Atlantis has a younger sister

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Race Dog
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
I am amazed at how easy it is to loose stuff these days, we all know you do not leave any valuable stuff like cellphones or GPS's in your car unattended, but when things just seem to disappear of the Internet you are wondering to what levels crime is soring at the moment.

For those of you who are wondering what I am babbling about, it started with a last minute decision taken while on route to go explore Elgin and Grabou area. I wanted to go check out the beach at Macassar. I took my daughter there a while back so she could play on the beach. It is the only place I know of where it seems to be allowed to drive out on the beach and we drove almost to the far end of the beach where we stopped and spend some time having a picnic.
This time it was just me and a friend on the bikes and the idea to drive down this beach seem to be a good short adventure.
The obvious thing would be that if there was a sign up that tells us we are not allowed to go on the beach we would have carried on with our trip not breaking a sweat about it. I was almost expecting it to be closed by now as is normally the case with most interesting little hidden corners. Everything is just disappearing behind locked gates and guarded booms where you are not allow through.

Although I will refrain to publish the video and images from our previous post I would like to elaborate on a subject that just seem to be much to handle for some.

Please bear with me as something else needs my attention right now but I will post here amyelaborate view of what followed on our publishing of meterial on this ride.
He’s been arrested for his exploits and tossed in jail and his bike has been confiscated as being the tool of his crime :pot:
Keen to hear the story, Saw a HPN R80GS and a KLR riding past me on Macassar beach Sunday 5 July.
Looks like nice place to ride if its legal.
Pullaway said:
Keen to hear the story, Saw a HPN R80GS and a KLR riding past me on Macassar beach Sunday 5 July.
Looks like nice place to ride if its legal.

its not entirely legal. Plastics and quads stuff up the dunes just over the back.

ive been there a couple of times, pretty awesome... even went over to the otherside and road all the way to the Strand Fence.

If you get caught or see the blue lights... get away fast.

The beach if full of fishermen and their 4x4's ... be carefull not to get caught in the fishing line.

Stev0 said:
its not entirely legal. Plastics and quads stuff up the dunes just over the back.

Not entirely illegal...and the back is a mine, be prepared for some air.
Sorry for the long wait but I had to review slightly what I was going to say, spilling my guts on this thread!!
1st I was a bit stunned that the moderators would be so weak in the knee to remove content so fast if it points in the direction of a contentious issue especially if it looked like it could lead other dogs astray....I have been wrong though, the previous thread with this title was removed for review only and the moderators decided that they did not entirely disagree with the way the content was presented and were prepared to but it all back up, yeah!!!, only problem was that some of you guys scared the bejesus out of poor Michiel who in the meanwhile removed all content from the net to make sure he wipes out all the evidence because the last thing he was expecting was to get arrested for publishing a few nice images and footage of what he thought was a very short and interesting little ride and that he burned to share with the rest of the dogs.
Now I have to plead guilty, not for the events that took place because I was just as surprised to found out what we were doing was illegal when everyone else seem to be having a good time at this place, guilty of course publishing the event on the web on a public forum and not making it clear to poor Michiel what the possible outcome could be. I vaguely remember thinking that we should maybe block out the number plates when Michiel suggested to publish a RR on the Wild Dogs Forum but thought to myself that I do not need to run away from anything especially not from playing in the sand with my bike on a godforsaken beach other side of Maccasar.
When laws like the one we were braking here are forced down on people like they are a bunch of 12 year olds it always tend to rub me the wrong way and don't get me wrong, I more than most understand the importance of preservation.
But what is there to preserve if not human dignity? When peoples rights are taken away without any consideration nothing is preserved, but more than only beaches are being trampled.
It strikes me as being so ridiculous that a small group of self elected fools with only their own best interest can cough up ridiculous laws for the rest of us to abide by when most of them can't even keep their own ministries in check, but what is most hilarious is that nothing is done to stop our unquenching hunger to consume cheap and unnecessary goods and services, raping this earth of its resources at an astounding rate.
We are free to drive as much as we like and burn up as much petrol as we can afford doing far more irreversible harm to the beaches and nature, when a 4x4 only leaves tracks that are gone tomorrow, swept away by the tides and the South Easter.
We need to do much more than stop riding on beaches, we need to stop riding period, we need to stop consuming. This mean we need get the dreams of that 990R out of our head!!!!

BUT for as long as capitalism is allowed to be prolific and KTM is allowed to build 990's, some of them will find their way on some beach and their is nothing anyone can do about that.
We want the good life, we will get it, but in the end we will have to pay the price but most terrible, our children will also pay the price on something they had no choice over.

