Alternative Route to Hopefield and on to Elandsbay

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
I planned to go in search of some more old SARS service roads.We have done the Kalbaskraal road to Darling many times now , but it still catches you unawares.The rain needs to come now , as the roads are getting full of sand .
It was Camelman , Myself and Wayneh. 
We met at 06h30 and were on our way at 07h00.
In Darling  we took the road to ysterfontein and turned RH at the Burgerplaas Turn off.

At Burgerplaas intersection


This road always has corrogation and sand on it , but wasn`t as badly corrogated as it usually is , however , it makes up for that with all the  sand on it.
Just after the Ganskraal railway sign , the road makes a 90 degree to the right and takes you up tp the R45 to Hopefield .I found the SARS service road gate and entered the bush and sand road ,( I am sure was never used before ) I waved the rest past as I noticed another gate further along the road.I bombarded my way through the bush as Wayneh stood on the road waiting for me to fall !
Anyway we followed that road all the way to Hopefield.That service road was the worst one to date.
Plenty of potholes ,  long steches of sand and bends.

This must be from the floods we had last year.


Under the bridge for a pit stop
Wayneh and Camelman arriving




Some way down the line we came to these silo`s and had to travel a short way down the tar before we could pick up the service road again


The Hopefield station dates way back to the time of 1st , 2nd and 3rd class tickes


The station is obviosly no longer in use


Wayneh and XT waiting for the train to Velddrift


Wayneh and Camelman "Ballas Baking in die son"


We refueled here and carried on down the line , but not for long as the road had a dead end and we ended up making a detour through a farm to get back on the main road.
But not before I went alone to check out this other road  , not too clever , it wasnt going to the main road and I turned back , only to loose my front end in the sand and drop my bike. Gees ! I forgot how heavy that bike is.

Camelman had a road on his GPS that would take us to the Berg River . On my map it shows a dead end.But after much sandy roads , gates and farms we got to the drift.(bridge)


By this time , it was getting hot , Camelman decided it was time for a dip while we wet our shirts and dipped our heads in the cold water of the Berg River


More pics of the drift


After we cooled down , we headed for the (399) and turned left onto the Kapteinskloof road.The road has plenty of sand and marbles on it.We went over and down a steep pass,(cant remember the name) Camelman will know.



We turned left onto the Verlorenvlei Road as per Tok-tokkies ride report Elandsbay.This road has tar in sections.It was quite dangerous riding at the rear of another bike with all the dust and traffic coming from the front , especially the cars riding in the middle of the road.

At last ! ELANDSBAY , now to the little resturant that I vissited a year ago .


Well they still have the biggest burgers anywhere.



The very hungry Camelman


It was getting late so we opted to take the railway line all the way back to Velddrift. The closer you get to Velddrift the worse the road gets. I had a scary speed wobble at 135 km/hr but got rid of it by standing VERY quickly.
We made for Doodle in Cape Town and parted our seperate ways.
450km and 8.5 hrs in the saddle.

:) :) :) :)

I see some good riding coming soon. Sorry to have missed that ride. See you in 2 weeks time for a possible ride, I am going away for awhile so keep up the exploring and put together a good ride.  ;) ;D

Lekker ride there. Strange to see how you people are having such warm weather down in the cape while it's nice and cool here in Gauteng.

We met at Total, Richwood.


Commenced the riding with our normal Cape Town exit, over the Durbanville Hills and Occudale Road towards the Windmills.

Went via a gravel road which leads through a farmers back yard, to the Railwayline and then followed the railway line to Darling. This pic is a dip which always comes up to you so suddenly. The one moment you're doing 110 km/h, the next your flying and trying your best to keep the wheels pointing towards the ground!


From Dariling it was all systems go towards Hopefield. The normal gravel road follows the railway line for 80% of the way, and although sandy, and rutted can be done by a intermediate level rider.

We turned off the main gravel road when the road turned away from the railway tracks. XT when't bundu bashing, and after some hard work and sweat arrived at the gate leading to the railway service road. WayneH and I drove along until we found a easy crossing onto the railway service road!  ;D

This road was quite a challenge with sand stretches, big-ass rocks and some nasty bumps and holes in the path. Going under the railway bridge, XT decided that he loves sand so much that he was going to drive over a sand heap. Well, the heap won!  :D



Another angle on the bridge:

A dead end:

The last piece of dirt towards Hopefield.

After I stopped to take this pic, it was 10 minutes befor I caught up to WayneH and XT. We were flying over this piece of sand and rocks. Lovely stuff!

Hopefield was Hopefield. First time I entered via this angle!

