Awesome Emergency Medical Evacuation

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Grey Hound
Staff member
Global Moderator
Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hilton KZN
Boss Hoss (all models)
This weekend we did our annual Bundu Bash outride, leaving from Southgate Spar in Pmb and overnighting at a private hunting lodge near Ncazuka, which is about 30km inland from Umzinto on the Kzn South Coast.

Was quite a sight, 37 dirt bikes, ranging in size from 125 to a few 650's and rider's ages from about 12 to 60, heading through the suburbs of Pmb and off into the bush. Anyway, was an awesome route, through farms, old forrestry trails and some nice tech bits where we re-fueled at Mid llovo. From there down into the Umkomaas Valley, the pace as fast or slow as you wanted it to be.

Unfortunately one of the guys, Adrian, binned it on an off camber bend coming down a hill just before Kwalembe bridge which crosses the umkomaas. Adrian was in huge pain, having snapped his tibia and fibula clean through.

We made him as comfortable as possible, next to the road, gave him pain killers and splented his leg with two sticks and duct tape, leaving his boot on. We then got him onto the back of a local's bakkie and moved him to an open field a few hundred meters down the road.

By this time someone had already phoned Adrian's wife who had phoned Discovery to ask them to send assistance. We gave her our GPS co-ords to pass on to the medics.

About an hour later we hear a chopper overhead, coming in low, it circled the field once and without any fuss, landed next to us on the field. Two medics immediately jumped out, replaced our splint with their own and gave Adrian a shot of morphine, and within a few minutes we had him securely strapped into the helicopter and they were gone, destination Entabeni Hospital, which the pilot told me would take no more than 15 to 20 minutes.

What he also told me was that Discovery would be billed for the cost of the flight, but if Adrian had no medical aid, the whole evacuation would be completely free, courtesy of the Dept of Health. Awesome to receive outstanding service amidst all the doom and gloom and general negativity going around.

Chirp of the day, after loading Adrian into the chopper, an old toothless half pissed local, sticks his head into the doorway to get a look what's going on. One of the guys says: "Adrian your doctor's arrived, he's from Nigeria, but he's very experienced", even Adrian had to chuckle at that one.

After that we left on our ride, got to our destination about 3 hours later, no more incidents, great ride and awesome weekend.