5 PROVINCES IN 5 DAYS (Not Planned)

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DRAZIL said:
an awesome trip,wish I was on that one with both of you. :thumleft: :thumleft:
I now know why you take your wife with and it is not for the awesome photos but to pack all your stuff other wise you will never get them packed properly again :thumleft:

I've seen him pack. Its a scary experience.  :eek7: Ever hear a bike groan  :imaposer:
jupiter said:
DRAZIL said:
an awesome trip,wish I was on that one with both of you. :thumleft: :thumleft:
I now know why you take your wife with and it is not for the awesome photos but to pack all your stuff other wise you will never get them packed properly again :thumleft:

I've seen him pack. Its a scary experience.  :eek7: Ever hear a bike groan  :imaposer:

You both got it wrong.  :patch:  :biggrin:

JMOL said:
Baie nice - thank!!

Daardie laaste stukkie grondpad is mos die stuk wat ons veronderstel was om te ry toe ons Lesotho toe was?? 

Dis nou as my denke my nie in die steek laat nie.  :mwink:

Nee JMOL, die een is van Himeville op noord, eintlik na Nothinghamroad (spelling). Die een wat ons sou ry was die een van Matatiele na Swartberg waar ons sou aansluit op die teer na Underberg.
woody1 said:
En daar is plek vir die TUPPER bakkie met die lekker tjop's  :laughing4:

Daai Icecream bak met die tjops was hier op een staduim kwaai in my pad, amper weg gemoer.  :mad:
Hey ou man, jy het lekker gaan gat skuur in my valley,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Baie nice RR en foto's, laat my somer erg terug verlang na my trippie wat ek in April daar gedoen het. :thumleft:
Tommy Transalp said:
Hey VA.... glad you liked the road between Notties and Himeville... there's sooo many nice roads down there. Lekker RR!  :thumleft:

Thanks TT, your routes really helped us a great deal, and thanks for the info earlier.  Much appreciated.  :thumleft:
Jakkals said:
Hey ou man, jy het lekker gaan gat skuur in my valley,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Baie nice RR en foto's, laat my somer erg terug verlang na my trippie wat ek in April daar gedoen het. :thumleft:

Hallo jong man  :biggrin:, ons het 'n moerse trip beplan al die pad op tot by Breitbrug, maar nou ja, moes maar tevrede wees met die korte.  Ek het nie geweet dis jou valley daai nie, ek gaan jou volgende keer nader, want ons gaan defnitief weer terug na daai omgewing, daar is nog so baie om te sien.
Hey V A, what an amazing trip, I used to smous the E TVL in my youth. The pot holes were a lot different then, no safety fences or bridges, an amazing sight. I used to sleep over in the Royal hotel. At dinner the barman would say "If you want a toot just leave the money on the counter and off he would go" I love your photos stunning, Mev V A has got a good eye.
But gee man you were packed. What do you estimate the total weight of the bike loaded and how did it handle and what sort of speed did you travel at and what sort of MPG did you get?
Tx for another great R R. 
Ek het julle roetes afgelaai en bietjie bekyk.
Ek het in Vryheid grootgeword and dus die pad tussen Newcastle en Volksrust BAIE gery.....daar is die Majuba Pas...weet nie of hy ook 'n ander naam het nie, maar ek ken hom as Majuba.
Hy is so pas klaar oor geteer. Dit was waar ek geleer het om ALTYD die roes van die centre stand af te haal.... :ricky:
Hoe het julle daai draaie geniet ?

Ek moes julle ook vertel het om liewer van Sabie via die D514 rigting Hazyview na Witrivier te gery het.  Net voor Hazyview het 'n pel van my 'n Koffie plaas.  www.sabievalleycoffee.com .
Hey Visarend and TommyTransalp (and anyone else that can assist?),

I'm planning to leave this year's bash(from Snow Valley) and circumnavigate Lesotho in an anti-clockwise direction via the Eastern Cape, Natal, Free State(hugging the berg) and then back up to Joburg. I've never been to the Eastern Cape area "close to the berg".  I'd like to do some dirt around the Natal Drakensberg area as well (I went to school on a farm near Loskop many years ago and would like to do a trip down mwmory lane, whilst taking in some cool dirt roads in the area.) I have given myself from Monday morning till Thursday to do this 4-days basically. I would love to do some scenic dirt(not too technical) at a slow pace, enough to take plenty pic's etc. 

Anyone got some hints as to how I should tackle this? Any suggestions as to where to stay - I'm planning on camping most nights but may pull in to some luxury depending on weather, etc.

I would really appreciate some assistance from anyone who is either local to the area or someone who has done something similar.

