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  1. G

    GundaGunda in hospital - 2nd Update with Peter's post and pic.

    I have to admit to being quite nervous - even after having done the swim for 26 consecutive years - and I owe a thank you to ICeCreamMan and Splash for taking my mind off the swim before the start. I had put in the training, and was swimming a mile quite comfortably in the pool and in the sea...
  2. G

    GundaGunda in hospital - 2nd Update with Peter's post and pic.

    That would be pushing it.  :biggrin: And saw IceCeamMan and Splash in the starting pens. Saw Splash did sub 29. Great going man! Not sure IceCreamMan's last name.
  3. G

    GundaGunda in hospital - 2nd Update with Peter's post and pic.

    Okay, so I returned to the Midmar Mile "scene of the crime" and am pleased to report that the ole re-plumbed heart worked a treat. Took it really easy over the dam - slow 35 minutes - but got out feeling I had hardly done any exercise. Stopped in at Crossways for a Foxx Lager on the way...
  4. G

    KZN Bash

    Pebbles' KLR looking like a 747 about to touch down with full landing lights on. Nope - I think that's Grantis ?
  5. G

    KZN Bash

    And this is a picture of -err- someone going so fast all I caught was some dust  ;D
  6. G

    KZN Bash

    . . . . . and Tommy had a full bladder and he did not want to stop so he just did the dog-and-lamppost thing, but without a lamppost.
  7. G

    KZN Bash

    . . . and pebbles as  a flower child !!
  8. G

    KZN Bash

    Why it was so windy on Saturday
  9. G

    KZN Bash

    Hey ! - I love that idea  :thumleft: I think it's doable - have to be aware of village/chief politics, but if we do things by the book I don't think there will be a problem.
  10. G

    KZN Bash

    That we can do something makes me feel good. THIS is what WildDog forum SHOULD be about - when we are not out there on bikes or  talking kark between rides. Peter, an idea - Feasable ? I remember riding with your colleague at Vet School, Dr Jon,  aka Noble Steed. We stopped along the way...
  11. G

    KZN Bash

    Agreed !! I think I have been to both those falls, but not sure - plz confirm if you can for my waterfall waypoint collection   1. Moois falls at S29 04.274 E30 16.813 =- not sure how you got to that viewpoint !! 2. Little falls on the Mgeni (where it is still small) at S29 29.816 E29 59.270...
  12. G

    KZN Bash

    Nope - it's Draad himself,
  13. G

    KZN Bash

    Nothing like a little daisy-nap in Tommy's garden after a hard night at Notties, and while waiting for the troops to get ready to roll.
  14. G

    KZN Bash

    Respect. . . . when I grow up I'm gonna ride on -err- roads like that. No Wait. I am grown up !! - cancel that thought.
  15. G

    KZN Bash

    I think it started life as a helipad, but the bike hooligans re-wrote the "H" as an "O"  ::) ;D
  16. G

    KZN Bash

    Oh Man! What a superb weekend  ;D  ;D Thanks to all who made it possible, and made the trip and rides. One pic until I can winkle the others from my camera before I do the Photobucket & RR thing. This is Roxenz trying to fix his barbie by swallowing the Mqeku falls, watched by BadBallie...
  17. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Gunda and Pebbles home safe in Durbs. What a superb weekend  ;D  >:(
  18. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    GindaGunda lycan and outdoorsman reporting that Notties beer is good.
  19. G

    KZN Bash 14 to 16 November 2014 PUT YOUR NAME ON THE LIST .New Pricing Option

    Gunda rolling the n3. Cappuccino in Camperdown.