Where has your bike taken you today?

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Took the boys to The Bronx today. Had an absolute blast.
Do you perhaps know where it is?
@Dorsland found a pic of its location on tracks4africa....I think I now know exactly where it is. The ironic thing is, I've stopped right there numerous times. There was a sign...it's been removed but the pole is still there.


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I know of a grave of one person, which I have ( only once) tried to find, to no avail. Do you perhaps know where it is? Also...if there's more than one please tell us, I for one would love to know more.

@Dorsland found a pic of its location on tracks4africa....I think I now know exactly where it is. The ironic thing is, I've stopped right there numerous times. There was a sign...it's been removed but the pole is still there.

There you go, Amanda's Grave.

View attachment 911408
The grave is right there, practically alongside that pole @EssBee. Beautiful eternal view from there. I could be quite peaceful there. It might be a bit overgrown now although it did seem that someone was taking care of the site. Directly across the road on that embankment to the north of the road was also a plaque if I recall.

Out and about in the Yorkshire Dales.
Invited to join a group ride by a fellow Saffa and 4 local Yorkshireman. Turned out to be a rather pleasant days ride around the back roads. Decent bunch of guys with great scenery and diverse bunch of roads ranging from freeway to narrow country lanes with a couple village throughfares.

The route covers from where we all met to where we all went our separate ways after the ride

First stop in Helmsley, popular with bikers, given the roads around the area


Lordstones for a quick coffee


Lunch stop in the North York Moors



Not far after the lunch stop, we rode past Byland Abbey - completed in 1135 and operated till 1539, very impressive, amazing architecture,what's left of it anyways.
NOT my pictures of the Abbey but will be back to investigate further. Awesome to see these old ruins all over Yorkshire.



Last stop on the way home before heading our separate ways, old wooden bridge runs through the local village and has a toll for vehicles, toll booth with resident Toll man in place

On the way home stopped to get a Pic of Emily Moor, broadcasting, transmitting tower. Tallest freestanding structure in UK at 320 mtrs tall.

UK certainly has some different riding to SA.

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