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  1. W

    On tour with Will E Coyote

    an excellent ride, dear sir  :thumleft:
  2. W

    Riding the Desert Run

    :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: hope you get the ta sorted out  ???
  3. W

    The prince, the ostrich and the electrics - 26/27 Dec NW Limpopo

    cool report  :thumleft: ps love the panoramic pics
  4. W

    Leo and Excalibursâ?? summer Antics

    :thumleft: as always, love reading your rr's!
  5. W

    Star Struck

    nice one stofstreep! for these technical shots, it would be good to see the specs, ie shutter speed etc.
  6. W

    One Night Stand in the North West

    nice one there guys! i am sure someone will come up with a caption for the pic where shark is standing behind the bmw.
  7. W

    Farthest distance solo ride?

    longest solo trip by a member, probably zonkelnut, but also a ta  :mwink: longest day ride for me 1350, only because i got lost  :D
  8. W

    RR #001 - joburg-underberg

    and a good one it is! some cool pics  :thumleft:
  9. W

    Shark za`s Staggeringly Serious Sunday Sorte`;supposingly newbie?[sorry]

    either shark does not always understand the meaning of newbie, or he is a sadist. i think it is the latter! good one shark & co! the view from the rock is truly special. but, the absence of a certain 1150adv pod is conspicuous...
  10. W

    Red Adventure does it again!

    good to hear you're sort of ok! enjoy the cricket!
  11. W

    Peat Down But Not Out "R21 Rocky Ride"

    jeez, looks horrible! good to hear you came out ok  :o
  12. W


    Tx. Was on my way there now
  13. W

    New riding site

    are you sure they understood that it was a ciggie, or did you really have a fag?
  14. W

    WD Fatally injured

    condolences to the family  :(
  15. W

    Our 9000km Bike Trip (Ommie Land Vannie Rand) for Andrio (with Leukaemia)

    all the best fritz. i am sure some wd's will be pleased to have a beer with you on your travels  8) this little girl was in the same situation. anybody been on a bone marrow rally a couple of years ago? i've never seen so many hardened bikers shed a tear at her funeral  :angel13...
  16. W

    Stephan down - after hitting a pedestrian

    damn stepha, glad to hear you're ok  :o take care, old man  ;)
  17. W

    Most beautiful production bike ever built.

    if i have to choose only one. old, but still a beaut for me:
  18. W

    Another WD biker down, Wilgeheuwel

    Crap. Hope he heals well