Atlantis has a younger sister

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Stroke Her said:
The only mistake here was some d&%s publishing his antics...the d%$ part is not the problem, it is the publishing.

I have some awesome dirtbike loops out that side of the world...all hidden and all safe. Why...cause I do not share them on a public forum!!! I introduce people to them when they are worthy, same way I was introduced.

A note to those wishing to go ride on the Macassar as afraid of some of the fisherman as of the law enforcement patrolling the area. Last time my mate had a pencil flare stuck in his face by a fisherman and was chase by three different lawenforcement vehicles.

Not even to talk about all the "bergies" running around and the grenade that was found there a few months ago.

Only cowboys ride their horses in the Wild West!! 

Yeah, they call me Jesse James.
Ok, here we go again...  :peepwall:

I guess I should admit to not thinking the whole thing through right at the start before I published my RR.
My only desire was to share, as I had done so many times in the past, the joy of riding my bike with the rest of my fellow Dogs.
Altus and I went through some considerable trouble in documenting the ride so we can share it. If I ever thought I did something
that could incriminate me I would never have made the video nor publish it. If that beach is indeed off limits then I regret waving
a carrot in front of your noses. I do not wish to encourage criminal behavior. Is it possible for you to enjoy a ride report without being
tempted to follow the act? I think I will find it hard.

Then there is of course the point Altus made so clearly. Not riding on that 1km stretch of beach will not save the world. Killing consumerism will.

Going on some adventure ride and discovering a new area with interesting landscapes is always very exiting. Altus and I were actually
on our way to search for some 4x4 Adventure Farm Tracks to pay and practise rock rides in preparation for a tour that we're planning.
Passing nearby Macassar on the N2 we decided to have a quick look at the area. Altus has been here before some years ago. From the parking lot by the beach
one could clearly see a grated (geskraapte) track leading on to the beach. Tracks ran along the beach, a 1.5ton bakkie following us and in the distance a couple
of 4x4's and a UNO were parked on the beach. Yea, an UNO.

Seeing the tracks I reconed no harm will be done if we also scoot along and have a look. As anyone that has been in sandy tracks on a bike can tell you it's
much easier to ride alongside than to try and stay in the track and as you can imagine we ended up riding on the harder stuff.







I always dreamt of riding my bike on the beach but after a while my instinct summoned me to stop by the fishermen,
make contact and just ask to be sure. The word was that we should not go on the hard stuff closer to the water and
obviously stay out of the vegetation. From here we explored the, still active, quarry behind the beach. We accessed
the quarry via the beach but stayed on existing tracks and didn't tear up anything green.




Here is the video. Although the music is a bit ravy we are rather more of a classical act. Mozart's Symphony no 40
might have been a better choice.  :D

Absoluut bedonnerde pics & movie clip - moerse dankie en hou op om so apologeties te klink - julle het mos nie geweet nie :mwink:
hondsekierie said:
Absoluut bedonnerde pics & movie clip - moerse dankie en hou op om so apologeties te klink - julle het mos nie geweet nie :mwink:

Ek ook nie, het ook nie fotos nie.

Lekker ride Michiel :ricky:
Oh, Michiel You ruffian!

No seriously, I stand by my previous post on this subject which got lost into cyberspace. I absolutely salute the efforts of the people who want to preserve a pristine piece of coastland. We spent many days there in the 80's, I know the place all to well.

But.....      one does not have to look any further than that picture of the "Community Centre" with the broken green & blue roofsheets to realise that it is not managed well. When that development took place we thought, OK, the community will appreciate what they've got. Let them do their thing. (with our tax money).

Before that was built there was a tiny cafe on the corner as you hit the beach.  Now there is nothing.

So my point stands. If we take a ride out there, small group, once a year, and stick to existing routes I see nothing wrong with it.

At least we appreciate it.

And faark the authorities. It wasn't us that raped the adjoining land.

Stroke Her said:
The only mistake here was some d&%s publishing his antics...the d%$ part is not the problem, it is the publishing.

I have some awesome dirtbike loops out that side of the world...all hidden and all safe. Why...cause I do not share them on a public forum!!! I introduce people to them when they are worthy, same way I was introduced.

A note to those wishing to go ride on the Macassar as afraid of some of the fisherman as of the law enforcement patrolling the area. Last time my mate had a pencil flare stuck in his face by a fisherman and was chase by three different lawenforcement vehicles.

Not even to talk about all the "bergies" running around and the grenade that was found there a few months ago.

Only cowboys ride their horses in the Wild West!!  

Howdy pardner....saddle up. (Respect for your rain riding on Sunday)

I posted last night, before the RR was published, but it seemed that the message got last in Cyberspace.