I am sorry if it sound like I am a party-pooper but this is about much more than just driving on a beach which turned out to be illegal, If you want to give yourself the right to point a finger ask yourself the following;
- do I ride a motorcycle for fun?
- do I buy my food at a supermarket chain store?
- do I own the latest model cellphone?
- do I watch Hollywood blockbuster films?
- do I demand branded imported products?
- do I recycle?
This is a short list of only a few of the things we take for granted and are guilty of from time to time but if  you are really concerned for the beaches here is what you need to do; - settle in a small socialist or communist based community where you will be jointly responsible for the production of your own food and most basic life essentials making use of resources and products grown, mined or collected from the area around the community. Produce, like responsibilities will be shared by community members and the community at large will refrain from exploitation of recourses or any of it's members. All will be equal and everyone is responsible for his own personal needs (cleaning your own toilet etc.) as well as that of the community as a whole.
All this will mean that you will live, work and play in an area small enough for you never to need to travel by car, implements will be simple and mostly require manual application but with modern materials and engineering these implements will evolve to require the lightest of effort to handle....If this kind of lifestyle does not sound suitable for your current status then stop worrying about the beach and the fynbos because in the near future there won't be much left and you will be forced to go live like a cave man.

The big crater behind the dunes is a testimony of how our need for large concrete houses are undermining our best efforts of conservation and preservation.

Michiel comon publish those shots of yours over here again, not because I want to say its okay to go ride in places it is not allowed to but because its not okay to discriminate and point fingers when in fact we are all busy braking the laws of nature; what you sow you will reap!

We live in a over regulated society, have an unquenchable thirst for luxury goods and and in reality
nobody cares for anything except themselves. I see it in the d**s driving the 4x4 jumping a pavement
and shooting a cross the grass, the idiot racing around in town on his pocket rocket, the man that throws his
cigarette butt out the window, taxi cutting infront..... even the guy in the mirror.

We are all guilty......  but who is prepared to give....??

Security...... makes the world go round, you'll sell your soul for it, give up all your daylight hours, save
all your money, give up your dreams...... and the best of all it doesn't even exit. The biggest hoax of the modern world.

Fear is the tool........

Maybe off the topic...not sure, but I agree, the world is getting smaller and smaller, more fences, gates and no trespassing signs...... more service stations, shopping malls and electronic goods.

Remember Remember the 5th of November, the gun powder treason and plot, I know of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot....... governments should be afraid of their people..... not the other way around.

How you say....... hijack off

I am not familiar with the report Michiel did, you should not be to concerned as there will always be people who drag you down when you are successful or having to much fun.

One should also not be to concerned about the poor self elected fools with their ridiculous laws.  Rather use use your own discression in cases like these. This particular beach cannot be a to sensitive area, as it is used by fisherman and other vehicles (not all of them particularly enviorimentally concious). The beach is also strewn with building rubble, medical waste, plastic, glass an whatever the fisherman leaves behind. This supposed to be reserve also have its own sewage plant as well as a sand mine and some people living there with cattle and dogs.

The law makers also didn't seem to inform the officials monitoring this area about al their laws. The previous time I went there I was stopped at a roadblock in macassar road. I enquired if I were still allowed on the beach (previous time was 25 year ago on my XL185). The policeman answered:"as long as you have a 4X4". This time around there was some official vehicle on the beach who didn't seem to bothered about the vehicles on the beach. One of the local fisherman also informed me they do fine you R2500 if you park you vehicle on the sea side of your tracks. (Quite confusing or not)

And remember, walls are there to climb over, and laws to break.
I think any issues with riding on beach areas would pertain to the making of new tracks whilst tearing up the fynbos. I guess if one sticks to original tracks & stay away from nests then its ok :) Furthermore if the fynbos is going to be destroyed anyway is that cause not to care?
Please post the RR :)
In this particular area, the riding occurs between Port Jackson bushes...the only fynbos is towards Wolfsgat (where nobody rides)

Be warned, try and approach the area from the Kramats side..close to the Sewerage works, and if you could smell the sewerage works, stay away.
The only mistake here was some d&%s publishing his antics...the d%$ part is not the problem, it is the publishing.

I have some awesome dirtbike loops out that side of the world...all hidden and all safe. Why...cause I do not share them on a public forum!!! I introduce people to them when they are worthy, same way I was introduced.

A note to those wishing to go ride on the Macassar as afraid of some of the fisherman as of the law enforcement patrolling the area. Last time my mate had a pencil flare stuck in his face by a fisherman and was chase by three different lawenforcement vehicles.

Not even to talk about all the "bergies" running around and the grenade that was found there a few months ago.

Only cowboys ride their horses in the Wild West!! 