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Pack Dog
Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
Honda XL650V Transalp
I wanted to register as Jan but the â??administratorâ? told me I was already registered. (Wow, just think, 2 of them, one in the kitchen and at work and me on a bike). A long time lurker registering time was now and not to be put off any longer. (I want to join Blazes on Saturday ;)) The first name came up as JaBa (no, not the Hutt) which is a combination of Jan and Barbara (no, not Streisand) my wife. She had an enormous say in me/us buying the bike and deserve some acknowledgement. A bit of history:

20 years ago I was in a serious motorcycle accident, lost a friend and while in hospital lost my bike (I was pillion on friendâ??s bike, mother sold mine and brought deposit slip to hospital as evidence). This drama did put everybody of any form of bike. Barbara was part of a huge group of friends and we became involved... ;D
Recently, while visiting the menâ??s pharmacy, I entered into a competition and won myself a Raptor 660 (Thank you Wellington, can you imagine, it was drinks 20years ago that took it away and now giving it back). The family wasnâ??t impressed. Took the Rap out a few times (De Wildt, Rino Park and to Tjimaka (translation: â??Place were the soul can restâ?, or something like that). It was at the last one where preparations began:
â??Come Barbara, hop onâ?
�Wow, that was lekke, can I drive to?�
8)â??Sure, let me show youâ?¦..â?
A few magazines during the coming months as well as perfectly prepared and timed conversationsâ?¦ the plot were thickening and even tested. After a topple at De Wildt resulting in a week with crutches the mood was still a okay for a 2 wheeler. (Had to promise to get decent knee braces though).
And then a major breakthrough! Got hold of a demo Transalp for a week. Took lovie out on a trip to Cullinan and north-eastern gravel. Man was she impressed it being her first bike outing.

Money as usual was tight but thanks to additions to the house a budget was set and a bond registered. During preparations the swimming pool had to be filled but a new one were included in the budget
Kids were devastated at loosing the pool but quiet in anticipation to the new one. If only they knew that the cost for a pool and the cost of a very well priced Transalp be so close  :'(â?¦..  :).
â??Barbara, I bought a bikeâ?.
â??Genuine  :D where is it?â?
â??When did you arrange finance?â?
â??Nooo.., swimming poolâ? >:D
â??F@#$, youâ??re gonna have to explainâ?
The kids are devastated again without future prospects. No worry, Iâ??ll organize something, maybe the laundry room can wait or the second bathroom orâ?¦.Shit, this is not looking good! Luckily the alp is blue and I might just settle this by convincing everybody that a creepy crawly can be used to clean the bike and will definitely be the first step towards a swimming poolâ?¦..reckon? nah!!
Well that is me and my recent bike history in short. Hope the following photos wil download as Iâ??m very IT disabled:

1st photy: Tople at DeWildt. Wonder whose TRX might that be at the back? Plotte se Honne? Thanks anyway for first asking if Iâ??m OK and then removing my hand from underneath the handlebars before taking the photy.
2nd Photy: Pool before.
3rd photy: Pool after.
4th photy: One of the kids on a recent outing.
5th photy: The Alp on the Gauteng Bash. I wasnâ??t registered then and participated as a guest. According to Welsh Iâ??m therefore not allowed to have made any comments on this forum concerning that trip. I wander why? We were getting along nice as neighbours! :-X


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