I concur with Stroke Her (and stop calling people  d&%se, p03s   :D)

Access to the area (legitimate vs illegal) is gray, and riders are tolerated because of the small numbers. There <b>is</b> "no riding" signs all over the place, due to the mining activities and the possibility of live armaments under the sand (was a shooting range), not conservation.
A lot of riders riding there are associated with the mine, and we meet up with their sympathetic (to riding) security from time to time.

This status quo has been maintained for years, but will change if a) the number of riders, b) which is unfamiliar with the secret handshake and unwritten code of conduct, descent on the place, and the result will be an outright ban.

Most of the guys riding there, incl. me and Stroke Her, was introduced by somebody familiar with the is not an elitist thing, more a protection thing. Stroke Her has taken more people there than anybody else that I know of, so his concern is not selfish (he actually shares) but quite valid.

The current arrangement will be threatened by the willy nilly publishing of an RR  in area, on a public forum.

Michiel, I have full sympathy with you publishing ride reports, and have myself enjoyed your Lesotho, Atlantis etc RR's (RR's being one of the reasons I joined the forum, but to quote you: "I regret waving a carrot in front of your noses. I do not wish to encourage criminal behavior. Is it possible for you to enjoy a ride report without being
tempted to follow the act? I think I will find it hard.

Then why   ??? If you profess your desire to share, why not acquaint yourself with the detail of the area, lest your sharing can result in closure, like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Speaking to the guys in our area (Stellenbosch/ Strand, Somerset West) who consider the area their backyard, they are appalled by the reports possible repercussions.  

Maybe a good rule of thumb is that if it is free, or to good to be circumspect regarding sharing it somewhere as public as the forum, rather share it in a more discrete manner.

Sprocketbek said:
Oh, Michiel You ruffian!

No seriously, I stand by my previous post on this subject which got lost into cyberspace. I absolutely salute the efforts of the people who want to preserve a pristine piece of coastland. We spent many days there in the 80's, I know the place all to well.

But.....       one does not have to look any further than that picture of the "Community Centre" with the broken green & blue roofsheets to realise that it is not managed well. When that development took place we thought, OK, the community will appreciate what they've got. Let them do their thing. (with our tax money).

Before that was built there was a tiny cafe on the corner as you hit the beach.  Now there is nothing.

So my point stands. If we take a ride out there, small group, once a year, and stick to existing routes I see nothing wrong with it.

At least we appreciate it.

And faark the authorities. It wasn't us that raped the adjoining land.


Ek like die way hoe jy dink...

Maccassar is awesome...
Ek dink julle mis die punt. :peepwall:

Net soos ons hou van bikery,  is daar mense wat hengel vir hul plesier.  Natuurbewaring het alreeds die spesifieke spot toegemaak vir hengelaars,  want ander mense fok rond.  Natuurbewaring se punt is: as hulle nie kan patroleer nie,  maak hulle dit toe. 

Die punt is dat ons die hengelaars se reg tot die beach ontneem.  Daar is ander beaches waar daar nie gehengel word nie.

Gaan ry daar     

GROTTO baai in my opinie is 'n baie meer befokte beach  :pot:

Ball and Chain said:
Ek dink julle mis die punt. :peepwall:

Net soos ons hou van bikery,  is daar mense wat hengel vir hul plesier.  Natuurbewaring het alreeds die spesifieke spot toegemaak vir hengelaars,  want ander mense fok rond.  Natuurbewaring se punt is: as hulle nie kan patroleer nie,  maak hulle dit toe.  

Die punt is dat ons die hengelaars se reg tot die beach ontneem.  Daar is ander beaches waar daar nie gehengel word nie.

Gaan ry daar      

GROTTO baai in my opinie is 'n baie meer befokte beach  :pot:

Wys my hoe mens daar inkom!

Hierdie gaan nie oor Maccasar strand nie maar die mannier waarop ons gereguleer word soos n klomp battery hoeners.
Vanoggend kry ek n oproep van die bank oor n klein bedrag Euros wat van n Italiaanse klient kom, 173Euro to be exact. Voor die bank die geld in my rekening kan betaal moet ek uitvoer nommers en Customs code met invoice nommers stuur!!!!WTF nuwe regulasie van 1 Julie. Oor 18 maande moet jou cell-foon gerigstreer wees, soortgelyk aan FICA, of hy word afgesny.
As ek parte will invoer en vooruit betaal dan moet die oorseese maatskappy invoice aandui in verstaanbarfe taal wat se goedere ek invoer en dit moet aandui op die invoice dat die geld eers betaal moet word voor die goedere verskeep kan word. Regulasies, regulasies, en op ou end hardloop ek rond en gee al my tyd prys sodat die regering my kan reguleer maar moet nie vergeet om darem ook so paar minute van jou dag af te staan om darem iets te doen waarvoor jy betaal kan word nie.
Daar is een instansie erger as die regering en dit is natuurbewaaring. Vir hierdie ouens is ons(alle mense en veral ouens op bikes) die enemy en as hulle ons in stede opgesluit kon hou en niemand in die natuur toelaat nie sal dit hierdie organisasie se beheer ongelooflik bly maak.

