A Wet New Years Day at Verneukpan ( 1/1/11)

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What an awesome report Rynet - you really communicated your emotions well!
Big respect to you and Mark for seeing this epic through  :thumleft:
And thanks Mark for the pics!
Rynet en Mark

Fantasties en wel gedaan!

Lyk my hoe langer Desember uitgerek het hoe natter het die Noord Kaap geraak.
Rrrrrrr, jy het omtrent die bar gelig.

Congrats lady rider, ons sal moet opvang in die vasbyt indeks.  :thumleft:
That report belongs in the Roll of Honour.

A brilliant & moving description of the whole adventure.  We are lucky to have such a wonderful record of that other face of Verneukpan.  It will be referred to often when, in the future, people post about how tough it was in the heat at Verneukpan.  I have been along there & much appreciate those pictures of that road underwater & transformed to mud.
ongelooflik :eek: dit is seker die meeste modder wat ek nog in 'n RR gesien het, bly julle het dit geniet :thumleft:
Welgedaan Rynet en Mark.  :notworthy: Kannie glo dis dieselfde pan wat ons 2mnde terug gesien het nie.
Great ride, great report, respect to both of you  :thumleft:
Thats insane.

The only way I'd attempt that is in a boat or hovercraft.

Lady, you have cahones that clang!
Very well done !!!

I have ridden thru Verneukpan 3 times - once in the dry and twice in the wet - I know that mud and how kak hard (but fun) it is to ride through, especially on a big bike

You got skills !
To Rynet & Mark,

Absolutely Classic!!! Thanks for sharing your pics & words in such an honest & open way!
You guys did very well and thanks for the toothpaste! cheers! :thumleft:
en daar dog ek julle twee is reguit huis toe!!!

sjoe, lyk soos 'n morsige besigheid maar vet pret!!!
Uitstekende RR Rynet ... sal ek mos nou weer waag om hierte kom ronddwaal, met die wete hoe ingenome ek raak; en hoe mens jul trips herleef saam met julle!
En dan ... boonop die feit dat ek juis met nuwe jaar's naweek die hele 660 Tenere 'thread' deurgelees het ... toe sou jy en Mark nou sulke komplimente aan die Tenere bied <sug!> ... die skippie moet nou inkom!
Wel gedaan julle. Dit klink na 'n uitstekende avontuur ...
Rynet , That was an Epic RR , But most of all , Well done for finnishing such a chalenging ride,mentaly and phisically!

And Mark , well done mate and cheers for standing by Rynet through such a tough ride.

So is there another Tenere in the air Rynet ???