P.S.  I ride a fairly heavy bike (BMW R1150 GSA) so would not like to tackle anything suited for 'the plastics'

Te lekker gewees daai draaie, ek het probeer om die bande net rond te hou, maar die flippen footpegs het my game weggegee as hulle so krap, krap op die mooi geteerde pad, ma was natuurlik nie baie tevrede nie, ek het so nou en dan 'n hou of twee in die kortrib omgewing gekry.  Ook natuurlik amper my gat daar gesien, hulle het sulke "ripples" op die pad gemaak, nogals in die draaie   ???  ek was nog so lekker skuins toe begin die fiets sulke snaakse bewegings hier onder ons maak, die ripples gooi my wragtig uit in die aankomende baan, gelukkig geen verkeer van voor af gewees nie.

Hier is een van die draaie in daai selfde pas waarvan jy praat.   :biggrin:


Daai pad waarvan jy praat is in elk geval net voor die Majuba gedenkteken.  Ons het soontoe gery, maar ek het by die hek omgedraai, hulle vra so iets soos R55-00 per persoon om in te gaan.  Hier is die pad soontoe.


Bateleur said:
Ai....het ek nie verlang nie, veral die Oos Transvaal. Hopenlik kan ons die trippie nog saam ondervind.....

Moennie praat nie, hopenlik binnekort.  :thumleft:
Ja dis die plek. Jammer van die rumble strips. 
Blerrie spitkops hou ook daarvan om in daai 80 km zones te trap.
cheesy said:
Hey V A, what an amazing trip, I used to smous the E TVL in my youth. The pot holes were a lot different then, no safety fences or bridges, an amazing sight. I used to sleep over in the Royal hotel. At dinner the barman would say "If you want a toot just leave the money on the counter and off he would go" I love your photos stunning, Mev V A has got a good eye.
But gee man you were packed. What do you estimate the total weight of the bike loaded and how did it handle and what sort of speed did you travel at and what sort of MPG did you get?
Tx for another great R R. 

Good old times.  :deal:
To answer your question, the bike does look loaded, but the soft pannier are basically empty, so no weight there, we only use them when we are almost at our destination where we will stop and buy our supplies for the night.  I estimate that we are almost 450kg or so, that is us included.  ???  Must say the bike handles quit alright, see my Namibia RR, methinks we had a heavier load on that trip.  https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=69245.0

Speed was from 0 to something like 178km/h according to the GPS.  Average of 17.67km/l.
woody1 said:
Ja dis die plek. Jammer van die rumble strips. 
Blerrie spitkops hou ook daarvan om in daai 80 km zones te trap.

Hmm die boggers, ek het gesien hulle het 'n kiekkie van ons geneem, gelukkig van voor af.  :patch: :biggrin:
da PEEG said:
Hey Visarend and TommyTransalp (and anyone else that can assist?),

I'm planning to leave this year's bash(from Snow Valley) and circumnavigate Lesotho in an anti-clockwise direction via the Eastern Cape, Natal, Free State(hugging the berg) and then back up to Joburg. I've never been to the Eastern Cape area "close to the berg".  I'd like to do some dirt around the Natal Drakensberg area as well (I went to school on a farm near Loskop many years ago and would like to do a trip down mwmory lane, whilst taking in some cool dirt roads in the area.) I have given myself from Monday morning till Thursday to do this 4-days basically. I would love to do some scenic dirt(not too technical) at a slow pace, enough to take plenty pic's etc. 

Anyone got some hints as to how I should tackle this? Any suggestions as to where to stay - I'm planning on camping most nights but may pull in to some luxury depending on weather, etc.

I would really appreciate some assistance from anyone who is either local to the area or someone who has done something similar.

P.S.  I ride a fairly heavy bike (BMW R1150 GSA) so would not like to tackle anything suited for 'the plastics'


Hi da PEEG, there is a couple of nice routes.  Give me some time and I will see what I can come up with.  :thumleft:
Vis Arend said:
da PEEG said:
Hey Visarend and TommyTransalp (and anyone else that can assist?),

I'm planning to leave this year's bash(from Snow Valley) and circumnavigate Lesotho in an anti-clockwise direction via the Eastern Cape, Natal, Free State(hugging the berg) and then back up to Joburg. I've never been to the Eastern Cape area "close to the berg".  I'd like to do some dirt around the Natal Drakensberg area as well (I went to school on a farm near Loskop many years ago and would like to do a trip down mwmory lane, whilst taking in some cool dirt roads in the area.) I have given myself from Monday morning till Thursday to do this 4-days basically. I would love to do some scenic dirt(not too technical) at a slow pace, enough to take plenty pic's etc. 

Anyone got some hints as to how I should tackle this? Any suggestions as to where to stay - I'm planning on camping most nights but may pull in to some luxury depending on weather, etc.

I would really appreciate some assistance from anyone who is either local to the area or someone who has done something similar.

P.S.  I ride a fairly heavy bike (BMW R1150 GSA) so would not like to tackle anything suited for 'the plastics'


Hi da PEEG, there is a couple of nice routes.  Give me some time and I will see what I can come up with.   :thumleft:

Baie dankie meneer,

Ek waardeer dit - (geen haas...)

"Otterjasie" / da PEEG