Hoekom moet julle ouens dit secret hou om n permanent ban te verhoed? Ek weet dit maak dinge meer exiting as jy weg kom met iets wat jy nie veronderstel is om te doen nie maar so een of twee keer is goed, die res van die tyd will jy eerder graag jou self kan geniet sonder worries.
As daardie duine prysgegee moet word vir ontwikkeling sal dit gebeur "in the blink of an eye". Waarom is dit nie moontlik om seker pleke prys te gee waar mense kan uitkom uit die stad en van die werk stress kan ontslea raak. Ek voel al somtyds dat ek alle lewenskostes wil verhaal van my inkomste en ook sommer BTW daarop terug eis want dit is asof alles wat ek doen net daar is sodat ek kan werk om rekeninge en belastings te betaal.

Dustdevil said:

Hierdie gaan nie oor Maccasar strand nie maar die mannier waarop ons gereguleer word soos n klomp battery hoeners.
Daar is een instansie erger as die regering en dit is natuurbewaaring. Vir hierdie ouens is ons(alle mense en veral ouens op bikes) die enemy en as hulle ons in stede opgesluit kon hou en niemand in die natuur toelaat nie sal dit hierdie organisasie se beheer ongelooflik bly maak.

Hoekom moet julle ouens dit secret hou om n permanent ban te verhoed? Ek weet dit maak dinge meer exiting as jy weg kom met iets wat jy nie veronderstel is om te doen nie maar so een of twee keer is goed, die res van die tyd will jy eerder graag jou self kan geniet sonder worries.
As daardie duine prysgegee moet word vir ontwikkeling sal dit gebeur "in the blink of an eye". Waarom is dit nie moontlik om seker pleke prys te gee waar mense kan uitkom uit die stad en van die werk stress kan ontslea raak. Ek voel al somtyds dat ek alle lewenskostes wil verhaal van my inkomste en ook sommer BTW daarop terug eis want dit is asof alles wat ek doen net daar is sodat ek kan werk om rekeninge en belastings te betaal.

Ek stem saam dat ons oor-gereguleer word - ek gaan nou switch na die rooi taal toe sodat ons anderse lesers ook kan by bly,

Your post is full of misconceptions. Just who is this Nature Conservation you have a problem with? Is it the Municipal conservation authority? Cape Nature? National Parks? Private conservationists? They are all diferent entities and have NOTHING in common except the word 'conservation'.

Of these only the Minicipal conservation authority is a government institution.
Out country signed a international treaty a while back that commits us to return 20% of our land to a natural state. We have not even achieved a third of that percentage. I'm sorry, I digress

I would also like to take a spin on the beach once or twice a year. Pretty soon my neighbour will as well. After that every tom dick and harry will have their fun too and before you know it there are 50bikes on the beach every single day of the year. I do not exaggerate. Remember the scourge of drunken beach buggy owners tearing up the sands in the eighties? Fark me! Never again please
The beaches were off limits for everyone a while ago and these fishermen petitioned the local municpality to allow them back on. You as a motorcycle rider did nothing to get their beach back but you feel you have equal acces rights to it. I don't agree.

It's lekker to be a rebel but when your actions are selfish and destructive then you are no longer Robin Hood but rather a regular old criminal.

But before we are bad friends let me repeat my opinion that you okes stumbled into this accidentally and made the most of an opportunity. Great! But now that you know you are not allowed on that beach you should accept it and not get into a huff.
If you want a beach to ride on then I suggest you go through the proper channels.

P.S. Your theory that concervationists want to lock us up in cities is crazy talk ;D
Dustdevil said:

Hierdie gaan nie oor Maccasar strand nie maar die mannier waarop ons gereguleer word soos n klomp battery hoeners.

Hoekom moet julle ouens dit secret hou om n permanent ban te verhoed?


I also object to being regulated like a battery chicken, but I will hesitate to compromise an opportunity enjoyed by many for the purpose of an objection, aimed at whom?

Like I said in my initial response...not to keep it secret, but at least be protective about it...self governing if you want, because if we do not, the powers to be will consider doing it for us, not only regulating us like chicken, but in the words of Ball and Chain: " Natuurbewaring se punt is: as hulle nie kan patroleer nie,  maak hulle dit toe. "