WahneH on the station platform:


From Hopefield we tried to follow the railway line, which ended at a locked farmgate 800m from the connection to another farm road I once did and had logged on my GPS.

After back-tracking for 2 km, we found a farmgate which was open and would take us through to the main road. XT whent exploring for a alternative road to ride except riding throught the farmers backyard, then called me 10 minutes later with the news that there was no other road. We would have to cross the formers porch!

I decide to go so long and chat to the farmer. After preparing my speach while riding through the same sick sand we did last week, I found the farmhouse deserted, with only a small dog patrolling the premises. When everybody caught up, we exited the farm, and stopped next to the road. XT had tkaen a tumble, and was re-adjusting his hanguard. Just as we were ready to go, the owner of the farm wee had just passed through, passed us. We decided it was maybe a good time to leave.

Following the route on the GPS we set off for the Bergriver, where, on arrival, we chilled a bit and I had a quick swim in the river.


XT hiding in the bushes, taking master pics!  ;D

We went through the Western Side of Koringberg, which is like a piece of Eden in this sandy and hot place, and exited on the North-Eastern side, which has a great view


The road toward Elands Bay is best to ride at 140 to 160 km/h. That way you get this butt-numbing excercise over quicker, and have some fun in the process. You must see the looks on the motorists faces as you come through a bend in the road, sideways at 140km/h! Man its fun!!  ;D

Xt exiting the final gravel stretch:

WahneH exiting the same stretch:

After a massive burger at Elandsbay, we took the railway service road to Velddrif, dodging a Police Road block on the one of the crossings over the tar road. Seems they were more interested in drunk drivers, so we exited in a roar of dust into the next service road marked with a HUGE "NO ENTRY" sign. Oh well, they'll have to chase us then, I thought, and did that stretch at 145km/h (According to the GPS log  ;D).

At Veldrif we refueled. We were all tired. We had done 350km so far off-road. So we stuck to the tar all the way home.


We had a nasty wind from the right, which had your neck tired in 20 minutes, and than I just stuck behind XT and watched the distance tick down on the GPS. ETA was 16:15 at Doodles, we arrived at 16:25, and had a last beer.

Was a good ride... Thanks XT and Wahne for having me along. ;D

No finer way to spend a day in the saddle.  :thumright:
We had everything... Fast open dirt roads; tricky sandy washouts; clench-your-butt-checks unexpected jumps (we all got some lekker air-time on the trail into Darling); and discovered everything is soooo much bigger up the West Coast (flip, those burgers were HUGE). The only downer... Shite, I think I left my butt in Velddrift.  :pottytrain2:

(Bundo Bash) XT660R & (Speeding Bullet) Camelman, a real pleasure sharing the trail. And thanx for the great pics and RR.

P.S. Happy Easter to you all  :albino:
nice trip, I Originally come from a small town called Riebeek west, just other side of Malmesbury. There are some lovely SARS roads and more technical stuff out that side too,

Now living in Blouberg and i occasionally get lost in the bushes, with knobblies and no GPS :p

Looks like a great ride, sorry that I couldn't join, but we will have to do it again. Andy, did you guys manage to get up to that aerial mast that we saw last weekend?? Alex, I think there is a law against "skinny dipping" in the wild if there are no women involved ;D ;D
Hey Giraffe! Had my jocks on, so it doesn't really qualify as a skinny!
That was some extended tough riding.

I really liked the Kapteinskloof road; a nice way to avoid the N7 when coming from the Cederberg etc. if you have the time.

Where is that drift across the Berg? I thought the bridge I showed was the last before Veldrif.  Is yours upstream or downstream from the one I showed?
Hi Tok-tokkie !
Yes the river crossing is more inland.Camelman has it on his GPS. I`ll ask him to post it.
Although I did this trip a year ago , it was not as nearly as  tiring as this trip.TOO much sand on the roads.
Kapteinskloof road needs a lot more exploring.On google there are a lot of unexplained monuments or buildings ontop of the peaks and hills.Will have to go back and check them out.Perhaps we should go to Kapteinskloof lodge/hotel for the night and then explore some more,what do u think ?
And I really enjoyed your ride report.I just dont have the carisma that you have in writting reports.So I make them short and sweet and hopefully the pics tell it all.,18.489861&spn=0.008841,0.014462&t=h&z=16
For the road over the Great Berg River:

Take the R45 out of Hopefield.
Turn right 1.1km out of Hopefield.
Turn right 6.7km from Turn-off.
Follow road through two farm gates to R399.


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Eish I like the sand & water. I'd have also gone for a dip, not sure if I would of waited to get undressed?!? Just jump in!!
Nice!! Let me get a new back tyre on the TTR and I'll come wif the next time!

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