clarity and those distinct feelings of anxiousness, excitement and pure glee were there bubbling away like a pot on the fire.
Kept sitting around waiting for Bungycool to wake up so decided to coax him outta bed  and opened up the bacon cooked some eggs and made sure he was fuelled then off to pack the bike. To reiterate what Jupiter said that there is a wonderful almost unspoken bond between us adventure bikers and Jim is absolutely no exception to the rule, with gusto and the easy adventure spirit, which will have him enjoying this journey to the fullest. 

I took the bike out for Jim while he was still asleep, decided I would give it a kick or two to get the oil moving and left it for him. Weather today is overcast cool and is going to make for great riding.

So fed & psyched
Here Bungycool with a smile that says it all

The super beautiful 600 really looking the part for a great adventure

Final good byes

Jim and Morgie

Amelia hiding behind Jim's bike in her pyjamas, with Morgie and granny flanking Jimbo

Myself, Jimbo & Morgie

Some final departing words from Bungycool, which were very appropriate on many levels

The moment Jim has been waiting for..... Helmet time!

Finally Jim as he kicks the beautiful old lady into life and roars off on a journey that will reward his soul abundantly as only those in the know can concur

Godspeed my friend!
Great post Warren. Gave me goose flesh when the Old Girl roared into life. Lets keep it rolling if you hear from Jim. From the way he spoke this trip is very special to him.

When Jim tells his part we'll get the whole story, but just to keep you in the loop, he came to SA on this visit to settle his late mother's affairs and the other reason for his sojurn to the EC, is to visit his father in Hogsback, which is where he is off to today. He will thereafter meander back to CT.
Past your bike this morning,it was on the other side of the freeway by Bluewater Bay with the rider checking out the straps or map.
DRAZIL said:
Past your bike this morning,it was on the other side of the freeway by Bluewater Bay with the rider checking out the straps or map.
That's our Jimbo!
Hats off to Jupiter for making this trip possible.  :thumleft:
Hope to meet you some day.
Oh fantastic Jupiter........ man I can only say again & again what phenomenal people are involved with the forum!!

Great for Jim to meet you and experience your phenomenal hospitality!

Looking forward to the trip report and meeting Jim here in Cape Town...........  he'll be riding to me directly and we're also looking forward to seeing you on the 15th.

Safe trip Jim............ good on you mate - ENJOY!!!! (oh and don't forget the snow you're going back to..  >:D)

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