Rain in the Richtersveld Two.0 - Desolation & Dunes

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In the valley we crossed several streams. All with perfect decorum.

However, young Henry started to look like he was drifting off with this smooth, slow, undulating ride. Seeing yet another stream approaching, I thought it would be well suited to doing Henry a favour by providing him with a little spritz of nice fresh water.


The line up looked fine. a sharp growl of my Akro and i was alongside him at exactly the right time.
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It clearly did the job, Henry was wide awake. I have never seen the usually mild-mannered Henry so animated. He waved most of his fingers in varying combinations at me, drew his hand across his throat, held them up in handcuffs and much more.

Here I thought I was doing him a favour.

It clearly did the job, Henry was wide awake. I have never seen the usually mild-mannered Henry so animated. He waved most of his fingers in varying combinations at me, drew his hand across his throat, held them up in handcuffs and much more.

Here I thought I was doing him a favour.

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Boris lies. He tried to drown me..
We offloaded at Honne Pondokkies our accommodation for the night and then high tailed it to the Rooi Spinnekop to continue on our gastronomical tour of the Northern Cape.

Marc had regained his composure, a new appreciative audience added fire to his belly.


The evening took an unexpected turn for me when my long time best mate, with whom I have ridden many thousands of kilometres, had adventures and mishaps always landing on our feet by operating as a team, decided to become a turn coat and assembled a kangaroo court where I was found - to the extent any kangaroo court could find anything - guilty of misconduct and forced to don the pink panties in punishment.
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We rode the obligatory lap to the lighthouse and on to the ill-fated Aristea, which looks sadder every year but still makes for great photo opportunities.

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After expending the team's artistic skills, off to Koingnaas to fuel the bikes and ourselves.


Here we witnessed an extraordinarily rare event. Regrettably, before any of us could grab a camera, it was over. Lohan grew bored with waiting for all the bikes to fill up, he decided to hone his laser sharp skills with a few full lock turns - and proceeded to drop his bike. It will be many many moons before that happens again - if ever.
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Once the bikes were full, it was our turn. We try to support local businesses on our trips. Whilst waiting for an overloaded kitchen to produce our breakfast last year, Gus had discovered Klein Oqies and its proprietor, Drew, a wonderful character, ex monk, an ancestor of people who owned and ran the transport businesses when the inland mines were still producing copper. Drew named his restaurant Klein Oqies in leui of having sons, his establishment stands in for them.


We enjoyed a hearty breakfast and tales of the area.

With both ourselves and the bikes full, it was time to head out to Wildeperdehoek se pas. The view out over the planes and the fairy circles (termites, ants, fungus, plants, fairies - who knows how they were created) was spectacular.
